Thursday, September 17, 2009

September 18, 2009

21-15-9 reps of:
225 pound Deadlift
Handstand push-ups
What's the one movement you are just *dying* to get down in Crossfit? A pullup? A handstand pushup? A 400# deadlift? A muscle-up? For me, for the longest time it was a pullup. I felt so great when I finally got one! Then I started working on the handstand pushup, and then I got pregnant, so I think my next "goal movement" is going to be the pullup...again! Ah well. Or, conversely, what move did you finally conquer that you worked on forever? I totally love seeing people get their first [fill in the blank], and I remember when Lily got her first pullup (at Alan's goading). I've witnessed a few first muscle-ups as well (sadly, none have been my own).
Everybody signed up for the KB seminar on Saturday???
Also- just a reminder that the Fran challenge starts October 1. Part I will be in both Long Beach & Tustin, while Part II will be held in Tustin on November 21. You pay $30 to enter, $20 of which stays in the pot. There are financial awards for fastest rx'd time and biggest improvement. Put your Crossfit to the test! :)
Many of you have seen this video already, but since I posted about the Fran Challenge (and I think this vid is hysterical) I'm posting it again. Admittedly, I wish this guy pulled his head through more on the thrusters, and had a better kip, but you can't argue with his improvement!


Efren said...

I'd have to say I want to get my first pistol (really having trouble with my balance), and perfect all my forms, Kettle bell, squat, power clean etc... and start lifting heavier. Hopefully the 2 day Crossfit Cert. will help me out. I know I'm gonna have lots of questions and gonna be paying close attention and be taking lots of notes.


Steven said...


Lori 13:05 185#
Dean 11:35 215#
Luis 12:49 185#


Andrew G 5:17 125#
Ruth 8:44 75#
Adam 8:30 165#
Scott 6:44 RXD
Mark G 10:22 165#
Sho 6:27 95#
Sarah 7:00 225#
Marel 7:01 115#

Great work this morning! Some really nice form on those deadlifts.

thisoneguy said...

can't narrow it down to one. In general I want to improve in gymnastic/bodyweight movements... L-sits, handstand push-ups, strict pull-ups, etc... eventually I want to be able to do more advanced stuff like levers, iron cross... basically everything this kid's doing:

makes me wish I had worked on that stuff when I was a puny teenager =)

Anonymous said...

Awesome that you're going to the cert Efren! When?
Gee, I guess everyone else does everything perfect besides Efren, Matt, and me... Good going, guys!

Efren said...

October 24th - 25th
CrossFit Level I Certification
CrossFit San Diego
San Diego, CA

I just found out Alec will be joining me. It's nice to see that we are getting more people committed to the crossfit community.

way to represent crossfit360!

Mustafa said...


Business meeting in W.L.A. -- everyone said we'd be done by 10:30 so I can make CF. Done at 11:15, and I'm thinking might not make the 11 CF. But who knows?

My Diane PR is 3:11 rxd (5/18/09). I determined to break that mark today. Plates at home are metric, so I add 2x2.5s for total weight 226 and change (so now it's "Heavy Diane" -- yeah baby!). Filmed this historic event for proof.

Did it in 4:24. What was I thinking? All that quad and glute work this week was laughing at me the whole time (about 640 variously weighted squat exercise movements since Monday). Subtract the motivational group dynamic and the result is ... STILL THE FASTEST TIME OF THE DAY RXD+, SUCKAAAAAS!!!

Muscleups and handstand pushups. I want to be able to do muscleups consistently, and I want better depth on HSPUs. There's other stuff, but I'll start there.

Good luck at the cert Efren! You're going to love it. Be sure and try the Fran soufflé for lunch (*tee hee*).

Luis said...

Everything, especially running.

Jesse said...


Keith 85/105/115/125/105
Adam 115/125/135/145/155

Ruth 30:54
Andrew 23:06
Mark 35:04
Pat 25:03
Katherine 32:20

Alexia 188:44
Anh 18:55

Lizen 7rnds
Lisa 7rnds
Amy 7rnds

Annemarie 135# 9:43
Paul 225# 6:23

Great turnout today guys and real good work all around!