Monday, August 24, 2009

August 25, 2009

For time:
150 Wallball shots, 20 pound ball
To go heavy, or fast? That is the question. Inevitably you'll wind up in this inbetween phase in which you'll find one medball weight too light, and the next too heavy. People always ask me how to handle this. My best suggestions are- first, are you the guy/girl that's going for speed at the expense of weight? You KNOW who you are. You check the times on the blog and board constantly, you never feel quite spent at the end of a WOD... Go for the heavier med ball and realize that today won't be your Karen PR. Are you the guy who goes for weight over time, or worse, weight over form (collective gasp!)? See how it feels to go lighter; tax those lungs a little bit.
Don't forget this Saturday guys- 10 am- be ready to wish Kim a good trip by dumping out buckets of sweat, leaving a little skin on the bars, and mopping up the blood when you're all done :)
Also- Firefighter Test workout Saturday the 12th!
*No idea* why the audioswap hasn't kicked in on this vid yet- but here's Kim at the 2009 Crossfit Games!


Julie C. said...

5:30 a.m.

Efren 20#
Christine 10# 13:13
Irene 10# 14:00

Steven said...

Long Beach


Sarah 16# 8:44
Pat 14# 10:51
Kim 16# 8:09
Jaclyn 16# 9:58
Danny 14# 14:45
Lisa 10/6# 8:42
Alex 20# 12:58
Mustafa 20# 10:33

Well done this morning!

Mustafa said...

Julie, is Efren still going? I don't see his time. Keep going, buddy! Don't Stop! :-p

Jesse said...

This is Zone friendly right?

Jesse said...

Efren 5:12 this morning.

Crossfit 360 said...

Sh*t. That has GOT to be a record, no? Good job Efren!

Mustafa said...

It is a record, beating the previous record (set by Jason A. on 8/9/08) by 6 seconds. Freakin awesome!!!

Julie C. said...

6 p.m.

Gladys 10# 10:24
DeeAnna 14# 9:06
Lorraine 10# 9:52
Ruth 10# 11:22
Anne Marie 10:57
Gabriel 16# 8:06
Zulfi 16# 8:26
Eddie 16# 7:58
John 20# 10:57
Mark 20# 10:22
Andrew 20# 10:36
Byron 16# 7:55
Carmen 14# 11:07
Dave 16# 11:11

7 p.m.
Steve 16# 13:57
Jae 20# 16:53
Scott 20# 9:16
Lizen 14# 11:08
Jeff 20kg KB Swings instead of Wall ball shots 12:06

Rose 8:35

Great job guys, great form and way to push each other!!!

Steven said...

Tustin 7pm

Sir 16# 12:52
RJ 20# 10:59
Eammon 16# 10:41
Natalie (100) 8# 12:49
Paul T 20# 12:36

Way to push on even after that killer bag class!