Saturday, August 30, 2008

August 30 WOD Results + Pushups: Day 17

Thank you to everyone who came to Tustin for today's workout. The WOD was Group Fran, aka Massive Butt Kicking. Participants were broken into teams. Each team completed 3 400 m runs, 300 Thrusters, and 150 pullups. Team 2 (Aaron, Christian, Eric, Joey, and Roger) was the winning team with a time of 33:02, and they were happy to be waited on by teams 1, 3, and 4. Team 4 (John, Luis, Vic, Kevin, Ernie, and Jason) came in second with a time of 33:12, while Team 3 (Andy, Shawn, Jim, Kevin, and Darnell) was third. Team 1, which was clearly the best looking team, consisted of Deanna, Lara, Sara, Angie, Mary Lou, and Margo, came in fourth. Nice job everybody!
Don't forget to do your 17 pushups tomorrow. And clear your calendars for September 27, our next big workout!

Friday, August 29, 2008

WOD August 30, 2008

Psych! As if I'd put the WOD for tomorrow up... suckers! We'll see you ALL at 10 am in Tustin for a fantastic workout. Remember, there are no other classes this weekend, so get your butts to the OC.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

WOD August 29, 2008

For time:
Double Unders
Kettlebell swing (rx: make sure it's hard for you!)
This is the prep workout for Saturday- trying to keep it relatively light-n-easy, without bringing in fem exercises like bicep curls.
To review:
10 am.
Saturday the 30th.
Tustin school.
Serve Guinness- if you are on a losing team.
Drink Guinness- if you are on a winning team.
+15 pushups today.
The first of the pushup pictures, and it will be hard to top! Joey and Kyle on a giant golden whale. Insert smart remarks to the comments section.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

WOD August 28, 2008

30 Clean & Jerks for time (M:135#; W:85#).
This is one of those deceiving workouts that makes you go, "Oh, that's not that bad." Then, when you are midway through, you begin to realize that 30 is actually a pretty big number. In the words of John Mustafa, "Curse you Crossfit, I love you!"
14 pushups today, por favor. And where are you people, anyway? You know you need to be posting in order to get a T-shirt, right?
Oh, and: 10 am. Saturday, August 30. Tustin school. Be there, or be lame.
Crossfit...the next olympic sport?

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

WOD August 27, 2008

Everybody loves Freddie, right, because of the bit that he wrote on rest? Well, you might not love him so much after this. I believe this was his creation...
For Time:
10 wall balls (M:16#/W:14#)
10 push-ups
9 wall balls
9 push-ups
8 wall balls
8 push-ups
7 wall balls
7 push-ups
6 wall balls
6 push-ups
5 wall balls
5 push-ups
4 wall balls
4 push-ups
3 wall balls
3 push-ups
2 wall balls
2 push-ups
1 wall ball
1 push-up
Run 800m
1 push-up
1 wall ball
2 push-ups
2 wall balls
3 push-ups
3 wall balls
4 push-ups
4 wall balls
5 push-ups
5 wall balls
6 push-ups
6 wall balls
7 push-ups
7 wall balls
8 push-ups
8 wall balls
9 push-ups
9 wall balls
10 push-ups
10 wall balls
And for those of you not attending the WOD today...13 pushups! By the way, this is a picture of Freddie, so you know whose face to visualize while silently (or loudly) cursing throughout your workout! He's the guy on the right.

Monday, August 25, 2008

WOD August 26, 2008

In honor of Michael's Birthday:
Little Michael
3 Rounds for time:
400 m run
50 situps (GHD or Abmat)
50 back extensions (or Supermans)
+12 for today!

Sunday, August 24, 2008

WOD August 25, 2008

A nice day of lifting to start the week off. Practice your form with the PVC a few times before getting started with more serious weight. Oh, and if you haven't been to a lift seminar, and want to lift may do so only if you sign up for the next lift seminar, so be sure to see one of the instructors to put your name down. This of course does not apply to the poor Tustonians, who have been denied lift seminars- don't worry- your first one is September 20.
11 pushups, please!
Check out the excellent depth on these dips- nice job!

August 24, 2008

Rest day, but no rest for the wicked...10 pushups! Thanks to everyone who came to the bonfire last night- despite long lines, a grill that almost didn't make it, and moments of monsoon-like winds, everybody had a great time. Some highlights: long lost member Eric Brophy made an appearance; Brandy from Tustin made it, despite a slight detour up to Malibu; Hung at the barbeque nonstop; Jennessa making threatening comments to Alan about a certain body part (there is a back story); seeing Robert Ayala's son, who is practically driving at this point; and so much more. I have it on good authority that Luis did not actually run all the way from Long Beach, but one can never be sure. Have a good Sunday!

Saturday, August 23, 2008

3rd Annual Bonfire

Our 3rd annual Bonfire will be today, August 23rd at Bolsa Chica State Beach, between tower 21 & 22.
Officially it will begin at 4 PM but you are welcome to come whenever.... We will be there until the park closes... or until they kick us out...
We will have plenty of food and drinks.... you are welcome to bring friends and family along.
All are welcome

Friday, August 22, 2008

WOD August 23, 2008

Jenn's House of Pain Presents... Mystery WOD!
I'm covering for Jess tomorrow while she and Jason represent Crossfit360 at the local affiliate workout. So that means...more fun for you! I promise, no Filthy Fifty, and no Fran. But we've got to work off the beer and burgers we're anticipating having tonight, yes? Yes!
All I'll say is...9 pushups! You'll have to show up to find out more. Meanwhile, check out this CRAZY picture of Vic! Seriously, click on it so that you can see the expression on his face. Nice Best Buy commercial...

Thursday, August 21, 2008

WOD August 22, 2008

For time:
40 Box Jumps
40 Situps (Abmat or GHD)
30 Box Jumps
30 Situps
20 Box Jumps
20 Situps
10 Box Jumps
10 Situps
Things to Do:
-The WOD
-8 Pushups
-Attend Gun Seminar tonight in Signal Hill from 5-7.
-Attend Bonfire Saturday night at Bolsa Chica State Beach beginning at 4 pm.
-Check website Saturday to find out which tower 360 will be at (or don't, and possibly attend some unknown kid's birthday party at another tower).
-Send us pictures of you guys doing your pushups in random places. Or your senior portraits, or anything else equally embarrassing. Seriously- if the picture is good enough, there may be something in it for you...Plus I need new pics for the blog. For now- here's a pic from last month's big workout- to remind you to attend the one next weekend in Tustin!

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

WOD August 21, 2008

7 Rounds for Time:
10 SDH (75#M; 55#W)
10 Dips
Give that lower body a break (sort of). Remember that wide stance for SDH, back nice and straight, good lumbar curve, and close grip.
Word to the Wise- if you haven't been to a lift seminar, and you're coming on lift days, get your butt to the next lift seminar, which will be September 6 in Signal Hill. The one after that (and the first one in Tustin) will be on September 20. You laugh, but you won't be laughing when you can't do the WOD if it's lifting (we'll give you another workout to do; don't worry, we're not that mean. It'll be an easy one, too. Like Murph.) We do these seminars for your safety, guys. Seriously.
Got a friend who is considering Crossfit, but is afraid to pony up? Send 'em to the special Crossfit Intro Class on Mondays at 7 in Signal Hill.
Lucky number 7 pushups today!

The Importance of Rest

Credit Freddy C. from Crossfit OneWorld for this awesome little monologue about the importance of rest. Don't get us wrong; we love seeing you, but rest is very important for you, both mentally and physically. Oh- and read it 'cause it's funny too. And remember- Freddy wrote this- I don't watch anything as lame as "So You Think You Can Dance." I'm all about really tough shows, like "Project Runway."
"Rest is important to muscle repair. More importantly (and in my very humble opinion) rest is important for the mind! When you become more acclimated to the Crossfit workout , you will throw yourself at it harder and harder each time. The mental fortitude needed to give yourself up physically for three days straight is just as draining as the workout itself. The rest day is your day to get your mind fresh again. Think about that anxiety you get when you first read what the workout is. We often experience what I like to call "The Dread"." Nervousness, anxiety, making up excuses on why you don't need to workout that day.... "The Dread" can kick your ass. We need that rest day to get a break from "The Dread." I don't know about you, but I never experience "The Dread" while I am contemplating sitting on my couch and watching "So You Think You Can Dance" reruns on my TIVO."

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

WOD August 20, 2008

400 m run
Max rep pullups
As many rounds as you can in 20 minutes. Note the number of pullups completed each round. Realistically, only you can determine whether you have reached your max rep pullups; I suggest that if you find yourself resting for 10-15 seconds between pullups, you've reached your max, but this is just a guideline. It is really your call; only you know if you have just one more pullup in you!
*Groan.* Why do we have to run when we did walking lunges of death yesterday? It will be very good for you to loosen up your legs. You will not notice the soreness once you are in the midst of the workout (because you'll be focused on the pain in your upper body from the pullups).
6 Pushups today! The number are going up, slowly but surely! :)
Now here is a true example of defying expectations and laughing at your supposed limitations...

Monday, August 18, 2008

WOD August 19, 2008

"Walking Lunges of Death"
400 m weighted walking lunges
How much weight? What's rx'd? Mommy! There is no rx on this one, guys, just grab the heaviest dumbbells or dynamax ball you can, and start walking! Dumbbells can be held at your sides, dynamax ball at your chest.
Word to the wise: STRETCH afterwards. Especially if you have to get out of bed for any reason tomorrow, and definitely if you'll have to face any stairs.
Oh, and it's 5 pushups today!

Sunday, August 17, 2008

WOD August 18, 2008

Tabata This!
Ta-what-a? Tabata! A tabata is 20 seconds of work and ten seconds of rest performed eight times. Perform a tabata cycle at each of the following exercises. Rest one minute between exercises. Score is the total of the lowest amount of reps done in any of the eight rounds for each exercise.
And yes, for all you pansies who are always looking for technicalities, count your Tabata pushups toward your 4 for today. If you don't make it in, post your pushups (and a joke or funny story would be nice too. Just to keep things entertaining).

Saturday, August 16, 2008

August 17, 2008

REST. And do 3 pushups. And post it here!

Friday, August 15, 2008

WOD August 16, 2008

7 rounds for time:
10 med ball cleans
10 box jumps
Today at 10 am is the last Lift Seminar in August, so be there or be lame. This is what it takes to be good at the weights. Love them. Hug them. Kiss them. But please don't lick them.
2 pushups today, kiddos!

Push Up Club & Quiz

Hey guys- today is the first day of our 100 days, 100 pushups. Today is Day 1, so we do 1 pushup. Tomorrow, we do 2, and so on, up until Day 100. I grant you, days 90-100 are going to be rough. At the end, if you make it all the way, you will have completed 5,050 pushups. How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time. People who finish will be given a special T-shirt made only for those of us who make it (hey, I'll be in the trenches with you). The rules are: warm up pushups don't count; if there are pushups in that day's WOD or if you do them in another class, they count toward that day's pushup quota; you can start late, you just need to do the make up pushups; all pushups MUST be on the toes in order to count; and you can do them at home, but you are on the honor system, and must post a comment to let everyone know you did them!
* Three fried egg sandwiches with cheese lettuce tomatoes, fried onions and mayo
* One five-egg omelette
* A bowl of grits
* Three slices of French toast with powdered sugar
* Three chocolate chip pancakes
* Two cups of coffee
* 1,000 calories worth of energy drinks
* A pound of pasta with tomato sauce
* Two large ham, cheese and mayo sandwiches on white bread
* Six to eight slices of pizza
* Another pound of pasta with tomato sauce
* 1,000 calories of energy drinks
Is the above listed average day's food intake (12,000 calories)...
a) Stefan's diet
b) Michael Phelps' diet
c) Fat Albert's diet

Thursday, August 14, 2008

WOD August 15, 2008

"Crossfit Total"
1 Back Squat
1 Shoulder Press
1 Deadlift
This is your one-rep max of each of these movements. Practically speaking, you will probably wind up doing more than one rep of each as you try to figure out how much you can actually lift. This is NOT for time, so be sure you recover sufficiently between attempts. Wear flat soled sneakers, if you have them, in order to provide you with a stable platform. Be sure to record your max lifts in the book!
Remember- last Lift Seminar of August is this Saturday at 10!

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

WOD August 14, 2008

50 Burpees for time.

Need I say more?

This Saturday will be our last lift seminar in Signal Hill until September, so get on it, baby, if you haven't made it in!

Also- get ready because August 30 at 10 am we will have our monthly Crossfit & Beer workout in Tustin for the first time. For what we have in mind this month (insert evil laugh and twist of the mustache here), we'll need to have some idea of who will attend, so if you plan to make it in (and you should) let someone at the front desk at any of the facilities know. You better make it, because that will be our only class that weekend (the school will be closed for the remainder of it in celebration of Labor Day).
Not sure if Crossfit is a good compliment to your training? Just ask this man. Not to mention BJ Penn, whose muscle-ups can be seen on Youtube. Check it out.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

WOD August 13, 2008

For Time:

10 Situps on GHD or Ab Mat

10 Supermans

30 Thrusters (95#M; 65#W)

30 Situps

30 Supermans

20 Thrusters

50 Situps

50 Supermans

10 Thrusters


Hey- if you're curious to see some awesome Olympic lifts, check out the Olympic weightlifting. Go to

Monday, August 11, 2008

WOD August 12, 2008


4 Rounds for time:

400 m run

25 Walking Lunges (one step = one lunge)

If you would like to access the blog directly, you may now do so by going to

No need to fear this WOD or any; just do the best you can- keep pushing yourself to the limit and your limits will get further and further away. A little secret: the WOD's are hard for all of us (yes, even for Jason Alexander) because the beauty of Crossfit is that it challenges us, no matter where we are. Some things will come easier for you; maybe you're a gifted runner or a super-strong weightlifter, but that doesn't mean you should come only for the heavy lifting or endurance days. The runner who can't lift should make it a point to be in on lift days, while the strong man should get his butt kicked on the runs. Practice what you are bad at; conquer it, and move on.

Hey, it's late. I'm philosophical.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

WOD August 11, 2008

5 rounds for time:

9 Hang Squat Cleans

15 Pullups

Rx'd for the HSC's is 155#; however, I don't want anyone to do that weight. No one in the gym has done a HSC before (with us, at least), so it's all about scaling today, folks. Men may go as high as 100#, women as high as 75#. This is NOT negotiable. So don't even bother. Use this as an opportunity to work on your front rack position as well as the depth of your squat, in addition to getting familiar with a brand new movement.

In the meanwhile...Zone Diet VIOLATION! This is what was in the trash at the gym the other day...alright, who did it? 'Fess up. I know that Starbucks is one of the 5 main food groups, but M&M's?

Friday, August 8, 2008

WOD August 9, 2008


150 Wall Balls for time

M: 20#

W: 16#

Also- don't forget- Lift Seminar at 10 am on Saturday for those of you who haven't attended yet- be there!

Mike fights again today at 11- think good thoughts for him :)

Anybody seen JP? 'Cause I haven't in awhile...Here's a pic for the missing person's report.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

WOD August 8, 2008

For Time:

45 pound Dumbbell squat snatch, left arm, 21 reps

45 pound Dumbbell squat snatch, right arm, 21 reps

21 Pull-ups

45 pound Dumbbell squat snatch, left arm, 15 reps

45 pound Dumbbell squat snatch, right arm, 15 reps

15 Pull-ups

45 pound Dumbbell squat snatch, left arm, 9 reps

45 pound Dumbbell squat snatch, right arm, 9 reps

9 Pull-ups


This pic is worth a 1000 words.

Don't forget- lift seminar at 10 am for those of you who haven't attended- get your butts in!

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

WOD August 7, 2008

Back Squat


This isn't a race; you should be lifting heavy enough weight that you *need* to rest between sets.

And now...for our first game of Name that Crossfitter! Who is this? Hint: It isn't Dumbbell Face, Iron Man's younger, less famous cousin.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

WOD August 6, 2008

Uh, was yesterday's workout a ringer, or what? Give that tired upper body a break today.

Run 800 m for time 4x. Rest 3 minutes in between sets. In the words of Bas Rutten, "If you are not tired you can always do some pushups, situps, jumps..." Seriously, push yourself by doing some skill work inbetween the runs- pullups (work on that kip), situps, dips, work on that overhead squat depth/form, practice push jerk with the PVC if you think it's tricky. Hey, you can't give your upper body a total rest... :) Everyone should choose a skill exercise to work on, particularly during the last minute and a half of your rest, before the next round of running.

Here is Jimmy, determined to get every ounce of effort out of that shoulder before it's laid up for awhile. Nice form!


Dead F*cking Last beats Did Not Finish beats Did Not Start!

Monday, August 4, 2008

WOD August 5, 2008

Walk 100 m with a weighted barbell held overhead (arms at lock out) four times. Rest as long as you want between efforts. There is no prescribed weight on this, leaving it up to you and your instructor to decide. Your thruster weight yesterday might be a good jumping off point, but you may be up for more or less, depending... The attempt only counts if you make it the full 100 m without stopping. There's lots of core in this one, as well as balance and stability. Enjoy!

PS- this is NOT an excuse to lift lame weight. Go heavy or...go to Curves. Not that there's anything wrong with that...

Sunday, August 3, 2008

WOD August 4, 2008 & Mike wins Gold!

30 Double Unders

21 Thrusters (85# M; 55# W)

15 Pullups


20 Double Unders

18 Thrusters

12 Pullups


10 Double Unders

15 Thrusters

9 Pullups

Rest for 2 minutes in between each round. Time each round separately. If you can't do double-unders, do tuck jumps.

In more important news, Michael won the gold medal in his division at the US Open of Submission Grappling! I promise to post a picture as soon as he sends me one. Lots of people came to show support, so thanks guys, especially Matt who trooped up from Tustin. Be sure to congratulate Mike when you see him.

Also be sure to congratulate Jason Alexander, our newest Level 1 Certified Crossfit Instructor and general fitness badas* extraordinaire!

Friday, August 1, 2008

WOD August 2, 2008 & Mike competes at 230 on Sunday!!!

For time:

120 Pullups

120 Dips

Parse them out as you wish (I suggest 10 pullups, 10 dips, and so on). Gotta get you guys ready for muscle-ups.
Michael fights at 230 at the Long Beach Convention Center on Sunday, so be sure to stop by and support him.
Also- our second lift seminar is Saturday at 10, so we'll see you there if you want to keep Crossfitting... :) alright there, Jason?...