For time:
21-15-9 reps of:
Clean 135 pounds
Ring dips
Has anybody gone Paleo? If so, please post what you think about it- results/level of difficulty/etc. I'm curious... We're having some good success with Zone-- I just wonder if anyone has gone whole hog?
(Plus, I'm about to enter what I view as the purgatory of No Dairy, so I'd like to know what I'm getting myself into :P)
Ook ook, ook ook ook "modern" ook, "money" ook ook "modern policeman" ook!
(Translation: "Going paleo: to me it sounded like getting primeval. First problem: my mandible wouldn't jut out far enough; then and I couldn't grow the necessary body hair. I tried the hunter route, hunting saber-toothed tigers, but I couldn't find any: not one! I grunted a lot and wore a loincloth, but that just got me arrested as I tried to wolf down an extremely rare piece of steak in the meat section at Albertson's. I tried explaining -- in grunts -- that paleo man didn't have "money," but the "modern" cops just tazed me, bro. That's when I tried the "gatherer" route, which netted me a nice job picking fruits and vegetables. All the carrots and strawberries I could eat, and modern money too! Take THAT, Mr. modern policeman.")
That was my experience, but I'm not knocking it.
5:30 a.m.
David mod 75# 9:35
Dwayne mod 95# 10:49
Heidi mod 45# 8:05
Efren light wod 5:13
Well, I can say I tried it and it's not easy. Adri and I have been Zoning since the challenge and every now and then I'll throw in a week of Paleo Zone (no oatmeal, smoothies, string cheese..etc). The transition was hard for me especially since I am use to oatmeal or smoothies in the morning, string cheese for snack and my post workout is chocolate milk. I would guess that the Paleo would be like starting the Zone, lots of discipline and getting used too. As to whether its effective or not? Many elite crossfitters swear by it but I wouldn't be able to tell you since I only do it for a week before I go back to Zone.
Good Luck,
Andrew T Mod 75# 12:30
Candice mod 55# 9:57
Luis 95# 12:46
Great work today! Keeping hitting that form on the cleans.
Yeah, I figured guys. It's supposed to be better for the baby, is why I'm doing it. I don't have to cut out ALL dairy (ie if something is made with a little dairy, it's fine)- just the major sources like milk, cheese, etc. I'm trying to reframe it into something positive, but it's not easy. I love Greek yogurt. And milk.
Ah well. I thought I couldn't live without caffeine, and it turns out I can. Maybe dairy will be the same!
Thanks for the input and would love to hear more,
Although the Paleo Diet sounds healthy, (e.g. lean protein, fruits, and vegetable), getting enough calcium may be an issue. Non dairy sources of calcium such as dark green vegetables, tofu, some nuts, legumes, and canned fish with bones; do not provide nearly the same amount as their dairy counterparts. Considering that the Dietary Reference Intakes (DRI) for a lactating woman age 19-30 is 1000 mg/day and that 1 cup of raw broccoli has only 43 mg of calcium, you’re going have to eat a lot of broccoli. Additionally, calcium fortified foods such as orange juice can also be used to supplement any calcium inadequacies. This does not even take into account that the calcium absorption levels for some foods, such as spinach, can be less than or equal to 5 %. I am not trying to discourage anyone from doing the Paleo Diet; however it is very important to realize that when you omit a food group you increase the chance of developing a nutrient deficiency. Every food group plays its part in maintaining proper health; it is up to the individual to opt for the healthier version of said food group.
Adam rxd 13:02
Adrianna mod 75# 8:42
Gladys mod 65# 9:58
Annemarie mod 75# 9:01
Lisa mod 35# 9:00
Johnny mod 135# 11:12
Ruth mod 65# 10:34
Scott L mod 85# 7:28
Moose rxd 7:16
Alison mod 95# 8:49
Excellent work guys!
and well put luis
Here, here Luis-- I'm not just trying to enter Purgatory for the heck of it- without airing all of my personal laundry, let's just say it would benefit the baby if I cut out cow's milk products... But I agree that it's going to be a challenge to get my calcium and I'm going to have to supplement. This won't be a permanent thing (I don't think), but a temporary one.
Amy mod 55# 6:41
Lynne mod 65# 12:26
Scott rxd 8:42
Paul D. mod 135# 9:45
Lily mod 75# 10:55
Great efforts!
Sir 17:11 115#
russ 21:40 75#
Ralph 17:10 mod 95#
chris 14:47 mod 65#
Reagan 18:09 mod 95#
Great work tonight. Saw some real improvement on those cleans!
Awesome info Luis!
Just for fun, look at some of the improvements we've made on our Elizabeth times and weights (if your time increased, look at the additional weight you were moving!):
WAY TO GO! (I can't believe I nearly sliced my time in half!)
Thanks for doing that and quantifying our results!! Though I have been making gains in strength and Amy says there have been changes in my physique, I have lamented my failure to progress with endurance. I have complained to Julie and Steve seeking advice and reassurance (thanks for listening guys) and ended up blaming my lack of gains in this area on diet and "age" (ugh!). I feel like I am struggling through the WODs as much as ever. But seeing I took 3:41 of my Elizabeth time is more than encouraging; and your post doesn't even reflect that the first time my mod was dips on the tire, and last night was ring dips with a band!!!
I guess its time to catch up with my CrossFit journal so I can see this for myself. Thanks again!!
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