Tuesday, August 11, 2009

August 12, 2009

Deadlift 5-5-5-5-5 reps
Is everyone ready for the Zone Challenge this Saturday??
I figure this will get you revved up for shopping ;) Shop for time!- What a great idea :)


Jesse said...

Scott 315/335/345/365/365
Irene 75/85/95/105/95
Katherine 125/145/155/165/170
Abel 125/155/205/225/125

Good job guys! Remember to pull evenly with the hips and shoulders rising at the same rate til the bar passes the knees.

word verif; carsop-- like carsop's fable the one about the pinto and the ferrari...yeah its early and i couldnt think of a quote of the day.

DeeAnna said...

What's up with the first post? Are we using the blog to advertise for our internet business/scams now?

Just wondering, because I've got this Swedish prince who wants to give you all millions of dollars. I could post the information here.

Anonymous said...

What a coincidence, Deeanna! I recently learned that I have a distant uncle in Nigeria who recently died and left me a billion dollars! All I have to do is send $5000 to help with the court fees. What a steal!

thisoneguy said...

Hey, guess what? I was offered $90/hr plus a $500 up-front bonus to tutor some kid. Before I even meet them or do anything, they're going to send me a check for $1200, and I just need to deposit it and forward the remaining $700 to their housekeeper who moved to San Francisco. What a deal!!!

Jesse said...

Kim 215/235/245/255/275
Sarah 215/235/245/255/275
Charles 125/125/125/150/185
Jose 245/255/265/280/295
Lizen 145/165/185/195/215
Jesse F 125/185/215/215/215
Jaclyn 145/165/165/185/215
Pat 125/145/165/185/195
Alex 225/245/255/265/315
Lisa 95/115/125/125/135
Sho 95/115/125/145/155
Luis 215/235/245/255/275

Impressive numbers. Keep it up!

DeeAnna said...

Hey Jenn, did you notice the same post from "Smary" is in yesterday's comments too?

Jesse said...

Just a FYI or APB or whatever, but there is a Camelback water bottle that has been sitting on the front desk for awhile now, it might be starting to grow things. i am putting it in the back now but it if is yours please remind me to get it for you when you come in. thanks

Carmen said...

I'm pretty sure "Smarry" can go straight to hell... or did he just return from there on his "holiday"?

Mustafa said...

¡¡¡ HOLY CRAP!!! My email just got selected at random to receive £3,240,000.00 from the Canadian lottery! I will be sure to share my good fortune with all my crossfit pals. Don't you just love fate sometimes?

Anonymous said...

Lol! Have I told you, lately, that I love you? (:

Anonymous said...

LOL. We are funny.

Steven said...



Paul T 185/225/225/225/225
Garth 185/225/245/275/245
Eammon 185/225/245/275/245
Natalie 125/135/145/155/165

steven E 115/135/155/175/185

Well done today, where are all the 7pm folk ?

Jesse said...

5pm Beg. 3-3-3-3-3
Andrew G 185/205/225/235/245
Mark G 185/205/225/235/265
Scott 125/125/125/135/95
Joel 255/265/275/285/295
Jeff L.95/115x4

Annemarie 135/155/165/175/125
Lily 135/155/155/145/125
Gabe 245/245/245/265/265
Bill 205/225/245/265/285
Byron 105/205/225/235/DNF
Zulfi 165/215/255/255/245
Aaron 245/275/335/355/315

Excellent job guys! form got better and better.

Luis said...

Just wondering if this website, http://thisiswhyyourefat.com/, is Zone friendly?

Steven W said...


Paul T 185/225/225/225/225
Garth 185/225/245/275/245
Eammon 185/225/245/275/245
Natalie 125/135/145/155/165


Steven E 115/135/155/175/185