Wednesday, July 29, 2009

July 30, 2009

Five rounds for time of:
155 pound Deadlift, 12 reps
155 pound Hang power clean, 9 reps
155 pound Push jerk, 6 reps
Modify weight as needed, kidlets ;)
Hey, don't forget that tonight's the first night that the 7 pm class is open to everyone again (yay!) so support it and love it and kiss it and cuddle it!
Here is Coach Glassman- the man himself- on the Deadlift. Check it out.


Mustafa said...

DT. Doesn't that stand for delirium tremens (the shakes you get from acute alcohol abuse withdrawal)? I guess this WOD is going to leave us shaking; at least that's easier on the kidneys.

Julie C. said...

5:30 a.m.

Mark 95# 18:59
Andrew 85# 11:07
Katherine 45# 9:52
Lori 75# 16:49

Good job, Team 530 (that's the best I could come up with, you guys will have to find a better team name)!

Anonymous said...

kyle p

at work
3 sets of 21-15-9 (about the same # of reps)
Rx'd deadlift
95# hang power clean
95# push press


Steven W said...


Lizen 7:02 55#
Lisa 7:55 35#
Zulfi 9:19 95#
Sarah 8:42 95#
Jackie 9:11 75#
Pat 9:41 55#
Steve 13:31 75#
Kim 11:34 105#
Raz 8:59 95#
Alex 13:49 105#
Steve 32:33 Rxd

Well done today the form is really coming along now we can just start upping the weight!

thisoneguy said...

"All good things come from the deadlift". Now there's a t-shirt slogan... =)

Steven said...



storm 14:56 rxd
Ryan 17:44 75#
Eammon 21:11 95#
Amit 22:11 135#

Great work everyone lots of improvement on form!

MikeV said...

Good work tonight guys!!!

Gabriel 16:50 135x2rds 95x3rds
Andrew 9:39 25x
Sharon 9:57 35x
Cesar 17:56 115x2rds 95x3rds
Annemarie 8:49 65x
Efren 7:23 95x
Scott 22:34 rxd
Eddie 16:19 95x
Aaron 11:15 135x
Matt 12:03 135x
Adrianna 15:45 65x

Joel 13:56 95x