Please remember the rule: No "is that it?" unless you want to run 5 miles after doing your deadlifts, with Steven driving his car alongside you yelling things like "Come on, creampuff!" and "Want me to hold your purse for you?!"
Also remember that, you can do things inbetween the deadlifts (e.g., you could run 400 m between each set of 3, or do 25 ghd situps).
Just an idea.
"Don't paint a dirty car." (Crossfit creator Greg Glassman on hiding poor form with more weight and/or speed).
Get em Dr. Jenn!
Great job today guys!! You were showing some good technique.
Luis 135/165/185/215/235
Sonia 105/135/145/165/165
Camille 135/165/175/185/165
Jesse 145/155/175/185/165
Jon 135/165/185/205/225
Alex 135/165/185/205/225
Cesar jr 145/155/175/195/205
Aaron 185/215/275/315/275
Alex 185/215/275/295/215
Victoria 125/135/155/165/155
Julie 125/135/155/155/145
Grisselle 115/125/115/125/115
Aaron also decided to make up yesterdays wod...
Aaron 16:27
See you guys thursday!!!
Impressive lifting today! Keep on striving for those personal bests.
Lizen 125,135,145,155,165
Diana 125,135,135,145,145
Ben 235,295,325,335,295
Jeremy 155,185,235,265,385
Kyle 155,185,235,265,385
Larry 135,155,165,175,185
Kim 215,235,245,255,265
Sho 115,125,135,125,125
Angela 135,145,165,185,205
Andrea 135,145,165,185,195
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