Wednesday, August 20, 2008

The Importance of Rest

Credit Freddy C. from Crossfit OneWorld for this awesome little monologue about the importance of rest. Don't get us wrong; we love seeing you, but rest is very important for you, both mentally and physically. Oh- and read it 'cause it's funny too. And remember- Freddy wrote this- I don't watch anything as lame as "So You Think You Can Dance." I'm all about really tough shows, like "Project Runway."
"Rest is important to muscle repair. More importantly (and in my very humble opinion) rest is important for the mind! When you become more acclimated to the Crossfit workout , you will throw yourself at it harder and harder each time. The mental fortitude needed to give yourself up physically for three days straight is just as draining as the workout itself. The rest day is your day to get your mind fresh again. Think about that anxiety you get when you first read what the workout is. We often experience what I like to call "The Dread"." Nervousness, anxiety, making up excuses on why you don't need to workout that day.... "The Dread" can kick your ass. We need that rest day to get a break from "The Dread." I don't know about you, but I never experience "The Dread" while I am contemplating sitting on my couch and watching "So You Think You Can Dance" reruns on my TIVO."


Anonymous said...

Rest day = Good Times!!! (I heart Freddy C.)

7 pushups...coming soon, i will do them behind my desk in the morning when the other attorneys aren't looking.

Props...Mad props to the Wed. Tustonian (coined by erik the great) bag class and to our under cover hip-hop head instructor. It was nice hearing some hip-hop finally. The good stuff, not 50 cent talking about smackin' some h**s (That's cool too sometimes). We spanned over 2 decades hearing everything from Run DMC to Loot Pack. It was a nice change from the norm and knowing that playing something from KROQ and/or Shania Twain (Alan) is not a requirement since we're in the OC.

Interesting find...I know it's been a few days since we did a Tabata workout, and some of you might have seen this, but there's a cool free program to download to time your intervals. It even has a fun picture of the Crossfit mascot Pukie to remind you of the great reward you will receive if you work hard enough.

Here's the link:

Tabata Clock

There's versions for Mac and PC. I recommend the big clock version it's easier to see. They even have a beta mobile phone version which I haven't tried out yet. FYI, for PC users, get a mac...just kidding (not really), you might need to upgrade your java run time environment to get it to work (there's instructions and a link on the site).

Anonymous said...

Hey Jonathan....
I like Shania ..... is that why you always pace yourself....
glad to hear Lil Stephanie was able to push you.
Just remember... I am always watching!

Anonymous said...

thanks jonathan. im glad you appreciate my musical tastes. i like to mix it up.

good job in bag class by the way.