"Angry Annie"
For time:
Air Squats
Abmat Situps
Double Unders
So you'll do this Annie-style- do 50 of each, then 40 of each, and so on.
A few events coming up:
-Ever wondered what the heck it is they do over at Willow? I mean, what is this Krav Maga stuff, right? ;) If you're curious, a great way to check it out is to try the IKMF Summer Camp, August 8-9. For more information, visit kravmaga-usa.com
-Kim has been threatening to go to Europe for a year for some time now, and unfortunately, the date is nearly upon us. Don't miss her good-bye party/shredder (she will be programming it!) on August 29 at 10 am. You must sign up at Cherry or Tustin- do NOT email me. There will be a taco truck :P and cake :P, as well as possible some out of gym visitors, and we are asking that everyone who attends brings something. So we don't wind up with 450,000 napkins and no cups, I'm creating a list- should be ready by Tuesday.
-Want to do the Zone, but plagued by your own poor mathematical skills and lack of discipline? August 15 we kick off the 30 day Zone Challenge- details to follow. Plan on attending a meeting on August 8 at 230 at Cherry to get yourself motivated and amped up. Julie, Alec, and I will be coming straight from a Barry Sears seminar (he created the Zone)- so we'll be raring to go!
-Far out on the horizon, the annual Fight Gone Bad fundraiser will be September 26, so keep your ears open for that too :)
1.: that photo looks like a 60s throwback album cover ("The Kettlebells").
2.: right above the logo on the window - "Lite Fitness." Definitely false advertising.
3: I like that Krav Maga thing over at Willow!
4.: Annie, it's anger management day.
Katherine 35:18
Lori 30:02
Mark 39:05
Andrew 24:26
Quote of the day: "Adversity causes some people to break; others to break records."
Well done folks!
Luis mod 14:20
Sarah mod sqts 18:12
Andrew T 30-20-10 11:46
Candice 30-20-10 11:45
Carlos mod 22:29
Pat mod 22:59
Sara mod 21:20
Christina mod 20:14
Sho mod 18:54
Kate mod 19:45
Jim mod 14:43
Alex mod 19:48
Tim mod 30:31
Angie mod 20:00
Magda mod 22:59
Kim rxd 20:42
Keep working on those double-unders, excellent times guys!
OK that is my last post going down, I could only shame one person to do it with me.
He's a fellow fireman and I had to bribe him with beer.
so I already mentioned the Baldy run on Labor Day... here's another fun one:
US Bank Tower Stair Climb on Sept. 25
3 more people and we could have a Team CrossFit360! Any takers?
Hmm. Anybody who does Matt's run on the 25th will be required to do FGB on the 26th...Or you'll have to do (gasp) Murph! :P
I'll be 3-4 days post C-section, so I think I'm a no on both of those...
We could all still do FGB the next day... I'd venture to say that the US Bank tower would be no worse than many of our WOD's... and Jenn, your excuse at least is valid.
couldn't make it to gym, so at home:
warmup - practice PAST (4 underwater swims, 500m surface swim, 1.5mi run, 1 min pullups, 2 min each situps, pushups, flutterkicks)
Angry Annie - 25:10
... I'm tired... and very hungry
Tustin used Tuck jumps in place of Jump rope at 1:1 ratio
Natalie 28:34
John 28:05
Paul D 27:32
Sir 27:30
Alec 14:08
Paul T 17:00
Eammon 22:45
Garth 17:28
Mike 24:13
Jose 18:25
Amit 15:08 Jump Rope 3:1 ratio
RJ 17:37
Nick 26:47
Great job tonight glad to see everyone sweating it out and working hard!
Moose... I just love you for writing that!! :-)
Efren rxd 20:27
Jaclyn mod 23:52
LIzen mod 30:30
Sharon mod 45:22
Mark DNF
Eddie mod 23:35
Annemarie mod 21:39
Gabriel mod 31:40
Jesse rxd 23:49
Gladys mod 22:27
Kevin rxd 19:24
Lily mod 27:20
Joel 50-20-10 11:45
Jay rxd 25:30
Ross 50s and 40s
Scott rxd 32:00
Adrianna rxd 21:10
Amy mod 32:46
Elizabeth mod 22:19
Great job guys, excellent job finishing strong. Sorry for the late post i misplaced the paper for the last 14hrs.
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