In honor of Jesse's birthday!!!
4 rounds for time:
15 lateral burpees
15 pullups
15 air squats
"What's a lateral burpee?" Stand beside a med ball. Go down, do a burpee- but- your jump at the end is lateral- over the med ball, not straight up and down. That's one. Immediately upon landing, go into another burpee, then jump back to the other side. You are never jumping up and down- always laterally. You're only making life worse for yourself if you double-jump...
5050- 93-93-93
Wish Jesse a happy birthday and bring him cake and hugs!!!
See you guys at the KB seminar in Tustin tomorrow!
i know i know....i'm wearing "THE T-SHIRT"
Hey Jesse, are you wearing "The t-shirt" in your profile photo?
Jesse, are you gonna wear THE T-SHIRT to the kb seminar for your happy birthday?!? :-) Why is it called "THE T-SHIRT" anyway?
5:30 a.m.
Adrianna 9:56
Look out guys, she was kicking a**!!!
You can't retire " THE T-SHIRT". It's no longer just a piece of clothing, it's part of you.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
86, 87 Efren & Adrianna
oh and happy birthday Jesse!
Thanks Julie, thats very sweet of you to say I was kicking a** this morning. But I need some serious work and improvement to feel I'm kickin some a**! Gotta hustle for better times!
Happy Birthday Jesse!
ok jesse i will bring the shots for you then you workout>>>!!!>!>!>!>!>!!
Mustafa 13:34
Amy 15:24
Lizen mod 23:16
Tamara 14:41
Sarah mod 13:37
Lisa T mod 17:18
Pat mod 17:45
Raz 15:31
Great job this morning! Gotta love those lateral burpees.
mr hanks. i will be at the kettlebell seminar in tustin but that would have been interesting :)
Jesse, did you buy a candy apple red sports car and cut the sleeves off of "THE T-SHIRT" to start up your crisis? :-)
Happy B-day Jesse: thanks for the present (#$%@^%!).
In case you missed it, the "Tamara" listed at the 9am WOD is Tamara Holmes, last year's 4th place finisher at the Games, who finished strong in the top 15 of this year's grueling Games-fest. How exciting to have another top-notch Games competitor drop by and knock out a WOD with us!!!
Tamara is super cool and friendly, enduring a slew of questions by some pestering "moose" guy and offering some very interesting insight into the psychology of the Games. Least favorite Games event? The 7.1k run (no surprise there - even spectators were passing out). My personal observation: beautifully executed, totally chest-to-bar butterfly kip pullups (she snuck in a few during warm up). Like Jesse, Kim and Efren especially, Tamara's pullups are controlled, smooth and methodical, which really says something about the connection between the efficiency of movement and resulting, effective power output.
Thanks for dropping by CrossFit360 Tamara! It was a real pleasure to have a chat, and I'm sure Alan and Dr. Jenn would want us to tell you that you are welcome anytime.
Ok, I feel left out. "THE T-SHIRT"?? I think I mighta missed an inside joke that spawned from the countless hours you guys spent standing around in Aromas...
Thanks to everyone for making the drive up to support me!! And thanks to all those who couldn't be there but sent their support and love as well. I certainly felt the love :)
Sorry I missed Tamara. She did tell me she'd be visiting us. Ain't she a rockstar?!
And Happy Birthday, Jesse!
Oh, and I only tweet for business purposes. But I post one thing a day, and it's connected to facebook. Otherwise, I never spend any time on that time waster. Ugh.
Hope to see a bunch of you manana b/c I'm gettin' back in there!
I totally missed the twitter discussion. Are twitter people called "twits"? I dunno bout this one ...
Oh yeah - THE T-SHIRT. One word: tattooing. Think about the long term savings. 93.
fun little factoid: Tamara Holmes got 1st in the max snatch event for women: 145lbs... next closest was 135. Impressive.
Efren 10:15
AnneMarie 19:30m
Deeanna 15:25
JasonH 14:20
Jose 19:17
Jesse 12:25
Aaron 9:16
Matt 9:42
David 22:40
Scott 15:45
Lori 17:53
Feliz Cumpleanos Yesse! Besides Friendship bread, do you have any bday dessert desires or are you "zoning"?
"the t-shirt" refers to the fact that due to a limited wardrobe and an affinity for long beach clothing company i apparently have worn that "long beach- we fresh" shirt a little too often. now you know. i'm going to retire it officially tomorrow...well maybe next week, end of the month for sure though.
As far as b-day dessert desires Lori i would have to say banana lumpia. best dessert i have ever had in all my 25 years. if you know where i could find it let me know.
Thanks for all the birthday wishes folks. see you all next week.
OH!!! JESSE, So sorry bro. Did not get a chance to catch the blogs before KB seminar.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY,,,,,,,See ya'll when I get back.
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