Hmm. Let's mix it up a little today with a partner WOD.
Partner A goes out and runs an 800 while Partner B does Abmat situps (not GHD).
When Partner A returns from the run, s/he does the situps while B runs.
Both run a 200 together.
Partner A runs an 400 while Partner B does pushups.
When Partner A returns from the run, s/he does pushups while B runs.
Both run a 200 together.
Team time ends when you both return from the run.
Oh- and a catch- rest any longer than 5 seconds while doing your pushups and situps, and you'll have to do 5 burpees...
5050- 100-100-100!!!!
You made it!
If you actually completed the entire 5050 club (remember your integrity), post to the blog today to celebrate!
Don't forget Part II of the Grace Challenge this Saturday at 10 am, and the Kim Shredder August 29th!!!
I'm new so what does "rx'd" mean?
It means "prescribed." 99 and 100, thusly:
19:00* - Blackjack pushups/situps
08:00* - 200 squats
* = used the DVR clock; didn't think to time it til after I started the pushups, so I could be off by a few seconds.
As Jimmy might say, 5050 IN DA BAG, DAD! "Holy half & half Batman!" *KER-POW!*
5:30 a.m.
Luis/Mark 13:42
Matt/Andrew 12:23
Johnny/Lori 12:44
Good job guys, especially so early in the morning!
5050 Club: Done and Done!!!
Hi Alex,
Just in case you wanted a little more information about "rx'd," John is right, it does mean prescribed. But what the heck does that mean?
It means that for many (but not all) Crossfit WODs, there is an ideal weight to strive for to complete the workout. For example, with Fran (21-15-9 Thrusters and Pullups), the prescribed weight for men is 95# on the thrusters. Your first job as a newbie is to work up to doing the WOD rx'd- meaning, if you can't do the workout with 95#, you start with whatever weight you can use and build up. Once you get to the rx'd weight, you have an "official" Fran time that you can start whittling down to as fast as you can accomplish the WOD in. Fastest Fran time I've ever seen = 1:53, but the pullups were controversial.
Hope that helps,
Congrats to everyone who completed the 5050 challenge. This was definitely tougher than the pushups alone. The great part was even if I couldn't get to the gym I could find 15 minutes to knock out the daily requirement. I have a problem though, I'm addicted and I can't stop cold turkey. So starting tomorrow I'm counting down from 100-100-100. It's the 10100 club and so far there is only one member - me. My 3 fellow co-workers that I coerced into the 5050 club have told me to pound sand. The bright side is it gets easier every day.
"Embrace the Suck"
PS Think of the cool shirt Jenn will get us.
Jesse/Alex 13:53
Kim/Jacklyn 14:44
Pat/Lizen 15:44
Zulfi/Carmen 15:58
Great teamwork today!
Dang! Good job you guys! I hope I can get this one in today: I really like the programming on this (nice job Dr. Jenn!).
Andy, :0 "$#%&*#@!" - that's all I have to say.
WooHoo!!! My first 5050 Club all done! :-) What? Did Andy say something about Jenn getting us really cool "Can You Handle My WOD" shirts? I can't wait!!
WOOOOOO HOOOOOO!!!!! 100s DONE in Halifax, Nova Scotia today. What a way to end it. Int acc. has been very hit-n-miss in other ports, so, 96, 97, 98, 99s done on their respective days. 86, 87, 88 made up also on board ship. So,,,,,,,now what........kidding.
See ya soon....
will 7pm Advanced class have different WOD today?
Yay 100 done! So nice to be finished.
I got my bells Matt!
Zuzu: "Look, Daddy! Teacher says, every time a bell rings an angel gets his wings!"
I'm flyin, Matty: I'M FLYYYYYYIN!
Good work tonight guys!!!
Cesar/Ross 15:02
Lily/Raz 15:50
Eddie/John 16:03
Amy/G 16:03
Efren/Adrianna 12:30
MikeV/Kevin 11:52
And MOOSE please call me or email me at
Done done did it!
Efren & Adrianna
Thanks for the explanation todays workout was a lot of fun.
Storm/Eammon 12:23
Paul T/Paul D 15:38
Rebecca/Jonathan 16:16
Good work tonight way to push it till the end!
100 done and done.
I don't think I can break my morning wake up routine of pushups, situps, and squats. :/
Good, Alec, gooooooood ... (mwahahahahahaha - Dr. Jenn, your plan is working!)
Sounds like Alec is in the 10100 club.
2 members
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