Saturday, September 12, 2009


Hey guys-- Tonight's bonfire will be held at Tower 21 (between the Bolsa Cafe and the basketball courts). It begins at 4 and goes until they kick us out. Food will be served, but it's bring your own drinks (and other snacky things you want); don't forget chairs and pop-ups if you have them. And yes, as is traditional, there will be s'mores :)


Jesse said...

Alison rxd 16:35
Scott rxd 14:57

Amy 18# mod 10:04

Tim 95# 23:30

Dean rxd 27:13
Paul rxd 26:42

Well done folks!

Anonymous said...

I heard you guys ROCKED IT OUT at the Biddle Test!!! Beat most of the people who were there to actually test!
That's because we rule... ;)

thisoneguy said...

have a blast at the bonfire everyone! wish I could be there, but I'm up in Sonoma County right now... okay, so that's not too bad either...

Jeff said...

Huge Kudos and an Outstanding job to those who participated in the Biddle test. I heard at the beach party how well everyone did. There you were, out to have a FUN DAY of challenging excercise and still KICKED BUTT on those there REALLY doing it to get a job. HAAA,,I love it. If that does'nt generate some new interest at CrossFit360, or ANY CrossFit for that matter, I dont know what will. Cause WE RULE!!!
Very Cool. GOOD JOB