5 rounds for time:
400 m run
30 box jumps
30 wall balls
5050- 57-57-57
Here's a topic for you: Are you over-training? And what exactly IS over-training? How much is too much? It seems from the research I did, the threshold is different for everybody. Here's an excerpt from something I found on the web: "Athletes and fitness enthusiasts must put in long hours of strenuous training to achieve success. But there is a fine line between optimal training and overtraining--crossing this borderline can mean the difference between success and failure.
Many believe that the harder they train, the better they will perform, although evidence shows that this is not true. A vicious cycle sets in as poor race times are interpreted as indications that more training is needed. Other factors-such as poor nutrition, drug use, lack of sleep, inadequate rest, irregular lifestyle, work pressures, emotional conflicts, and mental stress-can each exacerbate the effects of overtraining.
Many terms have been used to describe the syndrome of symptoms associated with excessive training, including overtraining, overreaching, overexertion, staleness, burnout, and chronic fatigue."
Have you been hitting it a little TOO hard lately, not getting sufficient rest? When you turn up your workouts, you need to turn up your rest. And a vacation from exercise, periodically, is a really good thing. Here are some symptoms of overtraining; I'd love to hear your thoughts, guys.
-Unusual fatigue throughout the day-lethargy, listlessness, tiredness
- Impaired performance and difficulty in getting through workouts
- Person looks drawn, sallow
- Difficulty in concentration; impaired academic performance
- Lack of interest in everyday tasks; loss of enthusiasm and drive
- Mood swings; emotional instability; easy irritation
- Increased susceptibility to injury and infection
- Loss of menstruation (amenorrhea)
- Increased fluid intake at night; thirst
- Loss of appetite; gradual loss of weight
- Loss of joy of and thirst for competition
- Insomnia; sleep that is not refreshing
- Sore muscles; heavy leggedness
- Swelling of lymph glands
- Nausea; diarrhea