An awesome weekend was had by all in Vegas- Brandon brought home another win, while Mike, Steve, and Greg all had good showings. Mike's loss was definitely debatable... You guys are still the BEST Crossfit coaches, and make us all proud! Lots of the crew were hanging around, but only 4 were tough enough for the workout at Crossfit Las Vegas. Kim, John M, Lisa, and Liz all did AWESOME and represented like crazy. It was hard to work out surrounded by shirtless men, but somehow, the girls managed and Mustafa blended right in (tossing his shirt aside prior to getting started). Dollar bills were flying. Pictures to come (as soon as I get emailed some).
CFLV sure put together an awesome WOD, and far be it from me to deny anyone a great ass kicking.
7 rounds for time:
10 SDH (75#M; 55#W)
10 Thrusters (75#M; 55#W)
If you want to bring your Christmas tree in to do the thrusters, that's OK too.
Quote of the Day: Not sure who said it, but one of the T-shirts hanging up at CFLV had a picture of a Doberman and the words "Don't be a Poodle." That about sums it up.
Just a reminder- interested in fixing up your diet... for good? Eating Ambush is your answer. We'll start just in time for those New Year's Resolutions on January 7 at 7 pm. The program, which is a collaboration of myself and Kim Ball, consists of 7 one-hour group sessions, and will address the practical aspect of diet (nutrition) as well as the psychological components of dieting and eating. Email jennifer@crossfit360.com for more info! (Or just to say hi).
Thanks again Alan and Dr. Mrs. Alan for hooking up the XFit Las Vegas! What are we gonna do with you guys: you take care of us so well! Of course, that's what I thought going into the workout... Joe, the owner of CFLV, is super cool, and the LV XFitters were nice too, and they were ripped. Big turnout too (about 15 of them).
Lizen and Lisa knocked out the WOD like nobody's beeswax; Kim literally drew a crowd as she trounced the mens' weights like it was a warmup. Me? I had to represent! Tearing off my 360CROSSFIT muscle shirt, 6 pack blazing and rippling pecs, delts, lats, traps and rhomboids (Kim took a good picture), I came in DFL ... hey! I had to make sure they saw how we get it DONE! 13:25. Yeah, you could have had Jason in there doing it in 3:45, but he's so fast that no one would have seen him! So, like I said, I had to represent.
Oh, click on the inset ... one of my favorite shots. This is a picture of the guy who got KTFO by Brandon. You don't need 1000 words with that picture (four do quite nicely)! ALL of our fighters fought hard and fought well. While I'm just a lowly spectator, I congratulate each one of you for showing 360 skill, 360 heart, and 360 badassness! WHEN'S THE NEXT ONE ALREADY????
Also, HUGE thanks to my roomies - Kim and Jason - who so didn't make fun of me for booking the wrong motel ... in the wrong part of town. OH YEAH: we finally saw Dan's band "Tijuana Knife Fight" play at the Double Down in LV. "TKF" %&$#ING ROCKS!!!!!!! If you don't have the CD, get it. NOW!
P.S.: so, on Monday I don't have to represent so much, so look for a faster time. ;-)
P.P.S.: Let this be a warning - don't be tryin' to steal my long-post record!
Word verification - Badassness
Too scared to post my name.
What a great nite saturday. Our fighters did an amazing job! Can't wait for the next event.
I was so impressed by all the fights - wow. Great job, 360 guys.
And the LV Crossfit workout was a blast. Super difficult... made me nauseous by like round 3... but a blast nonetheless! Thanks to Jenn and Alan for setting that up. :)
Oh - and even though it was already mentioned, I just wanted to reiterate... Jenn and I are extremely excited to get the Eating Ambush nutrition program started! Hope to see a lot of you there!
I know that was you, Jim! >:-(
"Badassness" is in the dictionary: I wrote it in there last night! ;-)
Can I bring in my Charlie Brown christmas tree for the thrusters?
LOL, of course- all Christmas trees are welcome, as well as menorahs, santa clauses, festivus poles, anything that weighs either 55 or 75#!
Except for small children... That may get messy if you need to dump the weight at a certain point.
WOD 13:56
100 Pushups - 2:35
Mustafa, when have I ever been afraid to paint my name in four-foot-tall letters? Especially when it comes to badassness! My word verification is "pring," which sounds like an ethnic joke waiting to happen.
Come to think of it Jim, you're right. I stand corrected. My bad(assness)!
Word verif: oxytorom; as in "I could call this an easy WOD, but that would be an oxytorom, because I don't really know how to spell oxymoron."
Woo! Crossfit LV. I'm STILL feeling it in my legs...first quads, now my inner thighs. :/ I guess I need to use those areas more often....hahahah. JK!
Word verification: mistl, because that's how I roll -- fast, hard, and deadly! Yeah!
Today we got a little taste of what our crew did at crossfit las vegas. More of us need to make the next trip and show how we do it at 360!
Great effort today, I unofficially caleed today's WOD 'the strip'.
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