Tuesday, June 2, 2009

June 6, 2009

Monday's wod is a good one to make up if you missed it...
Oh and Jim?- This one's for you... ;)


jim said...

Mark Walberg. Truly the Dylan Thomas of our generation.

I just got caught up on the 5050 and I'm pretty sure my body would be giving me the middle finger if it could move them. I'm currently typing this with my pinkies. It's . . . arduous.

Anonymous said...

Wow, Jim's fingers must be in some real pain: he couldn't correctly type "hard to us."

Carmen said...


Dearest Jenn...Will you post a ridiculous music video EVERY Sat, pretty please? I'm putting in my request for Der Kommissar by Falco (none of that After the Fire remake crap). We can practice the awesome dancing and pretend running in class on Mon. In fact, that could be part of next week's warmup!
Thank you for your consideration.

Anonymous said...

52's-53's done wendy

Jesse said...

Andrea 9:19/125#
Jay 12:127/225#
Jeff 15:48/125#
Tyler 11:49/185#
Sarah 4:35 Rxd

Mondays Madness
Wendy 8kg/ 22:31
Dave 16kg/ 22:51
Ben 20kg/ 23:18

7's AMRAP in 20min
Steve mod/6rnds

Mustafa said...

Five. Tree. Here's a taste of what you missed at Sarah's shindig last week.

Luis said...

53's done. That's a total of 1,431 of each, only another 3,619 let to go.

Jeff said...

52's & 53's DONE.

Andy said...

53 done

jay said...

52 & 53

Anonymous said...

