Tuesday, October 6, 2009

October 7, 2009

Complete three rounds of:
As many burpees (with a 6" jump) as you can complete in five minutes.
Rest three minutes.
Post the total number of burpees performed.
Yes, often when we do burpees, we encourage you to do "games" style- in which you barely leave the ground to ensure limited time loss in the air. Not today. Today, we want big jumps. And don't be surprised if some of your burpees get policed and some of your reps don't count.
"You have to be cruel to be kind..."


Jesse said...

Moose 141
Katherine 104
Sean 110
Johnny 112

This is a grinder. Way to work guys!

Quote of the day; "If you have no confidence in self, you are twice defeated in the race of life. With confidence, you have won even before you have started."
--Marcus Garvey

Mustafa said...

It's surprising how much you can really squeeze into this one! Jesse's advice: get a steady rhythm; true dat!

BURPEEFEST 2009! WOO HOO! BURP NAKED! (Ah ... don't ...yeah, don't do that ...)

Jesse said...

Adrianna 194!
Tom 81
Sarah 188
Dean 129

Excellent efforts and good pace-ing to get those high scores!

Steven said...



Ty 199
Mike 125

Great work today guys! Way to keep working all the way to the end.

Jesse said...

Joel 76
Scott 105
Tawnia 77
Lizen 104

Gladys 118
Emmelyn 40
Al 160
Scott 153
Lori 136
Adam 180
Jahn 103
Heidi 126
Annemarie 158
Ruth 108

Way to go guys. This was a tough one and you worked all the way through. Great job!

Anonymous said...

Hmm, just finished this. I'm shakey and my face is sore (no I didn't fall on it). Nice and exhausting one.

Burpeefest 2009 A.K.A 21-minute ass whoppin'.


Anonymous said...

P.S. Way to quote Marcus!


Steven W said...


Earl 102
Natalie 53
John 78
Garth 150
Monica 122
Paul D 142

Ralph 129

Great work keep up the consistency. If you feel like you don't want to train or the workout looks hard. That is the most important day for you to come in and challenge yourself.

Unknown said...

Sorry I miss this tonight, I picked up a duty rotation instead. However, even I can squeeze in 21 minutes for a workout. I've decided I don't like burpees one bit, that being said I managed 59. Kudos to everyone on their high scores, you guys rock!

Lori J said...

Nice quotes Jesse. Good way to start the day with such inspiration!

Mustafa said...

Good work Lynne! Welcome to the personal nightmare that is burpees. But who doesn't like Nightmare on Elm Street? So burpees shouldn't be any different. :)

Mustafa said...

And "Burp naked!" wasn't inspirational? *sheesh*