Complete as many rounds as you can in fifteen minutes of:
10 Thrusters (M:95#/W:65#)
10 Barbell walking lunge steps (M:95#/W:65#)
After your last thruster rep, bring the bar down behind your neck so you don't have to pick it up again. Use the same weight for both exercises should you decide to scale it. Leg crusher of a workout, so stretch well afterwards to help against getting super sore.
If you've been hitting the workouts pretty hard, seen some improvement, but not exactly what you really want-- it's probably your diet... Hate to break it to you, but yes, your diet does make a difference in your appearance. Hate to eat healthy? A great way to get yourself on board is to take the 30 Day Zone Challenge! It starts August 15. Nothing required to sign up- just put your name on the board. Try to make it to the briefing this Saturday at 230 pm at Cherry too- especially if you don't know much about the Zone Diet. Julie is a nutritional goddess (though admittedly human and with a weakness for doughnuts- so she understands us humans too :) and we're lucky to have her as a resource.
Also- coming up fast is the Kim Shredder! August 29th at 10 am- be there, and sign up to bring something! There will be a taco truck- so if you're doing the Challenge, better plan to make that your cheat day (we get one per week)!
Say what you will about Rippetoe, but I think he's freaking hilarious (and a tremendous coach): “Strong people are harder to kill, and in general, more useful.” -Coach Rippetoe
Long Beach
Candice 6 rounds 25#
Andrew 6 rounds 45#
Pat 8 rounds 45#
Luis 8 rounds 75#
Elmer 4 rounds 75#
Jaclyn 10 rounds 45#
LIzen 8 rounds 45#
Lori 12 rounds 45#
Zulfi 8 rounds 75#
Paul 5 rounds 45#
Kate 9 rounds 45#
Sho 10 rounds 45#
Stephanie 7 rounds 35#
Great work and way to push it till the end!
Sat 10am
Scott 95# 8rnds
Sophia 45# 6rnds
Annemarie 45# 10rnds
Andrew G 95# 6rnds
Pat 4rnds 41pullups
Back Squat 1-1-1-1-1-1-1
Gabriel 155/205/255/275F/265/265
Well done. See you all at 2:30 for Zone info extravaganza.
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