Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:
7 L pull-ups
7 box jumps
7 wall balls (M:20#/W:14#)
Can't do an L pull-up? Don't sweat it! Do whatever kind of pullup you can. Kipping or band pullups- 2:1 ratio, jumping pullups-3:1 ratio.
5050: 50-50-50 Halfway there! (Sort of...)
A friend of mine is writing a book about body image. I was telling her that at our place, we focus on performance versus appearance (we emphasize times and weights, and describe the weight loss as a nice side effect). I think that by focusing on performance rather than appearance, I know that I personally have seen an increase in my confidence. Think of how many ways a poor body image holds us back; some people take it to extremes and actually miss out on doing things that they want to do because they feel too insecure. Our conversation then turned to acceptance, and that got me thinking-- how much acceptance is too much? Meaning, I agree that it's horrible that so many people feel terrible about themselves. I've even heard it in our gym-- "Oh, I'm always last," "I'll never lift as much as this person," and things like that. And that is truly ridiculous- if you compare any one of our members, even the very slowest, to the average person walking around- you guys are in super-shape. On the other hand, acceptance of where we are- can it make us too comfortable? Is it good to decide "this is as good as it gets?" I don't know... I know that it's definitely against the Crossfit mentality, which is all about pushing our limits, pushing beyond them, actually. Any thoughts?
Thoughts? Yeah....
You can only do what you can do, at that time. As long as you gave it your ALL(and then some) to do it.
I've finally realized I can't compare, I can just give it my best for now. The improvements WILL come(and they have). But I have to keep pushing and reaching for them.
There will ALWAYS be someone better, stronger, and faster(Storm, Kim). But they can then become yet another inspiration, or goal for you to reach.
The great thing about Crossfit360, at least that I have found, is that those who are better, stronger or faster, are willing to cheer you on, support you and help you achieve new goals and push new limits, as long as you put forth the effort. It only becomes "as good as it gets" if you stop pushing once you get there.
Whoa Nelly!!! Where'd all that philosophical hoooey come from.
Now if I could just get someone to kick some philosophical sense or mental tricks into me to stick to the dam Zone 100% I'll be fine.....
Wendy 8
Linda 8
Lori 8
Katherine 8
Excellent job today ladies.
Larry mod/9
Luis rxd/11
Andrea mod/7
Vanessa mod/7
Tyler mod/10
Jaclyn mod/8
Pat mod/8
Carlos mod/8
Moose rxd/11
Camille mod/7
Magda mod/8
very well said, Jeff!!!
49 and 50 done
Still time to jump in. Luis says we're at 1275 total. If you start today, just do an additional 25.5 per day going forward and you're all caught up!
Today's WOD
Just for the record, I was 2 box jumps away from 12 (and just between you and me, "if I'd been faster than the people who beat me -- I would have won").
I want to win, be first, fastest and strongest, and look good doing it! But until then ... I really like the process of getting there. "Bests" are relative concepts: they're not absolute (unless you're one of the CF360 ladies, who are absolutely gorgeous!). Slowly, I'm getting away from focusing on time, and I'm looking at my form and effort. (Yeah, I know - hey: I said slowly). I'm developing strength in knowing that I'm not shorting myself. And most of that other stuff will come as a by-product.
I know I'll probably never be as handsome as Rodney Dangerfield (though I can be a close 2nd without even trying!), but it sure builds confidence to push past my own limits.
49's and 50's done. wendy
R O R moose
Tustin 6:00 pm
Good to see everyone working hard tonight remember the best times and most weight are great but don't mean much when form has gone out the window. Train hard and focus on your own progress that is the way to achieve your goals!
Earl mod/11
Paul t mod/11
Alec mod/12
Joey mod/11
Kyle mod/9
Storm rxd/16
Paul d mod/10
Sir mod/8
Excellent progressions in technique guys.
Jeff mod/3
Steve mod/3
Lisa mod/9
Jay rxd/12
Alex rxd/9
Steven mod/6
Lily mod/6
Carmen mod/9
David rxd/7
Aaron rxd/13
Awesome efforts.
49 & 50
Tustin 7pm
Rj mod/11
Amit mod/9
John mod/7
Kc rxd/9
Chris rxd/9
Steven mod/7
Jose rxd/10
Natalie mod/5
Wendell mod /4
Kate mod/5
Mitesh mod/9
I quit going to CF because I am so out of shape that I nearly passed out after every workout. No one was ever unkind to me, except me. I miss it, but I am too ashamed of my body and my weakness to go. Truth. From the unfit.
Which is every reason to come back, Reiven. EVERYBODY has that point where they feel inadequate or about to pass out; but as you pointed out, NOBODY at CF360 is going to be unkind or nonencouraging. We WANT you back Reiven, just as you are. There's no better group of people to work with to up your fitness level at a reasonable pace.
True story: about 3 years ago, when all we had were bag classes (no CF), I tried one and thought I was going to die. I was exhausted -- EXHAUSTED -- after ½ an hour. I could barely tap the bag with my listless, flapping fisty-things (I was so tired I couldn't even make a fist). I literally collapsed at the end, my heart was racing scary fast, and I could barely breathe. Between painful gasps, I asked Peter (one of our friendly firefighters, and back then part-time Krav instructor), who had been working the bag next to me, how I could build my stamina. He said, kindly, "You just gotta keep doing it; there's no other way." He was right. After a good chunk of time, reaching step-by-step goals I set for myself, I got a lot better. I'm not the best at it or CF, but I'm da#ned proud of how far I came. All it takes at first is a start and some patience ...
So I'll see you at the 9am class tomorrow? We scale it a little, pace it a little, yes? You're on mon amie! :-)
If you concentrate on your form and don't expect results overnight you will see progress.
It is easy to see people doing crazy reps with super fast times and say "I'm not anywhere close to them."
That's not the point. You're trying to improve YOURSELF. Keep a journal/log and watch your progress.
I know I didn't get in the poor shape I first showed up to Crossfit overnight. I gave myself a year to work toward being able to do the WODs where I would consider myself in decent shape. Five months into it I feel I'm progressing.
I read a few posts early on the forum from a guy it took 2 years to do a kipping pullup. That is motivating. To me that is what CF is all about, to challenge MYSELF.
Baby steps, man! They will take you far.
Being consumed with form is feeding the fleeting ego. By form I mean body form but also thought form. The thought form in question is based on our achievements. So neither pursuit, which feeds the ego, will bring us lasting harmony.
We are all born with a feeling of inadequacy. Achievement is a way of putting a Band-aid(r) on that nagging belief. But that belief is not the truth, for anyone. We are all adequate and part of the whole, no need to feel separate, or feed that separateness.
I exercise because it is healthy for this temporary form I call my body. I never said ignore form just don't be consumed by it. But exercise is almost essential for my sanity. By wearing out my body and focusing hard on something, I get a break from my mind. My mind in just an organ that pumps out thoughts like my heart pumps out blood. Unlike my heart it wants my constant attention. While exercising and for sometime afterwords my mind softens. I am in a better place to ignore thoughts and a better place to enjoy the moment and feel connected with life, without my mind filtering everything,
This may not be a kick a$$ motivating speech, especially for everyone out there that wants to be the best but there it is.
So back to movies, I like the Matrix. I just love the end when Neo realizes the truth and becomes enlightened. His power is unlimited and in harmony with his surrounding. He is his surrounding, no longer separate. It's just a movie, enjoy it!
Sorry to expose everyone to my brain pumping out thoughts at 5AM in the morning, My only hope now is that this post is getting old and no one will read this.
My word verification is vomentle, like i just vomited-a-little on you. Step back.
I read your post, Jay. And I liked it! :-)
thanks carmen
49 and 50's done at CF
Wow- you guys get all crazy with the thoughts while I'm away!- I'm sorry I missed it!- and yes, Jay, I read your post too. And in the words of Carmen "I liked it."
Reiven, my heart goes out to you. Thank you for your bold honesty. I have been where you are, and that's the honest truth. My "monkey mind" which is what Jay is referring to (I think) when he talks about it constantly churning out thoughts loves to tell me how everything I do is wrong, how I am so out of shape, how everyone else is better than me. That's the honest truth- if a friend said the things to me that I say to myself regularly- and I do mean dozens of times a day- I would no longer be friends with that person!
You obviously feel somewhat attached, because you are still checking the blog. Know this: even the fiercest among us, the ones with the best times, biggest weights, and nicest bodies, feel how you feel at least some of the time. It's hard to believe, but it is the truth. Maybe we aren't the best gym for you- and that's OK. But don't let your mind talk you out of it- make the decision for yourself. In ACT (Acceptance and Commitment Therapy- hey, I am a psychologist, after all) they say "your mind is not your friend."
That's for sure the truth. But your mind is also not in charge! Sometimes people will come in after not having worked out in awhile and be all apologetic and feeling bad- but I always say- "Hey- you're back! Don't feel bad because your back!" Please don't ever hang your head if you come back- or go into any gym! Chances are everyone around you is more concerned with themselves and their own feelings of inadequacy. You deserve the best- whatever that is for you!
Wow, you guys rock! Brains and beauty!
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