Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Yes, guys, let's end the year in style! Be at Cherry at 10 am for the last Shredder of 2008, courtesy of Mike and Jason. I'll miss you guys (and I'm sure you'll miss my encouragement on the bullhorn), but hey- somebody's gotta work. ;) Happy New Year to everyone- have a great time, and be safe!
Doesn't this pic look a little crazy? "It rubs the lotion on its skin or else it gets the hose again!"
Monday, December 29, 2008
December 30, 2008
3 rounds for time of:
KB swings
Pull ups
Knees to Elbows
Double Unders
Continuous work for 5 minutes and then 1 minute rest. Each minute will be spent at each exercise. Count the total number of reps for each round and then add all three rounds to get your score.
This WOD is shamelessly stolen from Crossfit San Diego.
Well, maybe with a little shame...
Don't forget the New Year's Eve shredder at 10 am! Be there or be... at work, like me, or asleep like the people in China at that time.
"I hated every minute of training, but I said, 'Don't quit. Suffer now and live the rest of your life as a champion.'" - Muhammad Ali
Sunday, December 28, 2008
December 29, 2008
As many rounds as possible in 20 minutes:
10 pushups
10 situps
10 squats
This workout is named after my good friend who is deploying on January 5. That reminds me that we've also got to come up with one for Jimmy, which will have to include muscle-ups.
Someone asked me the other day about the method behind WOD madness-- eg., is there any system or pattern to the programming? The answer is YES. Of course! "Matt," for example, is a single modality workout as it involves only gymnastic, or bodyweight, exercises. The other two modalities are cardiovascular and weightlifting. You'll note that during any given week we have some single, some double, and some triple modality days. However, it doesn't have to be a triple modality day for something to kick your butt. "Matt" is single, as I said, but if you do it with some effort and pepper, you will definitely be smoked at the end of 20 minutes! The real Matt, by the way, is not single. ;)
Friday, December 26, 2008
December 27, 2008
Cleans (135# Rx'd)
Ring Dips
Substitute 2:1 negatives for the ring dips (e.g. jump up to lockout and slowly lower yourself down) or 3:1 dips on dip rack or tire. Best choice, however, is definitely the negatives because they are much closer to ring dips than doing more dips on a stable surface.
Also, modify weight as needed, of course ;)
Hey hey- don't forget- UFC tonight! Any thoughts? Preferences? Bets (strictly friendly and theoretical, of course)? I do sincerely hope that Forrest wins, though I recognize that Rashad's standup is pretty darn good. I just don't like the nipple tweaking and showboating. Seriously. I mean, do you see Jason A. tweaking his nipples before he lifts 500#?
Closed- but here's another at-homer :)
Hey guys. Hope everybody who celebrated something at some point this month had (or will have) happy holidays. Here are a few more at home options, brought to you by Steve. And don't forget- we're back in the gym tomorrow at 10 :)
7 rounds:
3 vertical jumps
3 squats
3 broad jumps
Do one air squat and take one breath, (you can breath all you want while you do the squat or squats). Do 2 and take 2 breaths etc... up to 10, and then come back down to one.
This is not technically Crossfit, but it is functional...
Clean the house
(that's personal motivation for me)
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Closed- but here's an at-home workout!
For all of you who have to drink your kool-aid everyday:
"Invisible Fran"
Run 1 mile, lunging for 30 steps every 1 minute.
For the next few days, we'll be posting at-home workouts for you. These were all Steve's creations... so blame him!
Enjoy the rest time if you are taking it, have fun with family and friends, and we'll see you on the 27th! Any questions about the holiday schedule, it's in the upper right hand corner of the blog in green and red writing :)
Check out this picture of Bruce Wayne. Pretty sweet huh?
Monday, December 22, 2008
December 23, 2008
Sunday, December 21, 2008
December 22, 2008
Max rounds in 3 minutes of:
3 med ball cleans (16#)
6 pushups
9 squats
Rest 1 minute. Repeat for a total of 4 cycles.
This workout is definitely a sleeper (sounds easy, but it isn't!). Just ask Mike when you see him next-- he and I both couldn't walk properly for a week after we did this one for the first time! But- hey, we gotta go hard today and tomorrow guys, 'cause then you've got time off til Saturday.
Steve had a great idea- Tuesday night we'll post a few workouts for you die-hards to do at home, if you choose. But, I definitely recommend resting if you need to (we all need a break sometimes!)
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Every time I write that (RMS), I think of my junior high school, Ridgefield Middle School, which is probably presently covered under 3 feet of snow, thanks to that big storm in the Northeast.
To everyone traveling this week, please be safe! Don't forget we're closed at Crossfit from the 24-26, and will run a holiday schedule (see upper right corner of blog) from the 27th through the 2nd.
Hey, hey- now's the time to start planning for those New Year's Resolutions. Don't forget about Eating Ambush! We need 10 people signed up and paid by 1/5 to run it, so get yourself committed and registered. For more info, please visit Kim's and my blog.
If you aren't resting or making up a WOD today, why not work on muscle ups? Your upper body had a break yesterday...
Who is this mystery man with gorgeous form over at Tustin???
Thursday, December 18, 2008
December 19, 2008
Four rounds for time
Run 400 m
50 squats
Yay- it isn't supposed to rain! So you won't be running in it!
Pick. Up. Your. Pushup. Club. T-shirts. Now. Or, I really will start giving them away. If you gave me your size either via email or by writing it on the list at the front, I have a shirt for you...
Check it out-- hot men and a hot truck!
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
December 18, 2008
With a continuously running clock, do one pullup the first minute, two pullups the second minute, three pullups the third minute, and so on until you have reached your maximum.
NO bands. Substitute jumping pullups at a ratio of 3:1. Talk about motivation to learn how to do regular pullups...
Please note the holiday schedule, which will be in effect 12/24-1/1 (regular classes resume on 1/2). It is listed on the website- upper right corner, and posted at the gym.
Congrats to Jason A who shaved almost a full minute off his Fran time!!! 3:38 is his new time (4:23 was his last record). He is a freaking stud.
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
December 17, 2008 &"'Is that it?'"
5 rounds for time of:
275 pound Deadlift, 5 reps
10 Burpees
Scale as needed, weight wise, of course.
"'Is that it?'"
Not often, but every once in awhile, I hear this at the gym, usually from someone who has just finished working out. Typically they are totally dry, no sweat glistening on their brows or on their arms. Their hair is usually still completely in place. They may have a little chalk on their hands, but probably not; their clothes are usually dry and wrinkle-free.
That is bullshit.
Have you ever heard either Aaron say "is that it?" What about Kim, have those words come out of her mouth? Jose? Mustafa? Jason A.? Mike? Marissa? Sarah? Angie? Jay? Do I need to keep going?
Don't let me hear "is that it?" come out of your mouth. Not unless you've got rips on your hands, sweat in your eyes, and chalk all over your pants. Not unless you've just fallen down from the head rush you got lifting your max weight, or just puked in the trash can.
"Is that it?" means you didn't do the WOD to the fullest extent. You dogged it on the weight, the time, or the number of rounds. You paced yourself, you didn't get uncomfortable. You're telling us more about your workout mentality than you are about the level of difficulty in the programming. "Is that it?" means you've got a lot more juice in you, and to an instructor... it's a challenge, a dare. You say "is that it?"; we hear "I'd really like it if you could make me vomit, faint, or cry." And we're more than happy to oblige.
The next time you think that thought (because I'm quite certain no one will be foolish enough to say it anymore), turn it on yourself. Ask yourself at what point in the workout you slacked off. Could you have lifted 10 more pounds? Or went without that 5 second rest? Or 20 steps of walking? Then, get hard on yourself. Commit to pushing through the desire for those mini-breaks during the next WOD. Drive yourself into continuing up at a fast clip, really get some. And then, come talk to me if you're still thinking "'is that it?'" Because I'll have you do Murph.
Monday, December 15, 2008
December 16, 2008
Double Unders
Abmat Situps
Check out the blog later today; I'm going to post the holiday schedule.
And while you're checking stuff out... check out the CFLV warriors! Post-war. Poor Mustafa had all of 3 seconds to catch his breath prior to having to pose for this pic. Also, Kim got attacked by a chalk monkey. Hey, it happens. They're vicious. They lay in wait and pounce on you when you're mid-workout. They particularly like to climb onto your back when you're doing pullups.
Sunday, December 14, 2008
December 15, 2008
An awesome weekend was had by all in Vegas- Brandon brought home another win, while Mike, Steve, and Greg all had good showings. Mike's loss was definitely debatable... You guys are still the BEST Crossfit coaches, and make us all proud! Lots of the crew were hanging around, but only 4 were tough enough for the workout at Crossfit Las Vegas. Kim, John M, Lisa, and Liz all did AWESOME and represented like crazy. It was hard to work out surrounded by shirtless men, but somehow, the girls managed and Mustafa blended right in (tossing his shirt aside prior to getting started). Dollar bills were flying. Pictures to come (as soon as I get emailed some).
CFLV sure put together an awesome WOD, and far be it from me to deny anyone a great ass kicking.
7 rounds for time:
10 SDH (75#M; 55#W)
10 Thrusters (75#M; 55#W)
If you want to bring your Christmas tree in to do the thrusters, that's OK too.
Quote of the Day: Not sure who said it, but one of the T-shirts hanging up at CFLV had a picture of a Doberman and the words "Don't be a Poodle." That about sums it up.
Just a reminder- interested in fixing up your diet... for good? Eating Ambush is your answer. We'll start just in time for those New Year's Resolutions on January 7 at 7 pm. The program, which is a collaboration of myself and Kim Ball, consists of 7 one-hour group sessions, and will address the practical aspect of diet (nutrition) as well as the psychological components of dieting and eating. Email jennifer@crossfit360.com for more info! (Or just to say hi).
Friday, December 12, 2008
December 13, 2008
Rest... or Make up one of the workouts from this week... or do your time trials!! Good luck Mike, Steve, Greg, and Brandon- they are fighting tonight! To everyone training at Crossfit Las Vegas, see yesterday's post for the address, and maybe be there a few minutes before 1 to sign release forms. I am gimp status still :( but I will be there to cheer you on. Of all the things that I do (Crossfit, showjumping, etc.), I actually managed to injure myself sleeping. My neck and shoulder are done. Post desparaging remarks to comments.
Today's quote: "Shake and Bake!" Will Ferrell as Ricky Bobby in Talledega Nights.
Thursday, December 11, 2008
December 12, 2008
3 Rounds for Time:
50 squats
7 Muscle ups
If you can't do muscle-ups, remember the substitution is 3 dips + 3 pullups.
And, last call for training at CF Las Vegas- either post to comments or email me at jennifer@crossfit360.com by noon today if you haven't contacted me already. Their address is 121 E. Sunset Las Vegas, NV 89119, and we'll be joining their 1 pm workout on Saturday. I'm sorry, but no last minute add-ons, so you must let me know by noon.
Safe driving for everyone headed to the great state of Nevada today and tomorrow!
I just realized, I stopped the quote of the day thing. Time to restart. In the words of the King, "Viva Las Vegas!" ;)
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
December 11, 2008
Time Trials:
100 pushups for time.
And the official WOD =
Run 400 m for time 4 times. Rest as long as you need to between rounds. Only your fastest time counts (and will be recorded)- this is your 400m run time trial.
Hey gang, if you a) completed your pushups, and b) gave me your size (eg emailed me or signed up on the list at the front desk), please pick up your pushup club shirt... SOON. Other people have been eyeballing them big time and I can't guarantee they won't start disappearing. Seriously. Also, contrary to popular belief, we don't deliver them. I had someone stop me in the parking lot at Willow and ask why he hadn't received his shirt [at home] yet. LOL.
Shameless plug to follow: Are you having problems with your diet? As in, you eat too many Twinkies? Or, maybe you are slightly larger than you wish you were. Or, maybe you just can't pull the WOD times you want, because due to weight and poor diet, you can't perform the way you want to. Well, Kim Ball & I have the answer. 360 Eating Ambush! She and I are beginning a 7 week program that starts on January 7, 2009 that will address nutrition (eg what to eat) and the psychological aspects of eating (eg why you can't put down the Oreos. Ever.). Cost will be minimal - email me at jennifer@crossfit360.com with any questions or to sign up! Hey- it's perfect timing for all those well-intentioned New Year's resolutions...
Check it out- me, in bossy mode!
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
December 10, 2008
What? More time trials? Dammit.
100 abmat situps for time.
Clean and Jerk
Although you will have lifting guru extraordinaire, Jason A, guiding you through today's WOD, feel free to head to www.crossfit.com while you're goofing off at work to review the technique for this lift. If you're anything like me, you need to see something 600 times before you're even close to executing it correctly.
If you are planning to go to Vegas this weekend, and are interested in working out at 1 pm at Crossfit Las Vegas (very close to the strip) on Saturday, can you please email me (jennifer@crossfit360.com) or post to comments? I would like to give the incredibly nice owner, Joe, an estimation of how many people are coming. One is good, right? So in case you get up to shenanigans on Friday night, you'll have adequate time to sleep it off.
THIS is how they roll at CF Las Vegas-- double fisting kettle bells. Nice!
Monday, December 8, 2008
December 9, 2008
Time Trials week continues with:
100 pullups for time.
I don't really think we need to add anything else to the WOD...
Planning to come to Las Vegas to support Mike, Steve, Greg, and Brandon? Why not work out at Crossfit Las Vegas? The kind gents there offered to let us train at their place, provided we bring them a T-shirt, of course! Seriously, for those Crossfitters who are going to be there on Saturday, keep an eye on the blog- I'll post what time and where exactly the workout will be. Should be fun! Think you can get away from Crossfit just by leaving the state? I don't think so...
Sunday, December 7, 2008
December 8, 2008 & Congratulations Mike!!!
First, and most important, Mike came in 4th in his division at Grapplers Quest!!! Isn't that amazing? Please be sure to tell him how proud you are of him!
Regarding the WOD, I am declaring this week Time Trials week. What is that, you might wonder? We're going to get baselines from everyone for a few different exercises, and then re-evaluate in about 2 months. If you never used your record sheet before, although we are going to keep a record of all of the findings, this would be a great time to start using the sheets. Not sure where they are or never got one? Just ask Josh or one of the instructors.
So, our first time trials: 100 squats (for time)
And, our official WOD:
As many rounds as you can in 20 minutes:
15 ring pushups
15 GHD situps
15 back extensions
Scale as needed, of course. And don't underestimate the ring pushups! Trust me. As you can see, the lower you go (the closer to parallel), the more difficult the pushup is.
Saturday, December 6, 2008
Update on Mike
Friday, December 5, 2008
Saturday = Rest (pick up a paperback copy of Twilight- I hear it's quite popular), Make-up (pick your poison from this week's bone-shaking WODs), or Skills (suck at something? Let us help you!).
At some point in the day, send good thoughts out into the universe (I know, what am I? A yoga instructor?) for Mike during his grappling competition. Not that you need luck when you've got the skills he does. Yeah baby! Check out this pic- we know there will be a repeat performance of the OTM tournament (pictured here).
Any thoughts on the De La Hoya/Pacquiao fight tonight? Poor Pac Man has a pretty significant weight and reach disadvantage. But you've got to root for a guy who seems to have such a big heart, both inside and outside the ring... I dunno. This is one of those for me that I'd be happy no matter who wins. You guys?
Thursday, December 4, 2008
December 6, 2008
5 rounds for time
50 lb dumbbell (rx'd), walking lunge, 10 alternating steps
50 lb dumbbell( rx'd) swing, 15 reps
It's not actually called Yikes, but that's what I thought when I read it on the main crossfit site!
Use only one dumbbell held at chest level or above your head if you're really up to it for the lunges. The dumbbell swing is just like kettlebell swings.
Twix is the new diet food!
Ah, Twix and pizza- I've known it in my heart all along, and here is the research to prove it! Actually this is a great example of how the diet industry and food manufacturers can distort information and use it to their advertising advantage. Don't be fooled! I'm off to have a Twix...
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
December 4, 2008
(I feel the need to put an exclamation point afterwards).
Complete as many knees to elbows, hollow rocks, Abmat sit-ups, back extensions, GHD sit-ups and supermans as you can in 30 minutes. The catch: you must have an equal amount of reps done for each exercise at the end of 30 minutes. This is a good opportunity to get friendly with the GHD.
When you see Mike in class tonight, be sure to wish him luck- he's competing at Grappler's Quest this Saturday.
How did everyone like Jason? The blog was pretty silent yesterday. Were you all traumatized?
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
December 3, 2008
Alright guys. Deep breath, and...
15-12-9 For time
Tire flips (with partner)
Burpee Pullups
Kettlebell swings (1.5 pood)
Double Unders
Burpee pullups involve going into a burpee, and when you jump up, jumping up and grabbing onto the pullup bar, and doing a pullup. Obviously these will be no problem for some of you (Jose) but might present a problem for the vertically challenged (Steve). If you can't reach, do a burpee, then get up to the bar (by any means necessary) and do a pullup.
Please note*** this will be your only opportunity to do Jason this week- you won't be able to make it up on Saturday. For those of you who can't make it tomorrow, I'm sorry- but hey- there's always next time!
Here's a pic of our hero, who does double unders so fast that a camera cannot actually record the rope!
Monday, December 1, 2008
December 2, 2008
Four rounds for time:
Sprint 200 m
25 situps
Rest 1 minute after each round. Make your sprints nice and strong!
Do you know anyone that's getting a little pudgy? Or perhaps just someone who is not in their best shape at the moment? Why not consider getting them a gift certificate for Crossfit360 or 360 Combat Club? We have several holiday special gift certificates, including: 3 privates for $200 or $150 for a month of training (all classes/programs) and 1 private (the person can choose which program they want the private in). These specials apply to new students only.
While I'm on the subject, don't forget that you guys can always take a private or two to work on something that you are having trouble with. See Josh or ask one of the instructors about the details.
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