Alright guys- in honor of the mud runners on Sunday:
Run 800 m for time two times. Rest 2 minutes in between.
92 pushups. Easy, breezy, beautiful...Crossfit Girl.
A word about comments on the blog- we were having some problems with spam, so henceforth, only registered users will be able to post comments. We hope this inspires you to become a registered user- not to stop posting!
See you at the gym ;)
Run for fun! Great times today keep up the pace and always reach for improvement.
Andrea 4:25/5:11 9:36
Lizen 4:01/4:19 8:20
Lisa 3:49/4:23 8:12
Mustafa 3:36/3:44 7:20
Victoria 3:57/4:32 8:29
Chris 2:50/3:02 5:52
Alex 2:56/3:23 6:19
Lisa 4:19/4:40 8:59
91 and 92 done. I had the day off today, so I could have come in to do the WOD. I went to IHOP and had pancakes instead. Is that wrong? They sure were good . . . lemon, raspberry strusel pancakes mmmmmmmmm!
91 and 92 are done man... getting close!! woo hoo
No Cross Fit... or Krav today but I did have a self endurance test. I ran 3.5 miles. Something I haven't done in a very long time.. time 41 minutes
A word about yesterday's WOD ....
THAT WAS A MOTHER!!!! But I want to congratulate everyone who tried it. Like Andrea pointed out, it was tough getting through even the FIRST round. I remember thinking, in round 2, "somebody had to get this wrong: it's got to be no more than 3 rounds." Nope: it's 5 rounds. Getting through even 1 round deserves street cred in my book; everything above that gives you even more stripes.
Unless you're Kim - then it's just another workout. GREAT EFFORT EVERYONE!
Today's WOD serves as a warm-up for Sunday. LET'S GET DOWN AND DIRTAAAAAAAY! (Did 92, just for you.)
92 done...Looking forward to the MUD.
Word verification - illion. Like I've done an illion pushups.
91 and 92.....down
I may need to run faster, but my word verification is "minxy" which is how I'm gonna feel all weekend! Woo!
91 done!
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