Walk 100 m with a weighted barbell held overhead (arms at lockout) four times. Rest as long as you need to between efforts. There is no prescribed weight, but it should be hard! Try to do more than you did last time. The attempt only counts if you make it the whole 100 m without stopping. Last time we had a few people who stopped midway through a round; it really looked like it sucked, so I wouldn't recommend it.
82 pushups today and going strong.
The FGB T-shirts are in, so if you raised $150 or more, your T-shirt will be at the gym tomorrow night! Yay! Clothes!
Schedule change alert: Beginning November 17th, morning classes will be as follows- Monday & Wednesday at 11, Tuesday & Thursday at 9 (e.g. there will be on 9 am class on Monday and Wednesday, nor will there be an 11 am class on Tuesday and Thursday). Fridays and 530 am classes will remain the same.
Chest up, D!
:( I hate when nobody posts all day. It makes me feel lonely. The FGB shirts are VERY cool- so all of you non-participators will be jealous! Hah! My word verification is brito, which makes me simultaneously think of Taryn and also a water filter.
I thought we were getting FGB speedos...I guess a shirt will suffice.
I'd do FGB for a speedo, especially if it was deemed acceptable workout gear for the Krav classes.
Word verification: ecter. That sounds like Roman Catholic terminology, like the guy who's in charge of the incense or something.
I definitely don't want to get political, but I hope everybody voted today! Like Madonna said, Express Yourself! :)
I was so inspired after leaving my polling station I went to the gym and had myself a nice little shredder workout.
5 rounds
20 squat w/bodyweight
20 situpsa
followed by...
2 rounds
50 situps
50 squats
See you guys in the morning!
Word verification...twings
I'm getting the chills...
Yay Obama!!!
Wish I was in Grant Park now w/ my Chi-town people :)
Nice job w/ the new additions to the blog, Jenn. I'm impressed.
Word verification: definest
For Jenn AND Obama tonight!
Ready to celebrate w/ a rockin' Crossfit workout tomorrow :)
82 are done and over!!!!!
82 done. today though my shoulder is killing me! It pops every time I do a pushup. wtf..
Yay! Obama! Hope everyone had a chance to rock the vote today!I think speedos as acceptable workout gear would be wildly amusing. I vote yes on that.
- Victoria
Good job tonight!!!
Luis 55/65/75/55
Dee 35/45/55/65
Brian 55/65/65/55
Charlynne 35/45/55/65
We also had a first timer.
200m run
21 box jumps and pushups
200m run
15 reps each
200m run
9 reps each
Josh 13:15
Excellent work today. Dont be afraid to really push yourself and sometimes you will surprise yourself.
Larry 75/65/65/65
Victoria 35/35/45/45
Jim 85/95/115/125
Kim 65/75/85/95
Lizen 35/35/35/35
Lisa 45/45/45/55
Alex 105/115/125/125
82 done
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