Crossfit Total
1 Back Squat
1 Shoulder Press
1 Deadlift
This is your one rep max for each of these lifts. Your CFT = the total weight lifted.
I'm going to take a second here and remind everyone how important it is to know your numbers-- and I mean your times and weights, not that ridiculous number on the scale. The best way to figure out if you are improving is to track your times and weights, and watch them go down and up, respectively. As human beings many of us need objective information to keep ourselves motivated. If you haven't tracked your PR's, talk to someone who has. I guarantee you'll hear from them how exciting it is to see your Fran time drop, or your Deadlift go up!
Adam 615
Ruth 315
Pat 430!
Tawnia 345
Alex 625
Excellent efforts guys!
Tim 745
Matt 755
Tom 335
Ian 585
Sarah 620
Lynne 330
Great work on the form guys and good totals too!
CF Total
Scott 875 (435 deadlift!)
Efren 805
Alexia 15:45 mod
Anne 16:52 mod
Keith 19:40 mod
Katherine 20:48 mod
Al 10:17
Jesse 9:50
Sean 11:50
Lunge WOD
Allison 16:34
Jim 14:04
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