Thursday, April 30, 2009

May 1, 2009

Since so many people expressed their love for her earlier this week:
For time:
3 rounds
400 m run
21 KB swings (1.5 pood)
12 pullups
Some incredible news on a few members... now, I'm probably going to get some of the terminology wrong on this one since I got this information second-hand, but be sure to congratulate Tom, who passed his Seal test with flying colors, apparently surpassing all of the "competitive" times for the workouts (according to my source, Mike V., there are "regular" and "competitive" times-- and Tom kicked the test's butt! Not to be outdone, when we did Blackjack last week, Deeanna knocked 6 minutes off her time!!!
Man you guys are in good shape!!!!!!!!
5050- 17-17-17

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

April 30, 2009

Alright, so we got Barbara down! Let's see who's got liftin' skills--
Remember- this is your ONE REP MAX! You should feel freakin light-headed after doing this lifts, that's how heavy they should be. You should NEED the rests inbetween. Bored? Do some skill work.
So: I hereby declare next week to be Affiliate Cup week. Meaning, we'll be evaluating your performances to see who to put on the Affiliate cup team- that goes for you too Tustin. For more info on what the heck that is, go to We're pretty squared away for girls, but we're looking for guys!! Team spots won't strictly be based on your times or your weights just this week, we've also got to consider form, experience, and overall awesomeness (but you're all over-qualified on that criterion!)
Don't forget the Matrix starts 5/6- for God's sake, get your asses signed up!!!!!!!!
5050- 16-16-16

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

April 29, 2009

Well, as those of you at Cherry can see, we're revamping the Wall of Fame- don't worry Tustin, your own W of F is in the works. We've got a lot of holes- lots of WODS to get through so we can get some names on the board. Quick guys, while Jason's shoulder is still recovering! ;)
5 rounds for time:
20 pullups
30 pushups
40 situps
50 squats
There's no rule about parsing these out- so it's your choice. Just remember to keep track of your rounds. I suggest that you grab a marker and keep track on one of the white boards...
5050: 15-15-15

Monday, April 27, 2009

April 28, 2009

Five rounds for time of:
95/65 # Sumo-deadlift high-pull, 21 reps
21 Ring dips
Scale as needed.
5050: 14-14-14
A friendly reminder-- please be on time for class. We're starting to do the Burgener warmup every day to get you guys in tip-top lifting form, so it's important to get in on time. Don't be shocked if you show up at half-past and get turned away-- we love you but we need to maintain good control of the class to be sure everyone stays safe and gets a great workout! :)

Sunday, April 26, 2009

April 27, 2009

For time:
Thrusters (95#M; 65#W)
5050: Lucky 13s
Is this your favorite WOD? It's definitely in my top 5. The questions on Kim's athlete profile on the 2009 Games site- go to got me to thinking about what everyone's favorite WODs were. Thoughts?
Also- just want to let everyone know that the revamped Matrix will be starting on May 6-- it will be held at the same times as last time, Wednesday at 7 pm and Saturday at 11 am. There's a little twist though- it's been specifically designed to get you into killer shape as you prepare for summer; there will be a nutritional aspect, and its main goal is to improve your strength. I mean, really improve your strength. As in, you should be putting up PR's (Personal Records) on your lifts every week. Every class will have a weightlifting component, a cardiovascular component, and a gymnastic (body weight exercises) component. It will be a closed class that is going to require preregistration-- email me at if you are interested.

April 26, 2009

For those of you non-slackers, 12-12-12. For slackers: Go to In-n-Out. For die-hards: do In-n-Out Fran. And please film it for our enjoyment.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

April 25, 2009

Rest/Make-up/Skills Day. Check out this vid of the qualifier- prepare to be humbled!! Don't forget 5050: 11-11-11. In case you guys noticed, the blog was down for several hours yesterday afternoon and evening-- no, it's not that we didn't pay our bills, and no, I didn't go on strike-- the company that we own the domain name through was doing some regularly scheduled maintenance. That's no excuse not to post your tens... ;)

Thursday, April 23, 2009

April 24, 2009

"Twenty is Plenty...Plus"
400 m Run
20 Box jump, 24 inch box
20 Jumping pull-ups
20 Kettlebell swings, 1 pood
Walking Lunge, 20 steps
20 Knees to elbows
20 Push press, 45 pounds
20 Back extensions
20 Wall ball shots, 20 pound ball
20 Burpees
20 Double unders
400 m Run
5050: 10-10-10
Hey- we're in the double digits! :)

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

April 23, 2009

For time:
20 pushups
1 situp
19 pushups
2 situps
18 pushups
3 situps
... and so on, until
1 pushup
20 situps
5050: 9-9-9 (obviously, though, if you come to class today your pushups and situps are covered- still need to do the squats though)
Check it out- me, the stomach, and the champion, post workout #3! At least there's evidence I knew her before her international fame...

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

April 22, 2009

Qualifier WOD #3:
6 Rounds for time (seriously):
30 air squats
10 chest-to-bar pullups (clavicle or below must touch bar)
5 Cleans (155#M; 105#W)
Scale as needed, obviously, to safely challenge yourself.
5050: 8-8-8
And yes, I'm sure your legs are sore from yesterday. Breathe and get through it, kids!

Monday, April 20, 2009

April 21, 2009

Qualifier WOD #2:
3 Rounds for time of:
400 m Run
30 Overhead Squats x 95# (65# women)
5050: 7-7-7
Hot? Aww. Tell it to Matt, Kim, and Mustafa who did this WOD in the afternoon blazing sun on Saturday (after doing another WOD earlier in the day). Seriously though, keep hydrated- drink throughout the day and throughout your workout.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

We knew she was good, but... (and 4/20/09)

...Damn!!! Kim will be representing the Socal Region at the Crossfit Games 2009!!! She came in 4th place, which was OUTstanding! Kim really exemplified mental fortitude, athleticism, and an unbelievable inner reserve! To be honest with you guys, I didn't have any expectations. I mean, we all know she is incredible, but it's difficult to know what other animals might be out there lurking in the wilderness. So my main message was "Find your rhythm, and do the best YOU can." Well, Kim's best was pretty darn great!!
Mustafa finished today's WOD in 20:52 (fantastic), and Matt finished 3rd in his heat. In honor of our 360 competitors, you'll all be doing the qualifier WOD's this week.
For time:
800 m run
Then, 6 rounds of:
20 box jumps (Qual specs = step-ups are acceptable)
10 wall balls
Finally, 800 m run.
Note that they did a 2000 m row followed by the 6 rounds. However, since we have one rower, I think running would be a lot easier to execute. However, if you would prefer to do the row instead, go for it! This WOD is all about endurance; don't burn yourself out at the beginning!
5050: 6-6-6

Saturday, April 18, 2009


Everybody did amazing today! What a pack of athletes. Competition was stiff and serious-- if nothing else, we learned that form has got to be on the top of your priority list EVERY DAY, because that practice adds up. Kim finished 4th after the first event, and we're not certain what she is after the second- but we're 99% certain she's top 5. She has a serious chance to qualifier for the actual games- and that is out of approximately 35 women who are the best in the region. Mustafa put in amazing effort- cleaning and squatting with the best of them. Matt, too, did unbelievably well, considering he's only been Crossfitting for 2-3 months. He came in third in his second workout!
Tomorrow's WOD is another brutal one: 2000 m row; then 6 rounds of 20 box jumps; 10 wall balls (20#M; 16#W).
These guys deserve your major respect- be sure to tell them how great they did the next time you see them at the gym!
5050 club:

Friday, April 17, 2009


Remember, we are closed on 4/18 because we'll all be down in Tustin watching Kim, Matt, and Mustafa kick butt!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

April 17, 2009

Front Squat
Now's your chance to practice that front rack position that we all struggle with. Remember, you're working to try to get your triceps parallel to the floor-- you just need to fight for position (like they do in groundfighting!) Think about bringing your elbows up to the ceiling.
Buy-in: above plus 3-3-3
Everybody ready to rumble this weekend?!
Remember Cherry is CLOSED on Saturday. I'll post the details of what went on both Saturday and Sunday night.
Feeling kinda mushy today, and just wanted to let you guys know how proud I am of all of you for coming in and putting it down with the intensity and drive that you all do. We all have good WOD days and bad WOD days. Remember that on those days you are feeling down about your fitness level, maybe you finish last, or maybe you don't finish at all-- remember who you are comparing yourself to. Sure, not necessarily Olympic athletes (unless Allison is in your class that day)- but people at some very high levels of fitness. Put things in perspective by widening out your term of comparison to the bigger population, and you will soon realize, "Damn! I am in SHAPE!" :)

Please don't shoot the messenger...

Now the qualifier site says that after today, there will be no more spectator registration as the attendance level is capped by the facility. Which means if you were planning on registering as a spectator when you got there, you can't (at least, until they change things around again in 24-48 hours). So: bottom line = if you want to come to the qualifier, register to be a spectator TODAY if you haven't done so at I am not going to post on this matter anymore because I feel like whatever message I pass on to you guys ultimately becomes unreliable and old news and I don't want to confuse anyone (more than I already have).


Did anyone ever play that really old computer game Oregon Trail? They had it in my fifth grade classroom. I loved it, but by today's standards it was pretty pitiful. The idea was you needed to take a group of people across the country in a wagon. Random things would happen and messages would pop up all of a sudden saying "So-and-so in your party has died of dysentery" and "The wagon has caught fire." Good times. Anyway, you can go by wagon if you choose, but I thought I'd get a post going for people to coordinate carpooling to the qualifier, since I know not everyone has each others numbers/emails.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

April 16, 2009

Here's an odd little blend.
Complete the following twice for time:
20 push-ups
20 walking lunge steps
20 squats
Run 400m with medball
20 burpees
20 box jumps (20")
20 Abmat sit-ups
Run 400m with medball

5050 club: 2-2-2
Buy in- the above plus an additional 1-1-1
Have you guys seen the qualifier WODs? They are SICK! Don't worry- you'll get your chance next week (hehe).


Hey Crossfitters! So- the info is in re: the heat schedule and the WOD. Check it out: Kim will be in Heat 3 (going at 930 am and 220 pm); Mustafa will be in Heat 7 (going at 1130 am and 4 pm); and Matt will be in Heat 9 (going at 1230 pm and 450 pm). Good news = odds are no matter when you plan to be there, you've got a great shot at seeing at least one of our athletes go! The address is 15991 Armstrong Avenue, Tustin, CA at the OC Sheriffs Academy-- go to for all the specs, and don't forget to bring a beach chair or blanket or two. Just look for all the people wearing 360 shirts! :P

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

April 15, 2009

First liftin' day in Tustin... yeah baby!
And, not only is it tax day, it's also the first day of 5050! So, sign up on the boards at Cherry or Tustin and do your one pushup, one situp, one squat. The rules are as follows- your warmup moves don't count (so no counting the 10 warmup pushups, 10 warmup situps, or the overhead squats; if you do pushups etc. in Krav, Bag, or any of the other classes, those count; if you do the exercises at home (and you definitely will on Sundays), you *must* post to the blog to indicate that you've done them. And pictures of you doing your exercises in silly locations or on vacations, etc. are encouraged. Here's a pic of Moose from the last 5050 club!
Remember too- we're closed on Saturday at Cherry for the qualifier (Willow and Tustin are operating on a normal schedule). It's not too late to join the caravan- go to!

Monday, April 13, 2009

April 14, 2009

30 Muscle-ups for time.

If you cannot do the muscle-ups do 90 pull-ups and 90 dips. Seriously, 1 muscle-up = 3 pullups and 3 dips.
The next 5050 club starts on April 15! This time it will be pushups, situps, and squats! Meaning, on Day 1 you do one pushup, one situp, and one squat. Day 2 you do two pushups, 2 situps, 2 squats. And so on until Day 100 (which is July 24)... on which you will do 100 pushups, 100 situps, and 100 squats. Sign up on the board by the med balls if you want to be a part of it!
REMEMBER Cherry will be closed this Saturday (4/18) for the qualifier!!! Willow & Tustin will be operating on the normal schedule.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

April 13, 2009

4 rounds for time:
Run 400 m
21 burpees
Gotta love those cardio days! :) See how when they jump forward from plank, they don't jump their feet close together-- they jump them into squat position. That maximizes efficiency (= faster time).

April 12, 2009

Happy Easter! (if you swing that way) ;)
Good luck to Jesse, btw, who's over at Crossfit Marina doing his Level 1 Cert. Nice!

Thursday, April 9, 2009

April 10, 2009

Shoulder Press

Article on Rips

Hey guys- here's an article on hand rips by Phil Savage from the Crossfit Journal that I thought might be helpful to a lot of you. Kim, perhaps you could comment on the use of hand guards??

"Rips of the skin and calluses on the hands are an annoying and painful part of any physical exercise that uses the hands intensively. Anyone can get them, and there's no getting around that fact. You can get them from shoveling snow, playing baseball, throwing the javelin, climbing ropes, or swinging on bars. You can get them from doing just about anything involving the hands. Gymnasts have to deal with them all the time, as do weightlifters and, of course, people who do a high volume of kipping pull- ups.

Hand guards (grips)
There are several ways to prevent or at least minimize rips or tears on your hands. As a gymnastics coach, I encourage my athletes to wear hand guards or grips when they are training on the rings and high bar so they can train longer and harder without worrying whether their hands are going to tear. Gymnasts typically wear these leather hand grips (guards) when training and competing on the rings and the horizontal bar (high bar) or uneven bars. Grips for the rings have two finger holes (photos 1 and 2) and those for high bar have three (photos 3 and 4); all types have a strip of leather that protects the working side of the hands, and some have dowels in them to extend the fingers' reach and help the gymnast lock onto the bar or rings. You can order these grips online from most any gymnastics equipment and supply company. I personally use"

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

April 9, 2009

"The Chief" (sort of)
Max Rounds in 3 Minutes:
3 med ball cleans
6 pushups
9 squats
Rest 1 minute. Repeat for a total of 5 cycles.
Check out what the Matrix programmers did yesterday... sickness!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

April 8, 2009

Long Beach and Tustin:
Run 800 m for time 4 times. Rest as long as you need to (within reason-- don't make the instructors close the school at 10 pm) between rounds.
Check out the Crossfit Games 2008 winner- Jason Khalipa. Serious as a heart attack... Check out his form. Jeez. Reminds me of Jason Alexander. Check it out Luis- that's the hill you'll be running. Get ready to hit the trails.

Monday, April 6, 2009

April 7, 2009

Long Beach and Tustin:
For time:
Walking lunge 25 steps
21 Pull-ups
21 Sit-ups
Walking lunge 25 steps
18 Pull-ups
18 Sit-ups
Walking lunge 25 steps
15 Pull-ups
15 Sit-ups
Walking lunge 25 steps
12 Pull-ups
12 Sit-ups
Walking lunge 25 steps
9 Pull-ups
9 Sit-ups
Walking Lunge 25 steps
6 Pull-ups
6 Sit-ups
Mysteriously, spectator registration remains open for the Socal Crossfit Games 2009 Qualifier! Come on over to the OC Sheriffs Academy on April 18 and 19, and watch Mustafa, Kim, and Matt kick everybody's butts-- without even using Krav Maga! ;) You *must* preregister, however-- go to
...kickin' it old school in Tustin!

Sunday, April 5, 2009

April 6, 2009

Today is the first day Crossfit360 is back in Tustin! For the next few weeks, until we get all the equipment in, I'll be posting a Tustin WOD & a Cherry WOD-- however, today they are both the same:
5 Rounds for time:
400 m run
30 box jumps
30 wall balls
Hey, you asked for it, Tustin ;)

Thursday, April 2, 2009

April 3, 2009

Complete five rounds for time of:

30 wall balls
10 burpees
10 minutes or less.....

Contemplate your own ability! I would segment the wall balls at 10/10/10, catching a short breath between each break. I think the ten burpees can be done all the way through if you take them nice and steady, not trying to blast through them in the first round. Five rounds will sneak up on you.
I've said it before, and I'll say it again- this is not a wall ball.

Latest info on Qualifier

Hey guys- here's the most recent info on the qualifier, and I quote:
"We will post the general schedule of events soon. Check in at the event should take place from about 0630 to 0800 on Saturday the 17th. The first heat should start at 0830.
Individual athletes' heat numbers will also be posted at the same time as the heat schedule. You will simply find your heat number and check the schedule to see what time your heat starts.
We're running over 360 workouts. Pay attention to your heat check in and start times. There will be no make up heats."

This explains why I have to be there at 6 am! As soon as we know anything about Mustafa's, Kim's, or Matt's start times, I will post it. I am really excited!! :)
Also, FYI, there will be no class on Saturday the 18th as we will all be at the qualifier. I will post an at-home workout though.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

April 2, 2009

Complete the following for time:
21 shoulder press (105#/75#)
Run 800m
21 push press
Run 800m
21 push jerk
Run 800m
Trainer's Corner: You definitely need to segment the first presses. Think small sets so you don't totally wipe your shoulders out right at the get go. If you're new, learning the press, push press, and push jerk all in one day will be overwhelming-- so just stick with the press if you don't have much lifting experience (or are freaked out)...
Liz, I promise I'm going to break into those new pics you gave me soon! It's just that right now the CD is all the way in the living room.. and that's like 2 rooms away ;) Plus, this is very cute...