Tuesday, September 15, 2009

September 16, 2009

For time:
Run 400m
50 back squats
Run 400m
50 front squats
Run 400m
50 overhead squats
Run 400m
Use a PVC pipe for the squats. I repeat: use a PVC pipe for the squats. "But [insert trainer's name here], I really want to use weight." Trainer: "Really? That's nice. Please refer to the blog."
I want really, really crisp form on these squats, as much as your fatigue will allow. As Jay says, "Perfect practice makes perfect." Consequently, crappy practice makes for crap form. If you are really working form, you should feel very fatigued. Put a med ball underneath you for depth as needed.
Unrelated note, but still important: did everyone see the comments the other day that Matt got his muscle-up and passed his PJ test?! Congrats superstar :)


thisoneguy said...

So I met this girl yesterday... I thought she might be a little easy. But then she beat me up because I ate poorly yesterday and didn't get enough sleep (she's obsessed with taking good care of yourself). Toward the end of our date she told me she'd introduce me to her friend Pukie. But Pukie called at the last minute to say he was running late and probably wouldn't make it. We waited for him about 20 minutes, and then Barbara finally let me go.

Recovery day for me... I love me some squats, but they'll have to wait.

jay said...


Awesome form on the OHS. I know I was there in person to see your first 2 muscle-ups but I wanted to put out the congrats for that again as well as for passing your test. I like your passion here but I admire that you don't cut corners. Your technique is always great. Your Push Jerks the other night were also right on!

Jesse said...

Dean rxd 14:07
Sarah rxd 13:14
Sho rxd 12:39
Lisa rxd 15:28

Excellent job folks!

jay said...

Tustin Noon;

Dean rxd 20:07

Excellent form throught out the workout, way to go!

thisoneguy said...

@Jay - aww, shucks... thanks buddy.

Anonymous said...
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Jesse said...

5pm Beg class 1/2 wod
Tawnia 10:33
Candice 9:15 row
Elmer 8:09

Jeff row 21:07
Johnny 14:41
Gladys 14:54
Lily 17:06
Annemarie 12:46
Katherine 14:00
Danny 17:32
Scott 14:03
Luis 11:28
Alison 12:34

Excellent effort!

Anonymous said...

6pm Tustin Crew
Sir 13:04
Monica 13:05
KC 16:30
Chris 16:56
Paul 17:03
Kristen 17:16

7pm Tustin Crew
Tim 17:19

Nice form today guys! Remember...form and technique, then consistency (performing the excercises with great form consistently), then and only then BRING THE INTENSITY!!!

Mustafa said...

16:33 at 6pm. As Jesse said, this WOD was not post-Barbara-friendly.

My glutes were smoked from yesterday, which is why I insisted on taking this puppy on today. Thank God there was no weight on the bar!