Sunday, January 18, 2009

January 19, 2009

"Fran on the Move"
3 Rounds for time:
400 m run
65#/95# Thrusters
Sorry I've gone dark the past couple of days, folks. Had my wisdom teeth out. My workouts have consisted of: 2 rounds vomit; 86 rounds ice packs; 10 vicodin; 2.5 penecillin (which induced said vomiting); 46 hours of sleep. Diet has NOT been Zone approved and has consisted of: 6 oz broth; 2 s. jello pudding; unknown quantities of ginger ale and Gatorade; 1/2 Mcdonald's chocolate milkshake.
Presently, I resemble something in the rodent family.
Ah well. Thank you for the well wishes and the check in phone call, Mustafa! :)
Be sure to ask Jason A. how his weekend was- he was tearing it up at an Olympic Lifting Seminar!
Keep your eyes on the blog tomorrow gang- I'm going to post the NEW SCHEDULE which will start next week. Current class times won't change, we'll only be ADDING times!!! Sweet!


Mustafa said...

Oh yeah! You did say something about wisdom teeth. Well hurry up and heal -- we miss you.

Is this Fran a run, then 21, run, then 15, run, then 9, or is it only an initial run?

Photo inset: a two fer, with a woman sporting two WOD names -- Fran Allison of Kukla, Fran & Ollie.

Anonymous said...

Everybody loves Mondays!
Efren 16:04
Dave 17:04M
Ben 16:59
Wendy 18:40M
Nancy 21:09M

Mustafa said...

Well kukla fran & ollie me: my first REGULAR Fran (last June?) was 13:58. Tonight's Fran on the Move was 13:28! That means that my regular Fran now can't be any slower than 13:27. I hope it's around 9:00, but my current goal is 8:00 or under. I'm going to get sub 5:00 by summer, dangit!

I'm advocating that every time a XFitter goes to a televised football game they carry big signs that say "FRAN 3:16" -- it's an encouragement to get righteously fit! ;-)

Anonymous said...

Great job guys!! You really worked hard today. Looks like everyone is getting ready for the matrix. Tomorrow should be good. See you guys then..

Oh and if you were wondering where the times are Jason has them. I didn't forget again.

Anonymous said...

Peter 12:03
Tom 14:42
Jon 15:20
Tabs 20:27M
Angela 15:10M
Tanyi 17:29M
Frank 29:30M
Kim 10:37
Jason 10:13

Tyler 16:28
Jay 18:41
DeeAnna 19:15
Jason H ??? (too fast, broke the clock)
Allison 14:35
Mustafa 13:28
Luis 11:16

6PM Intro
Chris 18:35
Joe 18:52
Dabney 21:15
Elena 23:43
Jessica 12:52
Kira 12:58
Lisa 12:52