Monday, July 14, 2008

WOD July 15, 2008


As many of each as you can in 30 minutes:

Knees to elbows

Hollow Rocks

Back Extensions


Ab Mat Situps

The trick is you need to do an equal amount of each. Meaning, 10-10-10-10-10; not 10-5-8-5-2 (or some such thing). This will require some thoughts = chunk it. Start with 10 of each and add accordingly. 30 minutes is a long time. Give those little legs a rest. The world is made up of two kinds of people...those who Crossfit, and those who watch.


Anonymous said...

Good job everyone!

KE-knees to elbows
KC-knees to chest
KW-knees to waist

Larry 8/10 KE
Ricky 8/10 KW
Robin 4/20 KE
Marissa 5/20 KC--5/10
Adrian 6/10 KC
Wayne 9/10 KE
Shoshanna 12/10 (supine leg lifts)
Nancy 7/10 KC

Anonymous said...

11 am crew. rockin' it. good job!

KE-knees to elbows
KC-knees to chest
KW-knees to waist

Alex 12/10 KE (champion)
Matt R 12/10 KE (champion)
Robert 8/10 KC
Jeannie 9/10 KW
Ernie 5/10 KC
Marylou 4/10 KW
Robert A 8/10 KW

Happy to be back! Have a nice rest day tomorrow...see you bright and early on Thursday!