Monday, August 3, 2009

August 4, 2009

Complete as many rounds in 20 minutes as you can of:
Run 400 meters
Max rep Pull-ups
Max rep pullups = you must remain on the bar. If you slip off and immediately jump back on, that's one thing, but no getting off completely, chalking, resting, and then thinking you can hop back up there... That's not max reps!
In the "umm...really?" file- a new shoe from Sketchers- the Shape-Up. The advertising line for them is "Get in shape without setting foot in the gym." Really? Wow. I didn't realize that you could get in shape without working out! What have we been killing ourselves for, guys? Just buy a new pair of Sketchers Shape-ups, and you'll be all set! They actually have the audacity to say that wearing the shoe reduces cellulite!
Newsflash, guys- it doesn't matter what shoe you're wearing- if you don't exercise, you're not in shape. I cannot *believe* we are still at the point in this country that we think there is an easy way to get into good physical condition! There is no quick fix; like we tell people in the introductory class- you can't do the elliptical on level 1 for 25 minutes while chatting on the phone and watching CNN and expect to get the results that we get at Crossfit. There are no magic pills, or shoes (unless you happen upon Dorothy's ruby slippers), or other ways to cheat. You have to exercise, hard, and eat a healthy diet. Bottom line.
Here's a guy who works out hard, even when he's on a cruise! Nice going Jeff! Cute smile too!


Julie C. said...

5:30 a.m.

Total pullups

Andrew 90

What happened to "Team 530"????

Julie C. said...

Correction, since it looks like we're counting rounds and pullups per round:

Andrew 7 rounds: 25/13/12/10/10/10/10

Another one for the Wall of Fame!

Steven said...

Long Beach


Alex 13/8/8/8/8/7/7/6 8rounds
Jim 15/13/13/10/11/10/10 7rounds
Kim 20/20/15/15/15/15 6rounds
Sarah 15/15/15/15/10/15 6rounds
Raz 8/7/7/7/7/5/5 7rounds

Modified Pull-ups
Lisa 10/15/10/10/10/15 6rounds
Pat 10/11/9/8/10 5rounds
Steve 15/10/10/8/6 5rounds
Liz 10/15/10/10/15 5rounds
Jeff 20/15/10/10 4rounds

Good effort today working right to the end!

Luis said...

What are the odds; I just bought a pair of Sketchers yesterday. Not only that the sales person told me that they can help me loose weight. All I have to do is put them on and start running.

Anonymous said...

6 p.m.

Zulfi 10/10/10/12
Eddie 7/8/4/5/5/2
Ruth 10/10/8/9/10/8
Mark 6/6/5/5/4/4
Luis 20/15/15/10/10/7/8
Jesse 20/15/15/15/15
Bryon 10/9/7/5/5/6/6
Charles 5/4/2/7/4
Scott 20/15/12/12/12/8
Efren 20/20/15/10/11/10/4
Carmen 17/13/10/11/10/4/14
Jacklyn 20/15/10/9-more, but I missed it, sorry!
Deeanna 15/7/10/8/7
Katherine 8/9/6/7/5/7
Lorraine 15/15/15/17/20
Jeff 25/13/16/7 sub sumo deadlift high pulls instead of pull ups

Anonymous said...

7 p.m.

Paul D. 10/11/11/8/10
Amy 7/6/5/5/6
Steven B. 11/10/7/7/7/3

Way to go 6 and 7 p.m., keep working that POSE running!

thisoneguy said...

no WOD for me today, but I did do some running and cals... when is someone going to join me for trail running in RPV? Get out of Long Beach and get some fresh air people! =)

MikeV said...

I did the death by clean and jerk today at 135lb. I got up to 9 reps. Good job on the 10 Matt I was shooting for your number you got me.

Steven said...



Storm 20/20/18/16/16/10/12
Eammon 10/10/8/5/5/6
Al mod 10/10/10/16/13
Jake mod 2/4/3/4
Garth 10/12/12/10/12/10
Paul T 10/10/5/6/7/8/9
Monica 4/4/4/4/4/5

Alex said...

Alex @ work
13/10/10/10/11 Five rounds