Monday, January 26, 2009

January 26, 2009

21-15-9, for time:
95 pound Overhead squats
Don't underestimate the stability required for an overhead squat. Take this one slowly at first, and only do rx'd if you have excellent form. This is where doing those 10 a day is going to pay off- chest up, eyes ahead, barbell over the crown of your head, and you'll be golden.
BREAKING NEWS = JAY GOT A MUSCLE-UP!!! Express your envy when you see him. He also alerted me to this awesome picture.
And, don't forget- shredder this Saturday at 10 am. Get ready for the Pukiebowl!


Mustafa said...

I seem to recall this photo differently.

Anonymous said...

Oh come on. No one thinks this is funny!? It's official- you're all grumpy!

Anonymous said...

I think we should put this on a t-shirt. I expecially like the sad little black and white kitty in the corner. aw!

Anonymous said...

I expecially like the way I spelled especially.

Anonymous said...

I find nothing amusing about kitten slaughter. Making fun of blind orphans though, THAT'S funny!

Anonymous said...

now that we are killing kitten's we are officially a cult. next young kids.

p.s what are those things chasing the kitty?

Mustafa said...

Geez: veritable purse-fest this morning - gloves everywhere! (Oddly, not the ladies though, hmmm ...) Fendis, Pradas, Louis Vuitton ... it was fashion heaven, girlfriend! Couldn't find a thing to match that Gucci I got on sale (and massive pull ups weren't involved), so I went au natural; it's only overhead squats, so I gave my fashion coordinator the day off. Forgot my time, but I know Jim edged me by about 30 secs - killin' me with those damned blind orphan jokes! My sides still hurt.

So I gotta give props to Mike V. We had a little competition going from the other day. He was doing a WOD with some pushups involved, so I paced his third round, daring him to finish b4 me, with my fresh arms and me doing ½-a$$ed pushups (which is like saying "She let me kiss her on the cheek - but I kissed her cheek A LOT!"). I finished my pups 1st (duh! I was cheating). So he challenged me to beat his GHD/B-Xtention time of yesterday (9:46). Didn't have a machine, so I did 2mod on the floor (abmat & supermans) - 8:06. I know, I know: you cannot compare the two - superman is WAY MUCH easier than B-Xtention - so I did it with the GHD machine today (bom chikka bom bom!), along with rockin'-a$$ Andrea [11:53] - I got 10:13.

Why don't you pick something I'm good at Mike? Like ½-a$$ed pushups! Cheating works for me, damnit! >:-{

jay said...

The point is if we don't come to xfit we are killing kittens. Everyone else is in a cult!

So if mustafa does two workouts in a day he is giving birth to one kitten?

And is the kitten born with a purse and gloves?

Anonymous said...

Definitely birthing one kitten complete with purse and gloves, along with one blind orphan.

Anonymous said...

Good job guys!!!!

Alex 9:21 75#
Jay 9:36 75#
Alison 8:34 55#
Jahn 13:54 35#
Deeanna 6:24 45#
Sonia 7:22 45#
Luis 7:37 45#
Elena 9:50 PVC
Jason H 11:21 75#

Mustafa said...

Um, where are the 9am times? Kim rocked the world with perfect squats & burpees (truly a treat to behold), Jim kicked my butt, and Jeremy did "Jeremy" (oh, that sounds so wrong) like a frickin' firecracker. Andrea did 2 WODs too!!! Can a brutha get some times?

Anonymous said...

Great job today! Don't forget to really hit that form during your warm-up overhead squats everyday.

Dave 8:30 75#
Wendy 9:00 45#
Diana 9:28 45#
Margo 10:01 45#
Ben 10:32 75#
Lizen 11:29 35#
Victor 13:19 35#
John 20:04 75#
Rob 19:54 10# Dumbell
Alex 5:30 RXD
Kim 6:18 75#
Lisa 7:43 35#
Jeremy 7:00 RXD
Sarah 7:02 PVC
Andrea 8:32 40#
Sino 11:56 35#
Jim 6:27 RXD
Mustafa 6:54 RXD
Nancy 8:28 35#
Jesse 8:05 35#
Larry 8:47 PVC
Victoria 10:03 6# med ball
Tiffany 12:38 35#l