Monday, February 16, 2009

February 17, 2009

Squat clean 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 reps
This may be the first time doing squat cleans for many of you, so remember: Mechanics, Consistency, then Intensity. Get the form right before going crazy with the weight. Here are some beautiful squat cleans, done each time the girls get to the end of the mat. The girl in the maroon tank with flawless form is Jolie Gentry.
Did you guys like the team workout? Let me know; I'll incorporate more of them!
Carmen asked me about vomiting last night, so I thought I'd wax poetic on it.
First, the upside of vomiting is that we give you a free T-shirt if you puke.
That said, what is it with puking after or during a workout? I have heard many people who don't quite understand Crossfit describe it as "that workout where they try to make you puke." It's not the workout that makes you vomit, it's you. Puking can be caused by a number of things. What you ate, what you drank, what movements were in the workout, your current fitness level....etc. I've heard that nausea is caused by a huge dump of lactic acid in the body, especially with folks who push themselves past their present fitness level. Credit to Freddie C. for this explanation, by the way.
You may never vomit after a workout, or, you may vomit a lot. I'd say if you're falling into the latter category frequently, try to put more distance between your last meal and your workout! This is a personal opinion, but I think people vomit more often when they don't listen to their body (e.g. some people think they must protein load immediately after working out, but if your stomach says no thanks, listen to your body!)
What WOD has made you/almost made you puke? For me, it was Fran. The 10 rounds of 12 burpees/12 pullups one didn't make me puke, but it did make me weep when I got into the car.


Anonymous said...

That video=next shredder!hmm...

Kim Ball said...

I totally wanna do that workout!

Oh, and I've only puked after working out when it's a really challenging one AND when I'm out of practice. Bad combo. Total overload on the nervous system... My new clients get pretty nauseous on a regular basis too. Just not used to the KimBall intensity yet, I guess!

DeeAnna said...

I vote yes for more team workouts. Last nights wod was fun. Sure I almost took a header into the tire and so what if I couldn't feel my legs afterward. It was good times with friends.

Anonymous said...

the workout that i puke on, or even if i don't puke i cry on the inside, is murph!!! murph is a evil mother

Anonymous said...

I liked the team approach, it was fun. My legs were toast afterward!! Yes I have ALMOST puked a few times.

Anonymous said...

I puke when I read the blog. The anticipation is worse than the actual workout.

Anonymous said...

What other things can we do to "win" a shirt? I haven't pukes since i was a kid and had a stomach flu. I broke my finger today. If i come workout with a broken finger can i get a shirt?


MikeV said...

Good job tonight guys!!!!

Alison 85/95/100/105/110/105/100
Jason H 95/145/155/175/185/155/145
Jahn 85/95/105/135x3/145
MikeV 135/155/175/185/135x3

Everybody else worked on form.