Thursday, July 31, 2008

WOD August 1, 2008

For time:

800 m run

50 walking lunges

800 m run

25 walking lunges

800 m run

Hey- be thankful it's not a 15K.

Wish Michael luck- he fights at the convention center this Sunday. He's going to tell me what time he goes after the weigh-ins tomorrow; I'll post it so everyone can go support him!

Wish Jason luck- he's going to the Crossfit Level 1 Cert this weekend!

And...big news for Tustin...Starting Thursday August 7 we will have daytime Crossfit!!! Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday at 11!

Check out Aaron- Crossfit is both addicting and exhausting, huh?

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

WOD July 31, 2008


3 rounds for time:

400 m run

21 1 1/2 pood kettlebell swing (55 lb dumbbell swing)

12 pullups

Wanna do jumpers? Fine. The ratio is 3:1, which means 36 jumpers for every one kipping pullup. Remember not to jump straight up and down, but instead swing inbetween to help you learn the kipping movement and timing. Don't worry, we'll show ya!
Welcome back "little" Steven, who wastes no time giving everyone a run for their money! Nice moves yesterday- looking forward to seeing you :)

Check out these ladies- exhausted but happy! More satisfied customers!

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

WOD July 30, 2008

Which of you little maniacs requested box jumps...

For time:

20 box jumps

2 Situps

18 box jumps

4 situps

16 box jumps

6 situps

14 box jumps

8 situps

12 box jumps

10 situps

10 box jumps

12 situps

8 box jumps

14 situps

6 box jumps

16 situps

4 box jumps

18 situps

2 box jumps

20 situps

Monday, July 28, 2008

WOD JULY 29, 2008



Go heavy or go home! Ideally, your heaviest set will be the 4th set. Rest inbetween each set to recover, maybe do some situps or some skill work, or if you're sharing a bar, cheer on your partner.

Morning classes have been added on Wednesdays at 9 and 11.

Hey, Lily, no snuggling the equipment!

Sunday, July 27, 2008

WOD July 28, 2008


5 Pullups

10 Pushups

15 Squats

As many rounds as possible in 20 minutes.

DO THE PUSHUPS AS PRESCRIBED, unless you are completely unable to. And I do mean *completely.* Nobody cares if you can complete 93 rounds in 20 minutes as long as your pushups are on your knees. If you are unable to do pushups on your toes (and again, I mean unable, not unwilling) that is a different story. In either case, your chest should touch in order for the rep to count. Pullups, on the other hand, can be done as rx'd, as jumpers, or with the rubber band. If you are doing them as jumpers, the ratio is 3:1 (3 jumpers for every rx'd pullup).

Been over to Cherry for a workout yet? Come on by!

Friday, July 25, 2008

Lifting Seminar July 26!!

Alright Crossfitters- our first lifing seminar will be this Saturday at 10 am. You'll learn proper Crossfit form for Deadlifts, Sumo Deadlift High Pull, Shoulder Press, Overhead Squat...the list goes on. It should be about one hour in length. Even if you have been doing Crossfit on your own or have a background in weight lifting, attendance is still important; we can ALL improve our form- there is always something to learn. Make sure you have athletic shoes (flat-soled sneakers, like Chuck Taylors, are ideal for weight lifting) and water.

Been to see the Tustin school yet? Check it out. You've got competition...

Thursday, July 24, 2008

WOD July 25, 2008




Thrusters (75#M; 55#W)

Yes, this workout is named after Luis, a student from Long Beach who always gives his 100%. Luis takes a class, runs uphill several blocks to get to the Crossfit facility, takes Crossfit, and has been known to go back and take another class. This workout is a tough one, yes, but it definitely reflects his all-out approach to training. He always keeps a positive attitude, no matter what! Way to go Luis!

Don't forget the Lifting Seminar tomorrow 10 am!!!

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

WOD July 24, 2008

"The Power of 2"

As many rounds as you can in 20 minutes:

20 Kettlebell Swings

20 Lunges

20 Pushups

200 m run

Use dumbells instead of kettlebells if you are just learning DCrossfit. Don't forget about the lifting seminar this Saturday at 10- we will review basic Crossfit lifts so we can get you guys going with the weight! Get some! Check out this guy from the Air Naval Gunfire Liasion Company in Iraq...

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

WOD July 23, 2008 **REMEMBER 6 PM ONLY***


Double Unders


Sets of 50-40-30-20-10 for time.

If you can't do double unders, you better learn- the ratio is 4:1 if you're doing singles. That means your jump rope will be 200-160-120-80-40. If you simply cannot do the double unders, spend a little time after your workout working on them!

Remember that there is no 9 am or 11 am class tomorrow; 6 pm only!

Awww...miss the pullups? Don't worry, we're getting pullup bars in really soon!

Monday, July 21, 2008

WOD July 22, 2008


150 Wall Balls for time.

Yep, that's 150. You just practiced a few on Friday, so they should be fresh in your mind. Guys, you WILL squat deep, and you WILL challenge yourselves. If you can do this in 5 minutes and aren't tired, something is WRONG. You help no one by sailing through the workouts in your safe zone.

Get comfortable with uncomfortable. This guy did.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

WOD July 21, 2008

Remember- all Long Beach Crossfit classes will be held at our new Crossfit HQ located at 2687 Cherry Avenue (on the corner of Willow)

For time:

10 Med ball cleans

200 m run

9 med ball cleans

200 m run

8 med ball cleans

200 m run

7 med ball cleans

200 m run

6 med ball cleans

200 m run

5 med ball cleans

200 m run

4 med ball cleans

200 m run

3 med ball cleans

200 m run

2 med ball cleans

200 m run

1 med ball clean

200 m run

Remember kids, you're not curling the ball, you're diving underneath it and landing in a deep squat. Anybody see Fedor this weekend? I wonder if he Crossfits... Looked like a few guys on that card need to...ahem, Matt Lindland...don't tell him I said that, though.

Level 1 Workshop and Test

The Level 1 workshop and test dates have been scheduled!!

Workshops: Wednesday, July 23rd and 30th at 8 pm

Test: Saturday, August 2nd at 1pm

Don't forget, you must take at least one of the two workshops in order to be eligible to test.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

New Crossfit Schedule!

Score! More Crossfit!

The new schedule is as follows:

M,T,Th,F at 9 and 11 am (coached by Jessica)

M,W at 6 pm (coached by Michael)

T, Th at 7 pm (coached by Jenn)

Sat at 10 am (coached by Jessica)

Starting Monday July 21 all Crossfit Classes for our LB location will be at the new Crossfit facility, 2687 Cherry Avenue, just down the street off of Willow.

Crossfit: Come taste the kool-aid.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

WOD July 18, 2008

Yeah Long Beach! Way to lift! Now try this:

3 rounds for time:

400 m run

20 box jumps

20 burpees (yeah burpees! Embrace what you despise.)

20 wall balls

"If it wasn't hard everybody would do it."

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

WOD July 17,2008

Lifting comes to Signal Hill!

30 reps, Clean and Jerk, for time.

M: 155#; W: 100#. Crossfit Games 2008 standard.

Think about it in two pieces; get through your clean, then focus on the Push Jerk. Chunk 'em up & be prepared for a head rush during your rests!

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

July 16, 2008


Or do Krav!

Starting next week, Signal Hill Crossfitters will have their own space, as well as evening classes. The new building is over on Willow & Cherry. Get ready to face the pain.

Monday, July 14, 2008

WOD July 15, 2008


As many of each as you can in 30 minutes:

Knees to elbows

Hollow Rocks

Back Extensions


Ab Mat Situps

The trick is you need to do an equal amount of each. Meaning, 10-10-10-10-10; not 10-5-8-5-2 (or some such thing). This will require some thoughts = chunk it. Start with 10 of each and add accordingly. 30 minutes is a long time. Give those little legs a rest. The world is made up of two kinds of people...those who Crossfit, and those who watch.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

WOD July 14, 2008

Four rounds for time of:

Run 400 meters

50 Squats

Post time to comments. To keep yourself honest with the squats, put a dynamax ball behind you and make contact with it each time you do a squat. To work on your form even more, perform your squats in front of a wall, in order to prevent yourself from losing your form (and pitching forward) when you are tired. Hey, at least we're not yelling in your face and making you hold a gigantic bar, like this poor victim at the Crossfit Games.

Lets remember why training is important

Thursday, July 10, 2008

WOD July 11, 2008


aka "I want my Mommy"

95# Thrusters


21-15-9 reps, for time.

Try to beat Erik, our reigning champ. He has a sub-5 minute Fran (= crossfit stud).

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

WOD July 10, 2008

Run 800 meters for time 4x. Rest as long as you need to between sets, then haul as*. Yummy. Meanwhile, check out Jessica & Andy relaxing after he kicked butt at the workout on Saturday.

Thursday CrossFit @ 9 am Only

On Thursday, July 10th, CrossFit will only be held at 9 am. The 11 am class has been cancelled for the day. Friday's schedule remains at the regular times of 9 and 11 am.

We apologize for the inconvenience.

Monday, July 7, 2008

WOD July 8th, 2008

Perform 500 squats for time.

Make sure you squat deep.
No cheating !

Sunday, July 6, 2008

WOD July 7, 2008

A big thank you to Roger, who was the ONLY Tustin member to do the Saturday workout in Long Beach. What's up with the rest of you pansies? Next time the workout will be in Tustin, so you'll have no excuse. In the meantime, checkout the top 3 male and female finishers in the Crossfit Games, and get to training for next year. Start with today's workout:


Complete the following for time:

20push-ups/1 sit-up

19 push-ups/2 sit-ups

18 push-ups/3 sit-ups

17 push-ups/4 sit-ups

16 push-ups/5 sit-ups

15 push-ups/6 sit-ups

14 push-ups/7 sit-ups

13 push-ups/8 sit-ups

12 push-ups/9 sit-ups

11 push-ups/10 sit-ups

10 push-ups/11 sit-ups

9 push-ups/12 sit-ups

8 push-ups/13 sit-ups

7 push-ups/14 sit-ups

6 push-ups/15 sit-ups

5 push-ups/16 sit-ups

4 push-ups/17 sit-ups

3 push-ups/18 sit-ups

2 push-ups/19 sit-ups

1 push-up/20 sit-ups


Schedule Changes

From time to time, we make changes to our schedule. As of this this week, along with our regularly scheduled Tuesday night class, you'll also be able to attend wrestling class on Thursday nights at 8 pm.

We are also suspending our Sunday morning Ultimate Bag Class, effective immediately. We will be adding two more Ultimate Bag classes very soon, so stay posted.

Thanks to all those who supported the Sunday class.

...and the July 5 WOD was...

50 of each, for time:

Box Jumps
Knees to Chest
Kettlebell Swings
Double Unders (or 200 singles)
Push Press
Wall Balls
400 meter run (1x)

We had a great turnout! People put it all out there, and then got their drink on (a little). It turns out Guinness is good post-workout fuel. Rest up today guys, 'cause tomorrow's almost here. Check out the comments to see your times.

Friday, July 4, 2008

Super WOD July 5th, 2008

Be at the school and ready to workout at 10 AM.
See you there

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Holiday Hours

Remember, we will observe the following schedule over the Fourth of July weekend:

Friday: Closed, both locations
Saturday: 10:00 am special CrossFit workout at the Long Beach location
Sunday: Closed, both locations

Have a happy, safe holiday!

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

WOD July 3rd, 2008

Rest day, WOD and then rest day..... Kelly will prep us for the a 3 day week end.

5 Rounds for Time of:
400 meter run
30 box jump
30 wall ball
Bring water! (And maybe a bucket). Enjoy!

Good job Larry! Where was Adrian?????

Welcome to Level 3!

Congratulations to our new Level 3 Students! David Drukker, Alex Tse, Aaron Decollibus, Robert Hanks and Ryan Bago all preformed exceptionally well on their Level 2 Test last Saturday. The 5 students went through a grueling non-stop 3 hour workout which displayed their proficiency in both Level 1 and Level 2 techniques. All 5 students have now advanced to Level 3 and will begin their advanced Krav Maga training. Keep training! Everybody's goal should be to advance as far as possible in their Krav Maga techniques.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Rest day.... at least from CrossFit ...

4th of July Schedule

We will be closed for the Independence Day weekend Friday, July 4th through Sunday July 7th with the exception of a special CrossFit workout Saturday, July 5th @ 10:00 am, at our Long Beach location.

Hope to see you all Saturday for the CrossFit workout. Have a safe, happy holiday!