Sunday, July 27, 2008

WOD July 28, 2008


5 Pullups

10 Pushups

15 Squats

As many rounds as possible in 20 minutes.

DO THE PUSHUPS AS PRESCRIBED, unless you are completely unable to. And I do mean *completely.* Nobody cares if you can complete 93 rounds in 20 minutes as long as your pushups are on your knees. If you are unable to do pushups on your toes (and again, I mean unable, not unwilling) that is a different story. In either case, your chest should touch in order for the rep to count. Pullups, on the other hand, can be done as rx'd, as jumpers, or with the rubber band. If you are doing them as jumpers, the ratio is 3:1 (3 jumpers for every rx'd pullup).

Been over to Cherry for a workout yet? Come on by!


Anonymous said...

So the morning classes substituted burpees for pullups because the bars weren't welded to the pipe yet--a valient effort nonetheless!

9 am
Wondee 6
Jason M 9
Arthur 8
Kevin 9
Robert 7
Mary Lou 6 1/3
Robin 9
Angie 9
Jennessa 7 1/3 (modified pushups)
Shoshanna 14 (modified pushups)

11 am
Nancy 7 1/3
Wayne 11
Alex 13
Dustin 7

6 pm (with pullups)
Will 8
Angelito 14
Jason H 8
Aaron 18 1/3
Tyler 18 1/3
Lily 10 1/3 (modified pullups)
Mark 7 1/3 (modified pullups)
Ryan 14
Margo 9 1/3 (modified pullups)
Jimmy 12
Patty 10 (modified pullups)
Luis 20!!!
Jessica 10
Jason A 17

Way to go everyone. Keep pushing!!

Erik the Great said...

One of the best overall workouts!

Erik 24

Anonymous said...

mike 17
Greg 20
Roger 11m