Thursday, March 12, 2009

March 13, 2009

Complete as many rounds as you can in thirty minutes of:
Five pull-ups
Five ring dips
15 Box jumps
How are those abs feeling?? ;)


DeeAnna said...

It's too soon to tell about the abs. Give me another day and I'll cry when I cough. Yey Crossfit!

Anonymous said...

Angela 16 rounds
Aaron 21 rounds+pullups
Chris 10 rounds
Mike 16 rounds
Sarah 19 rounds
Jason H 14 rounds
Jim 20 rounds+pullups
Trevis 17 rounds
Sho 20 rounds
Mustafa 20 rounds

Anonymous said...

I just watched the classic Marky Mark video Good Vibrations and an interesting thing occurred to me: the Crossfit on Cherry is like a classier version of the place Marky Mark is working out. Seriously. We don't have the catwalks and breakdancers getting down in puddles, but the warehouse vibe is eerily similar.

Check it out.

Anonymous said...

Wow jim how did you find that video. I thought all of his stuff was burned in the 80's. He only had 1 hot chick in that video, hell we have 2 in this wod picture, and many more that work out and run the place. ;) I noticed that the punching bag was a little light, I think he needs to come to 360 and hit some real bags. We should have a 80's theme shredder, those big parachute pants like in the marky mark video. or knee high socks, but no dolphin shorts. Well at least not for the guys. Bid hair, head bands,wrist bands. Even some that awesome 80's workout music. that would be great, what do you guys think?

DeeAnna said...

I agree Jim, it looks quite similar to our lovely crossfit building. However, there's a bigger issue we need to address here. Why did you just watch a Marky Mark video? What happens in a persons life in the year 2009 that they just happen to watch Good Vibrations? I fear for you Jim. Seek help, please!

Anonymous said...

Hanks: Nope, it all survived, and it's all on the internet. It serves as a warning to all those who come afterwards. I don't care if Walberg wins a wheelbarrow full of Oscars, we'll always have this video where he refuses to wear a shirt, even when he's wearing a shirt.

That bag does seem a little light . . . But look at all the tape on it. There's no way it could hold any sand. That's why it's flying around when Marky breathes on it hard.

DeeAnna: My brother was telling me that our high school had a ghetto gym and I told him that it could always be worse. He could be putting two cinder blocks on a piece of rebar to do curls, just like Marky Mark did. He cried bullshit, and thus I had to go hunt this slice of awesomeness down. It was too good to keep to myself.

By the way, we saw that he actually did have a olympic weight set in that abandoned building that he's apparently using as a weight room/sex dungeon. He was using it to do bench presses on that cafeteria table-looking thing. Why the hell was he curling building materials?

And another thing! Who kept opening and closing the shades while the girl was stripping in front of him? Is she doing a peepshow for the breakdancing transients that seem to be hanging around the building?

What were you people doing in the 80's? Seriously.

Anonymous said...

JIm you are killing me!!! At least you had a good reason to watch that. But then there is the fact that you remembered that video... well you know. LOL... Yeah why was he working out on a consruction site. The 80's will never die thank's to the internet.

Mustafa said...

"No D-R-U-G-S are in my body ..." (if you don't count steroids)! That was awesome Jim! Thanks: I actually like that silly little song: it's a great beat, and I could actually listen to it with my daughter. Clearly, however, it was filmed before the advent of bumper plates for the barbell.

On the WOD: I am honored to have reached the same number of completed rounds as Monster Jim! YEAH!!

What were we doing in the 80s? It's like the 60s: if you "remember," then you weren't there.