Wednesday, January 14, 2009

January 15, 2009

Crossfit Total: the sum of the best of three attempts at the back squat, the shoulder press, and the deadlift, the three most effective lifts in existence for developing and testing functional strength.
1 Back Squat
1 Shoulder Press
1 Deadlift
(in that order). Your total = the sum of the total weight for each of these. Not sure how to set this up? Here are some guidelines, based on three attempts at finding/reaching your max:
The first attempt would be a weight you know you can do for a heavy set of three. The second attempt would be a weight you
know without any doubt that you could do for a single, having just done the first attempt. And the third attempt is the weight
you want to do, based on your performance on the previous two attempts. If you have made a mistake setting your first attempt,
the next two will need to be adjusted, but you should know what you can triple, and this will always be a safe first attempt.
Newer folks should focus on nailing the form. The weight will come, I promise. Remember, first, we train for mechanics. Once we've got the mechanics, we train consistently. And then we introduce intensity (and high weight).
SIGN UP FOR THE MATRIX! Slots are running out. Oh, and-- if you put your name down-- you're technically not official until you pay... So the next time you're in the gym, commit! Here's a pic from last year's Games to get you motivated!
“Only people willing to work to the point of discomfort on a regular basis using effective means to produce that discomfort will actually look like they have been other-than-comfortable most of the time. You can thank the muscle magazines for these persistent misconceptions, along with the natural tendency of all normal humans to seek reasons to avoid hard physical exertion.”


Anonymous said...

Good job guys!!!

MikeV 825
Nick 635
Jahn 555
Luis 545
Lily 375
Deeanna 385
Alex 795
John 745
Jesse 625
Haley 365

Mustafa said...

Well, damn, Mike! Like nobody else was there??? I mean, like Tanyi didn't get 1085 -- especially after using YOUR techniques on the deadlift to bust 400? What about the two new gals??? And I saw more names on the board too! What up wit dat, G?!

Anyway, I am taking over the double dagger symbol (‡). Why? To indicate feats of sheer amazingness (or "feets" -- I can go with that). I'm going to stick a "‡" to my WOD results when I do truly remarkable stuff; from time-to-time I may lend it out (there's rental options being discussed, but for right now ...).

Yesterday's "Hypoxia": 4:51‡ (because I did the warm up -- at 6pm, running up Cherry to Willow and back, with Vicky, and with some creepy dude stalking us -- and did the WOD all while wearing lifting gloves [Altus] and a matching purse [Liz Claiborne]! Top that, Mark Rumplesnow!)

Today's max WOD: 2733‡ (D-lift: 355; B-squat: 245; S-press [only 1 rep b-cuz it was after 8 and MV had to close] 155; Car push for new gal Elizabeth and clutch-pop car-start right b-4 my S-press: 2000 lbs. I'm freakin' AMAZING!!!!!)

Lily gets a "‡" tonight for surviving a serious chalk monkey attack. Shock that monkey Lily!


Anonymous said...

LOL I had heard something on the radio about a chalk monkey sighting... but it was all the way in Irvine, so I figured we were safe. Guess not...

Anonymous said...

Well done, impressive numbers.

Dave 725
Ben 795
Ray 705
John 615
Mustafa 755
Kyle 675
Angela 475
Kim 605

Anonymous said...

Well done, impressive numbers.

Dave 725
Ben 795
Ray 705
John 615
Mustafa 755
Kyle 675
Angela 475
Kim 605