This is um, quite a WOD. Your proprioceptive abilities will be, how shall we say, well tested. It isn't a quickie either, so if you're pressed for time you may need to choose how many rounds you'll try before you start. Seriously. On that note guys (Mustafa) please try to make it ON time to classes today.
Five rounds for time of:
25 Inverted Burpees>
25 Pull-ups
25 Burpees
The mod for the Inverted Burpees is Knees to Elbows followed by a Shoulder Press (no rx'd weight, although note that it should be heavy, because what you are simulating is kicking up to the handstand position and supporting your body weight).
Post time and, if so motivated, the contents of your vomit to comments.
The perfect burpee-wall ball. Nice.
Yeah. This one's special.
-Upside: burpees contain pushups! (Pushup club done for today!) >:-)
-Downside: "thereisnodownsideonly
1st: I forgive my 5:30am Hill run buddy who TOTALLY BLEW ME OFF THIS MORNING FOR THE RUN (you know who you are!). >:-(
2nd: do this and you gets an IDI ("I did it!"); beats DFL & DNF - both still VERY honorable badges for this WOD. Larry's a machine! I started fast, but he kicked my butt by round 4. I was so sweaty had to strip off my shirt.
-Upside: much cooler.
-Downside: didn't get a single tip.
(Thanks MARISSA! ANDREA!). >:-(
SILLINESS HAZARD: started inverted burpee while shirtless/sweaty; slid like a sled about 6 feet when I rocked backward. Steven had a good laugh. So keep your shirts on. :-)
LOL Mustafa. Good visual. But perhaps you have drunk TOO much Koolaid. Were you going to run the hill and then do this wod? You're crazy!
Actually, I did the WOD and THEN attacked the Hill.
The Hill won (hence my forgiveness).
Moose, you're an animal. You may have accidentally happened upon a new form of transportation here. Maybe we could have a WOD where we run up the hill and then "sweat sled" back down the hill.
Dr. J, I finally picked up my FGB shirt--already has a Kool-Aid stain on it.
"Sweat sled"... brilliant.
I gotta tell you - it certainly was fun rolling around on the floor of the fighting ring. I'm kind of a fan of the inverted burpees. Don't know what's wrong with me. I think I was experiencing some gymnastics nostalgia from the handstands :)
Got another interactive post on my blog today. CHECK IT OUT!
First time blogger, long time reader! Today was fun in a "Am I dead yet?" sorta way. Thanks to Steven for pushing me through those last 4 rounds..yes I said 4. I sooooo didn't think I was gonna make it through the 1st much less 4 more! Yea, Mustafa was shirtless sweaty and making some kind of weird animal noises while doing his pull-ups...kinda scary but entertaining at the same time! I missed the sled thing:(
This is one your just glad to finish. Great work to eveyone who came out to tackle the monster of a WOD today!
Andrea 49:21 Mod/ap
Tom 39:45 4Rrnds RXD
Larry 40:00 4rnds RXD
Ricky 22:30 2rnds mod ap
Marissa 54:43 RXap
Jade 45:00 3rndsRxd AP
Mustafa 56:28 RXD
Steve 42:10Rxd
Lizen 56:41 4rnds Mod AP
Kim 40:40Rxd
Robin 55:06 Rxd
Chris 22:44 10/10/10
Alex 52:10 Rxd
Lisa 51:14 Mod AP
Jeremy 44:58 Rxd
Peter Rxd
Chris Run/Box/WB 12-15-9 11:45
91 done!
This wod must have scared everyone away. Luis was on a solo mission till Jason A came in. They worked there asses off. Good job guys.
Jason A 46:52
Luis 56:20
Hope to see everyone on saturday to make this one up.
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