Wednesday, June 10, 2009

June 11, 2009

Complete as many rounds in 20 minutes as you can of:
5 Handstand Push-ups
10 One legged squats, alternating
15 Pull-ups
Remember your possible substitutions for handstand pushups-- handstand attempts, elevated pushups, or even heavy dumbbell shoulder press. See the vid for what one-legged squat looks like (and you're doing 10 total each round, not 10 each leg). And, btw, one-legged squats or "pistols" are really f*cking hard. Take your time, expect to fall over, perhaps plan on squatting to the point that you are sitting on the tire with your leg out in front of you or holding onto something stable as you try to execute them.
5050- 58-58-58
Don't forget this Saturday at 10 am guys-- be there! :) The Socal 7 and Beer- who could ask for more?
Also, the Matrix program is coming to Tustin, AND we will have a shredder in Tustin on 6/27!


Mustafa said...

SUGGESTION: check out these videos first - several times - on the one-legged squats ("pistols") ... then throw things at Dr. Jenn (albeit, soft things, on account of the little tyke and all):

Pistols, Part I (Adrian Bozman)
Pistols, Part II
Pistols, Part III

This is gonna be interesting (and probably not a lot unlike playing Twister).

Julie C. said...

5:30 a.m.
Modified Pullups: MP

Dave 7 MP
Wendy 5 MP

Tom said...

hey i havent been in for awhile so i havent had a chance to ask anyone...but i was wondering if i could try the 7:00pm class tonight

Anonymous said...

57's and 58's done. wendy
Julie whats your email address so we can get those wod's for dave for his trip?

thisoneguy said...

Tom, go away, we don't like you anymore. *tear*

Carmen, thought you might be interested to know... ABBA @ Hollywood Bowl

57's done... more to come today.

Anonymous said...

Yes Tom- you can go to the 7 pm class- you've done the Matrix, plus, you're generally a badass.

Steven said...

Long Beach


Steve B Mod 7
Pat Mod 6
Carlos 9
Jesse mod 7
Sho rxd 6
Gladys mod 6
Jaclyn mod 7
Lizen mod 4

Andy said...

57 and 58 done

Julie C. said...


How'd you get him to agree to workout? Hey Dave, make sure you take a cool picture of yourself in Costa Rica wearing a 360 shirt!!

Anonymous said...


Now that the warmup is changing weekly, can you post the warmups with Monday's WOD each week?

Word verification: fative

I don't know what that means but I think the blog is being mean again.

Anonymous said...

5 rounds mod handstand pushup


Steven said...

Steven E mod 5
Garth mod 7
Amit mod 6
Jared rxd 6
Steven dh pullup 7

Way to really push it on the one legged squats good job tonight!

MikeV said...

Good work tonight guys!!!

Katherine 6m
Larry 6
Jesse 6

Advanced class you know the workout!!

Mustafa said...

7pm: ouch!

Anonymous said...

Lakers ROCK

Anonymous said...



Carmen said...


MattyCakes... thanks for the ABBA tip. They look fabulous!! I just may go. :-)

thisoneguy said...

would anyone like to share what the 7pm workout was? Just curious what I missed out on.