Wednesday, July 16, 2008

WOD July 17,2008

Lifting comes to Signal Hill!

30 reps, Clean and Jerk, for time.

M: 155#; W: 100#. Crossfit Games 2008 standard.

Think about it in two pieces; get through your clean, then focus on the Push Jerk. Chunk 'em up & be prepared for a head rush during your rests!


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Sorry. Jason actually lifted 155 lb, (as Rx'd!!!) in 6:13...what a machine!

Krav Maga Tustin said...
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Crossfit 360 said...

9 am
Wondee 6:00 (bar)
Kevin 4:23 (85 lb)
Marissa 5:20 (65 lb)
Mary Lou 5:15 (bar)
Nancy 6:19 (bar)
Stephen 16:42 (95/65 lb)
Jessica 7:49 (65 lb)

11 am
Jason 6:13 (145 lb)
Wayne 7:38 (145 lb)
Larry 3:45 (95 lb)
Dustin 7:13 (65 lb)
Alex 8:42 (95 lb)
Robert 4:41 (95 lb)
Robin 7:09 (95 lb)
Adrian 4:20 (95 lb)
Ricky 4:16 (ball)
Camille 4:15 (65 lb)
Sonia 6:15 (65 lb)

Way to go guys!