Wednesday, January 7, 2009

The Matrix

*Please scroll down to see info on the 2009 Games.*

I got the idea for the name for our new program from Alan, actually. Several months ago, I could not get a double-under. It was so frustrating, I wanted to hang myself with my jumprope. I was whining to Alan about how I couldn't do it, and he mumbled something like "Yes you can. Sometimes I think it's just like the Matrix." I wasn't sure what he was driving at-- I don't remember Keanu Reeves jumping rope at all in that movie-- and he explained something like this: So many times, we are so completely limited by our minds' perceptions of what we think we can and cannot do that it becomes self-fulfilling prophecy. We think we can't do something, and we can't. We think we can, and, while we can't defy physics (no jumping from building to building, please), we exponentially increase our odds of success. By the way, I can do a double-under now!

Crossfit360 Matrix is a new program designed for people that:

-want to compete in the Crossfit Games 2009 as an individual or represent Crossfit360 in the Affiliate Cup
-want to delve deeper into Crossfit-- we're talking flawless lifting form, more physical explosiveness, and more mental strength
-want to become a Crossfit360 instructor in the future

Yes, but what is the Matrix?
Participants will receive 2 extra classes per week; Wednesdays at 7 pm and Saturdays at 11 am.
The extra classes will include weekly shredder workouts, increased coaching on form for basic lifts and olympic lifts (which will include us filming and then reviewing your movements while you do techniques), extra at-home workouts, coaching on diet for performance, and Crossfit videos to watch. Basically- we're turning you into monsters. Oh- and there will be a blog exclusively for the Matrix (it will be open only to those in the program).

The Crossfit Games is NO joke, and neither is being an instructor, but I want to emphasize that this is also for people who want to take their Crossfit to the next level-- who have drunk an extra glass or two of the kool-aid, if you will. That said, you don't already need to be up on the Wall of Fame to participate- this program is open to EVERYONE at our place, and EVERYONE is welcome- not just the crazy sick lunatics. We've got 3 months til the qualifiers- a LOT can be achieved in that time, if you focus.

The cost? $250 for 3 months (our first session will begin January 21 and go through April 19), all inclusive (meaning 2 extra classes per week, coaching, the blog). And- oh- if you get a spot in the qualifier? The school will pay for it. So theoretically the cost is a mere $170.

COME TO THE ORIENTATION & INFORMATION MEETING ON WEDNESDAY THE 14TH AT 7 PM. But if you're interested now-- sign up fast! We're limiting the number of participants to maximize efficacy.

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