Monday, June 29, 2009

June 30, 2009

Five rounds for time of:
Run 800 meters
2 pood Kettlebell swing, 30 reps (Tustin substitute med ball cleans)
30 Pull-ups
5050- 77-77-77
Um, hello- am I the only one that missed that Kim got a muscle-up!!!?!!! Amazing! :) And, after getting her first one 2 weeks ago, she did 7 today. I'm fascinated, in awe, and disgusted all at the same time! :P (I wonder if they make an emoticon for that?...)
BTW, the baby is definitely stealing my brain. The Grace Challenge is moved to the 25th, not the 23rd like I wrote yesterday. Sorry guys- the 23rd is a Thursday = no bueno. Grace is the 25th at 10 am!
A whole bunch of people signed up for the KB workshop in Tustin... what up, Long Beach?


Carmen said...

I'm paid up for the KB seminar. Oh, and I'll be attending in lovely Long Beach! :-)

thisoneguy said...

it has been show that intellectually superior individuals tend to procrastinate...

Carmen said...

Hey, ThisOneMattyCakes... You should sign up now. They're playing nothing but ABBA for the seminar!!

Julie C. said...

5:30 a.m.

Anne Marie 1 pood 44:44

thisoneguy said...

yeah, I hear ABBA is HUGE in Hungary...

Go Anne Marie for rocking the 5:30 class solo! Julie, I swear I was out the door at 5:15 this morning to go to the class (with post-workout chocolate milk ready and everything), when I realized that Eva would probably make me late for work... the whole '5 rounds' thing didn't sink in right away...

jay said...

Oh and duh! Congralulations Kim!
I knew it was just a matter of time and with your tenacity I knew it wouldn't be long.

DeeAnna said...

Way to go Kim!!! I just assumed you were already doing one handed muscle ups.

Steven said...

This one was a killer! Nice job everyone!

Lizen 47:50 4rnds 26# mod
Lisa T 42:00 4rnds 26# mod
Johnny 48:50 3rnds 35# mod
Mustafa 49:47 4rnds
Andrea 51:3 4rnds
Kim 39:49 25#
Alex 50:28 RXD
Steve B 45:48 4rnds
Sarah 39:55 25#
Marissa 51:28 26#
Sho 51:38 18#

Julie C. said...

Jay-yes, where has everyone been lately? I miss you guys!

Anne Marie was KILLING it this morning, guys. Watch out for her!

Mustafa said...

Eva is definitely related to Murph. Definitely tough, but doable.

Excellent work, and especially for those who finished round 5 before time got called.


Julie C. said...

Oops re my message earlier-Matt, not Jay...

Alec said...

77 complete, been lazy with the reporting. :(

Anonymous said...

76-77 done, wendy
I'll be there tomorrow morning! promise!

Jeff said...

Good lord "EVA" is an EVIL WINCH. But I like her, cause one of these days Im gonna beat her DOWN with a vengence.

77s done.

Jeff said...

Great job to all you 5 ROUNDER'S.

MikeV said...

Good work tonight guys!!!
A= assisted pullups

These are the people that did 5rds
Carmen 44:00 18x a
Jesse 46:52 45x
Lori 45:35 26x a
PaulD 57:38 45x last 2rds ap
Katherine 45:20 16x a
Mike 43:25 26x 4rds
Luis 36:28 45x
Matt 45:59 53x
Ken 42:43 53x

People that did 3rds
Jahn 36:26 25x
Jeff 39:49 35x a
Ross 34:47 26x
Sharon 23:35 400m 15kb 15pu
Steven 31:45 26x a
Lily 43:12 26x

Anonymous said...



word verification: Mershi

Eva is a mutha. Lord have mershi! I give.

Carmen said...

Hey! After partying with Eva who wants to make-up some 5050s?
I DO!!!


Steven said...

7pm Tustin

Medball cleans instead of kettle bells. Great work today!

Ty 49:57 20#
Eammon 41:20 20# 3rounds
Garth 49:36 20#
Steven E. 52:38 16# 4rounds
Rebecca 49:49 12# 4 rounds

thisoneguy said...

carmen, you're a machine.

COOP said...

Aww man,

I missed this WOD, and was so looking forward to it. I tweaked my knee at Thai beforehand.. Not even sure I will make today's WOD.

COOP said...

Aww man,

I missed this WOD, and was so looking forward to it. I tweaked my knee at Thai beforehand.. Not even sure I will make today's WOD. I think the knee tweaking was caused by my horrendous form on Monday's front squats... :)