Team relay WOD- Get into teams of four, one athlete at each station. Complete 30 reps at each station. Every team member completes each station. No teammate may move onto the next station until everyone on the team completes the 30 reps. Fastest team wins! The movements are:
Knees to elbows
Box jumps (M:24"/W:20")
Medicine ball cleans (M:20#/W:14#)
Some food for thought (pardon the soon to be pun) as we head into the weekend. Weekends tend to be a time of over-indulgence because we feel we have "earned it" throughout the week. Finding that level of moderation you can maintain across the board "weekend" and week out will earn you much more time to enjoy in the long run. Julie says, "Listen to your body. Do you feel “gross” (bloated, gassy, you name it) after you eat foods high in starch like potatoes? Or a glass of white wine high in sugar? Or food with a high salt content? Start listening to your body-it does'nt like it. Sounds simple, but so many of us deal with the discomfort and eat the fries anyway." So find that balance between what your body actually needs, and what your brain thinks it wants. Lastly I wanted to congratulate everyone on their excellent Fran times yesterday, very impressive times and efforts!
I am not excited by the number of people who have challenged me. I'm a girl, so what's with the guys who won't take the challenge? C'mon, stud, I'm here ... if you want me bad enough.
BTW: you guys do a lot of advertising for Best Buy.
Long Beach
Great work team!
Steve B
Three stations 7:28
howdy gang... just thought I'd share the news that I finally finished the enlistment process yesterday with the CA Air National Guard. I'm now "scum of the earth" as my recruiter put it. My first pararescue trainee weekend at Moffett starts tomorrow, so no Fran challenge for me... sorry FRAN. Anyhoo, a big thanks for all of the encouragement and support I've received at 360 since I started there in February. You guys are awesome.
Sat 10am
Keith 75-65-55# mod 37:54
Alison 65# mod 27:00
Katherine 65#/bnd 1:1 12:14
Luis rxd 7:55
Scott psh 3:24 sqt 2:58 sit 4:19
Excellent job!
Great job Matt! We are all very proud of you for achieving a very difficult goal and for being an inspiration along the way (e.g., Overhead squats and a 405 FGB). Good luck with the remainder of your training! I'm sure you can always catch up with Fran later.
Awesome Matt!!!!!
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