5 rounds for time of:
275 pound Deadlift, 5 reps
10 Burpees
Scale as needed, weight wise, of course.
"'Is that it?'"
Not often, but every once in awhile, I hear this at the gym, usually from someone who has just finished working out. Typically they are totally dry, no sweat glistening on their brows or on their arms. Their hair is usually still completely in place. They may have a little chalk on their hands, but probably not; their clothes are usually dry and wrinkle-free.
That is bullshit.
Have you ever heard either Aaron say "is that it?" What about Kim, have those words come out of her mouth? Jose? Mustafa? Jason A.? Mike? Marissa? Sarah? Angie? Jay? Do I need to keep going?
Don't let me hear "is that it?" come out of your mouth. Not unless you've got rips on your hands, sweat in your eyes, and chalk all over your pants. Not unless you've just fallen down from the head rush you got lifting your max weight, or just puked in the trash can.
"Is that it?" means you didn't do the WOD to the fullest extent. You dogged it on the weight, the time, or the number of rounds. You paced yourself, you didn't get uncomfortable. You're telling us more about your workout mentality than you are about the level of difficulty in the programming. "Is that it?" means you've got a lot more juice in you, and to an instructor... it's a challenge, a dare. You say "is that it?"; we hear "I'd really like it if you could make me vomit, faint, or cry." And we're more than happy to oblige.
The next time you think that thought (because I'm quite certain no one will be foolish enough to say it anymore), turn it on yourself. Ask yourself at what point in the workout you slacked off. Could you have lifted 10 more pounds? Or went without that 5 second rest? Or 20 steps of walking? Then, get hard on yourself. Commit to pushing through the desire for those mini-breaks during the next WOD. Drive yourself into continuing up at a fast clip, really get some. And then, come talk to me if you're still thinking "'is that it?'" Because I'll have you do Murph.