Wednesday, April 1, 2009

April 2, 2009

Complete the following for time:
21 shoulder press (105#/75#)
Run 800m
21 push press
Run 800m
21 push jerk
Run 800m
Trainer's Corner: You definitely need to segment the first presses. Think small sets so you don't totally wipe your shoulders out right at the get go. If you're new, learning the press, push press, and push jerk all in one day will be overwhelming-- so just stick with the press if you don't have much lifting experience (or are freaked out)...
Liz, I promise I'm going to break into those new pics you gave me soon! It's just that right now the CD is all the way in the living room.. and that's like 2 rooms away ;) Plus, this is very cute...


Mustafa said...

Oops! Major correction from the mudrun. Seems they were running the clock from the 5k, so Teams Surf Chocolate and Cannon Ballers finished 12th and 13th of coed teams in only 1hr 7min! Cannon Ballers actually finished in under an hour, but they waited with the rest of Surf Chocolate for yours truly to cross the finish line together. Rock360rock!

Steven said...

Dave 95# 18:54
Angela 75# 19:35
Wendy 55# 22:07

steven said...

Don't forget just because its cloudy doesn't mean you don't have to come to crossfit!

Mike 55# 13:18
Alex RXD 26:24
Lisa 35# 22:21
Linda 35# 26:47

MikeV said...

Good work everyone!!!


Cesar 17:54 85x
Lauren 18:55 65x
Alison 16:45 rxd
Carmen 21:12 45x
Matt 17:33 85x
Erick 17:40 rxd with a 25 on weight vest
Al 18:59 rxd
Miguel 18:52 45x

400m run

Drew 13:00 45x
Kimmie 13:00 PVC


Adam 18:10 95x
Ruth 20:38 35x
Jay 23:20 95x
Tanyi 21:20 rxd

I did it with a 1000m row instead of a run.
16:44 rxd
Sorry Alison I got you by 1 sec this time!!