I think we need to do something a little bit different. So here's my concoction: In a "Gamblers Choice" class in equestrian showjumping (some of you know that I competed quite a bit as a junior rider) each obstacle is allotted a point value according to its difficulty, and competitors may jump all the obstacles they choose in any order/direction. The highest score amassed within a time limit wins. So I propose Gamblers Choice Crossfit:
10 burpee pullups (10 points)
10 ring dips (10 points)
10 wall balls (14#) (5 points)
Run 400 m (5 points)
10 pushups (3 points)
10 squats (3 points)
10 situps (1 point)
You can do any exercise in any order; the highest score in 20 minutes wins! The highest scorer from each class will win a T-shirt. In theory, you can pick one exercise and do that continuously for 20 minutes. You MUST complete the set in order for it to count (e.g. too bad if you're on the 9th burpee pullup at 19:59). Don't forget to yell to your instructor when you've completed an exercise.
And let me know what you think. Yesterday's lack of comments left me as sad as Eeyore.
Big-up to Aaron who let us use the track for the Matrix workout last night! Thanks!
I heard there will be a representative from gambelers anonymous present for this one...
ok seriously...the word verification is extente, isn't that the late nite infomercial on spike?
LOL. THAT is funny!
My word verification is redgenes, which is what I think happens to your DNA when you eat too many red M&M's.
That WOD actually inspired me to spend ten minutes with my brother working up a strategy for the next day. Of course, I immediately abandoned it after discovering how time consuming burpie pull-ups are, but point is that I actually had a PLAN coming in today. When does that ever happen?
So-did you walk out with a T-shirt, Jim?
I walked out with the promise of a t-shirt, which I earned by the ultra-slim margin of three points.
I would have left a comment yesterday, but my hands were still bleeding from Frellen!(having been softened up by some Matrix pull-up torture, I mean, WOD.) >:-(
So, we can win a tee and yell at the instructors? SWEET! I've got some choice words already planned (thanks for the planning suggestion Jim!) :-)
Good job guys!!!
Jon 130
Carmen 80
Grisselle 99
And the shirt went to Tom with a score of 189!!!!
Burpee pullups and lots of squats seemed to be the way to go. A few wallballs and pushups thrown in for variety. This was a good one Jenn. Best WOD ever! Me and my new t-shirt will be very happy together.
wendy 93
Dave 79
Efren 188
Adriana 112
Diana 100
Kim 184
Alex 295
Lisa 117
Elena 64
Jeremy 222
Angela 108
Jim 298
Al 126
Kyle 124
John 80
Alisson 149
Margo 87
Deeanna 151
Jason H 145
Ken 140
Matt 79
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