5 rounds for time:
60 seconds max rep wall balls
60 seconds max rep box jumps
30 seconds rest
5050- 70-70-70
What's your number one excuse (or at least the most creative one you have) for not making it to the gym when you miss? My number one is usually that I'm tired. Boring, but often true. I am not creative (unless we're talking creating torturous workouts), so I won't even bother trying to make something up...though it probably would involve in some way blaming the baby. Another personal favorite is "Well, I've already eaten a Hershey bar today, so I may as well not work out and go home and watch reruns of CSI." Totally counterintuitive, and not the advice I would give anyone, but alas, these are the demons I battle in my head... you guys?
One word "Margaritas"
1. Working past 5:50pm=Can't be there by 6:00pm.
2. Sore
3. Working on the house
4. Being out of town
5. Social calendar
Why do I feel like I'm on Family Fued?
"100 people surveyed, top 5 answers on the board."
69's 70's done! Wendy
5:30 a.m.
Total Score: Wall Ball/Box Jump
Wendy 82/80
And this is AFTER she did her 5050's-great work!!!
I'm pretty regular (Metamucil anyone?) because there's a voice in my head that calls me names if I don't go in ("Thou ponce! Thou jackanapes, rapscallion and ne'erdowell! Giv'st the lie in thy heart?" -- granted, it's the voice of a 17th century fop, but it's still quite annoying). I wouldn't say I feel guilty, but I do feel disappointed if I don't go in, which is a pretty consistent motivator.
But the No. 1 excuse for me is (and I'm not counting legitimate excuses, like "work"): it's late, and I wish I had gone in earlier in the day.
70 done (because Wendy's effort made me feel guilty - Go Wendy!)
9:00 am
Total Score Wall Ball/Box Jump
Alex 114/66 20# 32box
Kim 125/82 16# 24box
Lisa T 113/72 10#
Vannessa 71/97 10#
Sho 114/92 10#
Andrea 61/89 14#
Pat 109/55 10#
Sarah 60/110 20#
Lizen 58/97 14#
Great work today this one is harder than it looks for sure!
Amazingly all caught up. This is liking having a second cross fit workout each day, only at a much slower pace! On a family vacation in Palm Springs this week--doing them in the hotel room. They just might have a cross fit gym out here....
HAA!! Well I am FINALLY at a point (where I have not been in years) where I get really bent when I miss a scheduled or intended day and feel guilty as well as angry, depending on the circumstances on which I failed to show up.
But when I just cant seem to make it....UH,,,I CAN'T,,UM,,I HAVE TO WASH MY GOLD FISH.
68s & 69s done. Contemplating 70
"That time of the month", enough said.
It's amazing when you get to that point, isn't it Jeff? I've been really moody lately and I realized this weekend it's probably partially due to the fact that I don't have my usual stress reliever-- Crossfit!
Legitimate Excuses:
- working late
- texas chainsaw massacre cramps (even after taking drugs)
- crippled from prior wod
The Others:
- grouchy
- sad
- tired
When I make it to the gym after having considered not going, I end up feeling better than when I started. Funny how that works. :-)
Thanks Mustafa! I learned my lesson not to get behind again this far into it!
wall ball/ box jump
Rj 85/67. 20#
steven 74/69 12#
Jared 80/125 20#
Paul T 80/106 16#
Storm 99/180 20#
monica 72/103 12#
mitesh 92/76 14#
eammon 104/90 16#
Garth 90/93 20#
Great work way to really push eachother'
we catching up! one set in the morning, one set in the evening.
63,64 monday 6/22
65,66 tuesday 6/23
Efren & Adrianna
Good work guys!!!
Raz 117/125
Ruth 88/117
Lorraine 77/138
Cesar 83/121
Tanya 87/139
Christine 66/157
Ken 84/196
Jesse 63/123
Matt 66/133 36in box
Jaclyn 112/114
Carmen 117/125
Deeanna 110/124
Lori 103/120
Annemarie 81/141
Gladys 75/115
Sharon 58/90
Jeff 66/82
Moose 129/113
Lily 50/107
Kevin 52/110
Jahn 88/98
Steven 118/129
PaulD 117/121
JeffC 98/164
Finals! 'Nuff said.
Side note 70's are done.
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