Baseline WOD time!
400 m run
40 squats
30 situps
20 pushups
10 pullups
Rest 3 min. Repeat 2 more times (for a total of 3 times completed). Your best time- and believe me, it isn't always necessarily your first time through- is the one that counts. This is the perfect opportunity to check on your progress, if you've been keeping track of your PR's (see my post yesterday)... ;)
If I could say, about the Zone Challenge, that never in my life have I spent as much time planning out my meals! Well, not since the last time I strict Zoned, anyway... It's good because where I would normally just go, "meh, peanut butter and jelly sandwich for lunch is fine," I'm forced to treat my body (and consequently, my baby's body, better). I like food, don't get me wrong- but if I'm caught up in something, I can definitely ignore my hunger for long stretches of time (surviving, as Julie pointed out, on decaf coffee). But with this diet, I'm forced to focus on fueling myself and I find I am eating a lot more (vegetables and lean protein) than I used to. I am also forced into new territory in the grocery store and in recipes. Tonight I'm making a soy glazed flank steak and roasted eggplant and tomatoes. I purchased rice vinegar and mirin (still not exactly sure what it is) for the first time today. What about you guys? What's going on? You logging your food, you emailing your buddies? It's only 25 more days, people, and 3 of those (give or take) are cheat days. You can do it! Stay away from the Phish Food (which I hear is really good but have never had) and the chocolate chip cookies (which I miss) and the FroYo (Lori!). The satisfaction you will feel after completing this challenge *truly* to the best of your abilities definitely will be more satisfying that sorry old ice cream or cookies (and definitely more satisfying than frozen yogurt).
Ok, in my moment of weakness (hunger pains kicking in...) I'm going to confess that the food quantities don't seem enough.
I love all the recipes and eating healthy- good with all that. But I seriously get anxious and jittery (sp?) everyday. The only time I feel full for 4 hours is after the smoothie, which is a great sub for the Frozen Yogurt.
I'm still questioning whether going this extreme is worth the results, but I'm definitely giving it my best shot for the next 25 days.
I don't mean to sound negative, just giving you the real thoughts. Any suggestions?
No- I think it's good! Hmm. Based on my totally NON-expert opinion- a few guesses... are you eating the fat blocks? And, are you choosing the favorable carbs? ie- I think you can eat an entire head of lettuce...or 5 french fries. Maybe your block assignment isn't enough?- but I would check with the Master (Julie) for sure on that one.
It's funny; I know what you mean about anxious and jittery though. My "issues" are manifesting a bit differently- I like actually want to eat. Which is like, kind of weird for me. Maybe there is something to that whole turning your metabolism on thing... Nicole Carroll (another Crossfit nutrition guru) talks about that edge of hunger that keeps her sharp (versus total satiation).
It sounds like maybe dairy fills you up more than more water-based things, like veggies. Perhaps try to incorporate more of it into your diet?
*Please note, I defer to Julie on ALL of this, so Julie if you see something incorrect-- please, please speak up :)
alright ill bring ice and an ice chest. thanks
6:00 p.m.
DeeAnna 85/95/105/115/125/135PR!/130
Gladys 65/75/85/95/95/105/110
Adrianna 85/95/105/115/125/135F/130
Lorraine 65/75/85/95/105/110/125
Joel 155/165/175/185/195/205/225
Zulfi 135/135/135/185/205/225/225
Jesse F. 135/155/165/175/175/185/190
David 135/185/215/225/235/235/245F
Eddie 135/185/215/225/235/255/240
Gabriel 135/185/215/225/235/255/245
Scott 135/185/215/225/235/255/245
Moose 135/165/185/115/125/145/145
Mark 75/95/115/115/115/125/145/145
It so great seeing you guys work together and encouraging each other!
7 p.m.
Jeff S. 2135/155/175/205/215/220/225
Steve 95/105/115/125/130/135/140
Lily 95/105/125/135/135/135F
You guys missed the "squat-off" between Lily and Steve, it was very exciting!!!
I'm not being a smart@$$ but Mirin is sweet cooking sake.
Andrew G rxd 3:43/5:03/5:14
Candice band 7:18/8:46/8:29
Andrew T band 7:57/9:28/9:25
Jaclyn M jmp 5:14/5:32/6:16
ChristineM jmp 7:27/8:36/8:26
Efren rxd 3:32/4:36/5:01
Giselle jmp 5:08/5:36/6:47
Aaron rxd 3:23/4:08/4:42
David rxd 6:03/7:42/8:36
Excellent job this morning!
Thanks Andrew- and no, I didn't think you were being a smart ass!
Hey Lori,
Can you either post or email me what you've been eating the past couple of days? Serving size, times, etc.-that'll help me figure out what's happening...
Hi Everyone,
Today I thought I'd tackle commitment. I'm writing about this because I've spoken to quite a few of you at this point and it seems like you're having trouble, in essence, committing.
What commits you to CrossFit? The fact that you feel AWESOME when you do it, the fact that your health may be in jeopardy, or maybe you want to be a role model for someone...?
Now let's go with "what commits you to the Zone?" Or any commitment to eat healthier for that matter? Is it your health, do you want to show your kids how well they should be eating...or do you just want to look hot in a bikini??? Whatever the case may be, we've got to COMMIT.
I know this is difficult. I think I take it for granted sometimes that I've been doing this for so long that it's pretty normal for me to pack meals and eat this way. Speaking with you guys the last few days have helped me realize that it's not always so easy to transition from one method of eating to another.
And that's all this is-no crazy meal orders, no weird powders or freeze-dried foods. It's just changing your method of eating. No big deal-right?
Here's the thing: it WILL get easier.
For some of you this is a HUGE transition. Protein, carb, fat. Protein, carb, fat. Jenn's right-it kind of starts to consume you. But as the days go on, it starts to become pretty routine-as it did for me.
We commit to a lot of things-2 year cellphone contracts, 30 year mortgages...30 days really isn't a big deal. We commit to things all the time-Jenn's been carrying around a skin-wrapped medicine ball on her stomach for the past 8 months, and yesterday I found out Jesse did some "trail run" thing that took him 145 days-crazy (you guys should ask him about that, it sounded amazing)!
When we commit, we're accepting responsibility. So let's commit and accept responsibility for our new "way of life", whether it be to look great in that bikini, or to improve our health. More than anything, the Zone diet is a method to transition from wherever we may be now to true health. In fact, the LA Times recently published an article about curing inflammation through food, and cites the Zone Diet as a diet geared towards this:,0,3196484.story
So let's take responsibility for our health and COMMIT. No matter how consuming it is, no matter if you forget fats at one meal, it doesn't matter. Commit to doing this and improving your health. Commit to being a good role model for your kids by showing them food isn't about potato chips and candy. Commit to feeling FANTASTIC.
You guys are doing great, I'm really proud and excited you chose to commit to this new "way of life"-you won't regret it!!!
Chris 5:18/5:37/6:46
Laura Lee Mod 20squats, Jumping Pull-ups
Great work this afternoon! Keep supporting those new daytime classes at Tustin!
Chris 5:18/5:37/6:46
Laura Lee Mod 20squats, Jumping Pull-ups
Great work this afternoon! Keep supporting those new daytime classes at Tustin!
Sarah mod 4:31/3:42/4:12
Luis rxd 3:27/3:34/4:39
Marel jmp 5:32/5:33/5:52
Kyle rxd 4:35/5:49/7:25
Pat band 5:58/7:19/7:31
Lisa band 5:08/5:00/4:56
Alex rxd 3:25/4:30/5:12
Christine band 5:40/5:49/6:57
Irene jmp 6:35/7:15/7:33
Sho rxd 5:10/5:20/5:44
Sorry for the late post. Excellent effort guys!
Here's my confession:
I've been zoning for a little over a month now and last week I had a 5 day stretch of cheat.
There wasn't a good reason to fall off the wagon but that's in the past.
That's the lesson that I learned: Let the past stay the past.
I can honestly say that the food tasted great but the morning after was not great. I was emotionally down, I felt out of sync, and my energy dropped.
Keep up with these short 30 days and I'm confident that you'll find success.
PS I will try to start posting a daily recipe for all you out there looking for inspiration.
Thanks Alec- that's awesome!
Ok here is an average day for my eating (my schedule changes from day to day, so I can't always eat at the same time):
7am Smoothie
11am 2blk snack (Grapes, Tuna, & Avocado)
12:30pm Chicken Salad
3:30pm 2Blk snack (2 Cheese Sticks, Apple, Almonds)
6:30pm Chili and Cheese
8:00pm Handful of chocolate chips (hey at least I'm honest...)
I know my body will get use to less food, but I actually feel hungry still after most meals/snacks within an hour.
Paul 4:30/4:34/5:13
Sir 4:23/5:08/5:44
Jonathan 4:00/4:43/5:17
Anatoly 4:27/5:34/6:05
Rebecca Band 5:03/5:21/5:43
Monica 5:15/5:07/7:00
Earl Jumping 5:49/7:50/7:27
Kristin Band 6:26/9:44/8:00
Ty 3:40/4:07/4:40
Garth 3:43/4:15/4:46
Huie/Storm 3:09/3:15/3:16
Steven 5:07/5:15/5:05
Mike 7:27/9:42/9:32
Eric Row 6:51/7:41/8:30
Jason Row 5:48/6:18/6:38
If you didnt know what the baseline was that is written on the wall you do now! Great stuff tonight.
Did I workout last night or was that just a figment of my imagination? I see no times posted for the 5:00 or 6:00 Cherry classes. What up Jesse? You have time to draw pretty pictures on the white board but you can't be bothered to post our times?
5pm 1/2WOD
Matt 1:46/1:50/1:58
Danny band 4:49/3:59/4:09
Gabe 1:44/1:50/2:28
Joel band 2:49/4:06/4:32
Scott L band 2:32/2:22/2:57
Dave K rxd 4:26/3:41/4:32
DeeAnna jmp 5:31/6:42/7:19
Scott rxd 4:01/5:23/5:53
Annemarie band 5:42/5:55/6:43
Adrianna rxd 5:17/6:36/6:44
Kevin rxd 3:40/4:06/4:46
Lily band 5:48/6:49/7:10
Sorry for the late post. Thanks for calling my whiteboard work a pretty picture DeeAnna, it warms my heart.haha. Excellent times guys, keep it up!
Please correct that I was not using the Band MR....:(
sorry. and just in case no one believes you- its official-
Lily rxd 5:48/6:49/7:10
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