Tuesday, June 23, 2009

June 24, 2009

Thrusters (95#M; 65#W)
5050- 71-71-71
Don't forget about the shredder & nutrition seminar at Tustin this Saturday! The fun begins at 10 am. Bring your friends and enemies! Cherry will be closed because we'll all be at Tustin! Who's in?


Anonymous said...

71's done, wendy

Mustafa said...

71 done, just for fun, under the gun, on a hot dog bun!

Anonymous said...

Know what I just realized? We haven't done Murph in awhile. Stay tuned...

DeeAnna said...

Jenn, are you trying to scare away all the new people who've been coming to class lately? Not to mention those of us who've done Murph and lived to tell about it. Unfortunately I won't be abel to do it again . . . I'm sick that day.

Jesse said...

ap=assisted pullup
Luis 7:28 rxd
Sarah 5:10 modpullup
Andrea 55# ap
Johnny 19:52 75# ap
Alex 8:02 rxd
Lisa 11:36 55-45# ap
Pat 10:36 ap
CJ 13:39 rxd
Magda 13:04 35# ap

You guys did fran-tastic! wow...im sorry, that was right off the cob there.

Luis said...

71's are done

Carmen said...

Jesse... dude, don't be sorry. I enjoy saying FRANTASTIC on a regular basis! :-) Oh, and I can't make the fran-fest tonite due to a prior drinking commitment. I shall miss you all!


Anonymous said...


A little too haggard to give Fran my all (any). Too bad I want to see how my time is coming.


Julie C. said...


6 p.m.

Kyle 95# 8:36
Ty 95# 10:18
Monica 45# 9:14
Paul D. 95# 10:54
Paul T. 95# 10:22
Earl 95# 12:24
Storm 95# 3:17 (that's right folks, THREE minutes)
Kristin 45# 8:50
Garth 95# 7:36
Jared 95# 8:29

7 p.m.

Anatoly 65# 15:28
Steven 45# 12:32
Jose 95# 10:46
Vince 65# 12:17
RJ 65# 12:08
Amit 95# 12:13

Great job guys, for a lot of you it was your first "Fran." Someone said that Fran should stand for "F*ing Retared..." you guys make up the rest!

Mustafa said...

Well, I showed up too late for the 11am Fran-fest. Being too late: NOT COOL! But I took it like a man, knowing rules is rules ... man. Rather than go home with tail tucked, I treated myself to a little "man that looks like it sucks" torture and extra 5050 while cheering on my fellow fitters. Great form 11am! I thought Luis was going to do a flying pullup dismount with a somersault!

The good part about being late: there's no good part to being late, it's rude ["I'm sorry!"], so you have to come on time to the next session and put in extra effort. At 6, I was 5 secs. off of my PR, coming in at 7:25rxd and ripped my hand, so maybe I atoned a little for the earlier mishap? I'm sorry; I'll do better next time.

Crossfit: you can't get great if you show up late.

Mustafa said...

Dang Storm: one second faster and it would have been of biblical purportions -

Fran 3:16.

Andy said...

71 done

Jesse said...

Fractured Fran-2min rest in btwn each set of thrusters/pullups
ap= assisted pullups
Coop 2:44/3:07/1:47 rxd
Jeff L 2:42/2:13/1:19 45# ap
Jesse 3:28/4:07/2:50 rxd
Jay 2:01/2:42/1:41 rxd
Jaclyn 2:33/2:37/2:14 65# ap
Gladys 2:37/2:14/2:04 35# ap

Jason H. 9:30 rxd
Ben 7:06 rxd
David 13:00 rxd
AnneMarie 12:58 20#db ap
Danny 10:22 ap
Jose 13:13 rxd
Mike V. 5:28 rxd
Kevin 10:53 65# ap
Aaron 5:00 rxd
Cesar 10:32 rxd
Moose 7:25 rxd
Lily 11:34 rxd
Steven 13:01 rxd

Excellent job guys, way to keep that intensity level up throughout.

Chrisley :] said...

71, Chris & Harry