Time Trials week continues with:
100 pullups for time.
I don't really think we need to add anything else to the WOD...
Planning to come to Las Vegas to support Mike, Steve, Greg, and Brandon? Why not work out at Crossfit Las Vegas? The kind gents there offered to let us train at their place, provided we bring them a T-shirt, of course! Seriously, for those Crossfitters who are going to be there on Saturday, keep an eye on the blog- I'll post what time and where exactly the workout will be. Should be fun! Think you can get away from Crossfit just by leaving the state? I don't think so...
Way to muscle through it today everyone! Gotta love the pullup, well you don't have to but its all good either way.
Diana mod 14:21
John mod 16:42
Victoria mod 19:05
Jim 17:37
Kim 7:16
Marissa 11:25
Lizen mod 17:40
Angie mod 8:35
Andrea mod 13:20
Sarah mod 10:27
Modified Kelly
Efren 10:05
Andrew 14:55
Good job guys!! Always a good time with I'll ups..
ap=assisted pull up jp=jumping pull up
Jose 10:49ap
Grisselle 12:44ap
Julie 5:52jp
Nick 15:34
Aaron 6:50
Luis 8:21
Mustafa 6:57
Jason H 9:48
Jose also did the squats from yesterday 3:17
See you guys thursday.
LOL poor Jose. He did triple the work that the rest of us did getting down for those squats, because he is a GIANT!
Nice times on the pullups guys!!
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