Tuesday, January 13, 2009

January 14, 2009

So, here's an interesting one from Crossfit Hypoxia:
Buy-in = 1 min jump squats
Kettlebell swings
Box Jumps
So, you do your one minute of jump squats, then flow right into (e.g. without stopping the clock) your swings and jumps. Nice!
And, I know there's been talk of more people using gloves during pullups. Here are a few quotes from Mark Rippetoe that may change your mind...
"The only legitimate use for a glove is to cover an injury… A desire to prevent callus formation (possibly so as to not snag one’s pantyhose) does not constitute a legitimate use.”
And here's my personal favorite:
“If you insist on wearing gloves, make sure they match your purse.”
DON'T FORGET there's a Q&A info session tomorrow night at 7 pm re: the Matrix Program and Crossfit Games 2009. I'm going to post a bunch of info between tonight and tomorrow about it too for those that can't make it. And, you can always email me-- jennifer@crossfit360.com.


Mustafa said...
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Mustafa said...

As if one needs an excuse to buy a new purse? Just ask Josh!

With all due respect, I disagree somewhat with Mr. Rappletip, or Rubbertoe, or Rubbletop - whatever: I have not figured out a way to will my skin not to rip during a 100-pullup exercise. And if I prevent those hand rips, they don't interfere with my other grip exercises.

I agree that gloves on less grip-intensive exercises can be kind of "gamefoppery" (which describes the phenomenon of having all of the stuff associated with a game, but not having any game knowledge or training), like running with gloves on, or doing just pushups with gloves on. But if I'm relegated to the purse patrol during intensive pullups, at least let it be a Coach ® brand purse, girlfriend!

Anonymous said...

It's always classy when someone tries to shame other people out of doing something (ie. wearing gloves) by insinuating that what they're doing is girly, and therefore weak (ie. the purse and pantyhose references). Enough with that borderline sexist BS already - I like gloves AND purses, and excuse me for being a little too sane to want to walk around without rips and callouses on my hands.

Anonymous said...

Who is the anonymous person? hmmm...i'm guessing josh!

Anonymous said...

Always feel free to type your name in. Even when posting anonymously you can type it in below as I do. I don't want to block anonymous users because then we'll all have to sign in everytime (and frankly, I'm lazy), but I will if people don't consistently put their names in.
And, BTW, Mustafa, you should aim a little higher. Perhaps a Fendi or Prada purse? Why lowball with Coach?
"The burden of self is lightened when I laugh at myself."
Rabindranath Tagore

DeeAnna said...

Usually I prefer not to have my purse with me while doing pullups. But, if it's necessary to show that they do in fact match I'll do it. Seems a bit strange and a lot gay, for our male crossfiter's (except Josh).

Mustafa said...

Fendi? Prada? Girl: you can't be sweatin' on no Prada!!!!

Anonymous said...

Butch it up a bit, Mustafa. Call it a satchel.

Anonymous said...

Victor 5:53
Nancy 5:32
Camille 10:06
John 6:39
Diana 6:32
Kim 3:56
Ray 4:27
Larry 4:29
Tiffany 7:02
Victoria 6:33
Ricky 5:32

Jim 4:29
Jeremy 4:22
Alex 4:59
Angela 5:20
Lisa 7:14

Velika 7:06
Jahn 6:19
Jon 6:46
Aaron 5:03
Alex 6:56
Denise 6:08
Jay 4:36
DeeAnna 5:14
Chris 4:33
Luis 4:38
Angie 5:12
Moose 4:51
Victoria 5:12

There are still slots left to join the Crossfit360 Matrix program. Talk to any of the instructors for more information or to sign up!