Wednesday, August 13, 2008

WOD August 14, 2008

50 Burpees for time.

Need I say more?

This Saturday will be our last lift seminar in Signal Hill until September, so get on it, baby, if you haven't made it in!

Also- get ready because August 30 at 10 am we will have our monthly Crossfit & Beer workout in Tustin for the first time. For what we have in mind this month (insert evil laugh and twist of the mustache here), we'll need to have some idea of who will attend, so if you plan to make it in (and you should) let someone at the front desk at any of the facilities know. You better make it, because that will be our only class that weekend (the school will be closed for the remainder of it in celebration of Labor Day).
Not sure if Crossfit is a good compliment to your training? Just ask this man. Not to mention BJ Penn, whose muscle-ups can be seen on Youtube. Check it out.


Anonymous said...

I hate burpees.

9 am
Marissa 5:48
Robin 4:04
Kim 5:15
Wondee 7:38
Gabby 6:18 (mod.)
Jessica 5:35
Jason A 2:43

11 am
Nancy 5:33
Steven 2:57
Alex 2:53
Georgia 4:21

Yesterday's workout:
Erik 13:10
Kim 14:18

Anonymous said...

Hey guys,

Just did the burpees at home in 4:19. My crazy little dog got in the way and got kicked on number 4. Ever try doing burpees and laughing at the same time--it puts a whole new twist on things.

-Kirk (AKA Keith)

Anonymous said...

Luis 3:26
John M 3:42

Crossfit kids
25 burpees modified push ups
Kayla 3:05

Come on guys 2 people!! I know everybody hates burpees but they only get easier with practice.

Anonymous said...

Come on guys 2 people!! I know everybody hates burpees but they only get easier with practice.

Ahem, that's because they are a horrible!!!

Erik the Great said...

Not only were the Tustin Crossfitters not intimidated by the Burpees, but they also put up some of the best times. Way to go guys! Especially Eric, who smoked right through it.

Eric - 2:02
Garrett - 3:49
Joey - 3:02
Kyle - 3:34
Jonathan - 2:18
Steve - 2:42
Johnny - 3:08
Nick - 3:40
John - 8:38
Natalie - 9:54
Jared - 3:42

Anonymous said...

Nice, Kireith, my dogs always get in the way when I try to workout at home- you should see what happens when I do situps. And I think burpees and laughing are polar opposites.