Thursday, June 18, 2009

Crossfit360 June 19, 2009

Right, I know it's super-early in the day for me to be doing this, but I'm down in San Diego presenting at a conference, and I want to get this up while I can...
4 rounds for time:
400 m run
21 box jumps
21 KB swings or dumbbell swings
"Kell-en"- get it? A hybrid of Kelly and Helen. :)
5050- 66-66-66
What is your favorite Crossfit slogan? Mine vary. I'm looking at a lot of them right now because I'm trying to design the new t-shirt. And yes, everyone, it will come in another color besides black, and yes, it will be softer cotton. Jeez. You guys better buy these after I make them after criticizing my fashion design abilities all the time ;)
So- a few of my favorites = "The only easy day was yesterday," "Smoke you like cheap crack" (though perhaps that's not so good to make a T-shirt out of), " "I am Crossfit," "I do the impossible," and, again perhaps objectionable on a T-shirt "Fit as f*ck." I'd love to hear yours guys- the decision hasn't been made on which slogan to use yet...
Aaron's Profile:
1. Why did you start Crossfitting? I started crossfitting because I'm a glutton for punishment.

2. Favorite WOD? Fran

3. Least Favorite WOD? The one where we had to do 50 GHD situp's, 50 back extensions and then a 400, 3x's. I despise that one.

4. Favorite movie line? You're so money and you don't even know it. (Swingers)

5. Last book you read? Do textbooks count? Then it would be Spreadsheet Modeling and Decision Analysis.

6. Bad manners or hooligan behaviors that drive you crazy? People that complain.


Jeff said...

Hey Jenn; just tell em a TRUE CROSSFITTER would wear a shirt made of BURLAP..........'course you might need pasties under it.

MikeV said...

Good work guys!!

Carmen 55/55/60/60/65/70/75/75/80/85f
Pat 50/65/70/65 for the rest
AnneMarie 55/65/65/75/75/80/80/80/85
Ross 95/115/115/145/145/145/165/145/145/145
jeff 95/115/125/125/125130/130/135/140/145

Advanced class

Deeanna 45/50/55/60/65
Jay 75/85/95/105/1152reps
Aaron 75/95/115/125/135 6 reps
Matt 75/95/105/115/125

Aaron said...

I vote for "Fran is my Homegirl" on the next shirt


Mustafa said...

I like "Fran 3:16" and "We fit!"

I had some more risque ones, but this is kind of a PG-13 scene, so I'll keep em to myself.

jim said...

How do you feel about "Crossfit: Can You Handle My WOD?"


Alec said...

I second Aaron

Mustafa said...

Jim, somehow that phrase fits nicely with the Skatt Bros. video.

190 done (today's, plus some makeup stuff from a few days ago. Once you get past the internal bleeding, it's not so bad!).

Anonymous said...

66's done. wendy

Steven said...


Mary lou 23:19 26#
Mustafa 16:52 42#
Lizen 19:11 35#
Lori 17:55 26#

Steven said...

Jeff Row 22:54 26#
Lisa T 20:37 26#
Alex 15:02 35#
Peter 16:22 45#
Sarah F 15:37 18#
Sara 20:24 16#
Matt 17:31 53# 32inch Box
Sho 17:55 26#
Tim 18:41 26#
Kim 17:42 Row 24inch box 36#

jay said...

Okay I'll throw a couple I made up like; Crossfit; Where the women can pick you up or I look better without this shirt (not me of course) or one stolen from George Eliot "It's never too late to be what you might have been" A personal favorite of old people like me. That's all I got off the top of my head. I do like the Navy Seal one, the only easy day was yesterday. Oh how about "where tough guys learn to be tougher". Weak, I know.

DeeAnna said...

I like Mustafa's comment for a t-shirt. "Once you get past the internal bleeding, it's not so bad."

Carmen said...

Guess I'm really into fire today.

"Crossfit: Fuel Your Fitness Inferno"

"Crossfit: Yes, It Burns... But Leave It On Anyway"

I vote yes on Jim's shirt concept. It has all of the food groups: FUNNY & DIRTY :-)

Jesse said...

Although we might run the risk of sounding like a drinking club or some frat.... what about "Crossfit: 1round, 2 rounds, 3 rounds... FLOOR"

thisoneguy said...

Some good ones I came across:
"pain never tasted so good"
"this is really gonna suck..."
"no, it doesn't get easier".
I also still really like "embrace the suck"
Also came up with "pain is pleasure" and "dwell in discomfort"

For an amusing list see

Too bad most of the really good ones wouldn't fly in public... or at least my wife wouldn't let me wear them.

Anonymous said...


Probably not going to wear a WOD shirt.

"We Fit" has a simple appeal. Just don't do "Wii Fit" or perhaps "We fittin' to get Fit".

Word verification: logger
Wow, that's actually a verified real English word. "Would you like a pint? Yes, I'll have a logger."


Mustafa said...

Jason Hanks has suggested a new warmup routine that he wants us to do. Intrepid, Hanks, intrepid.

Carmen said...

Aaaaah!!! HUNKERCIZE FOREVER! The only thing that could have made that video any better is if the dudes were wearing Handle My WOD shirts.

thisoneguy said...

wow... Moose, remind me to never click links that you've posted ever again...

another slogan idea: "good enough doesn't exist", or something like that... and "plateau, what's a plateau?"

Jason Hanks said...

WOW MOOSE!!! How did you find that, I think that is more gay then Jim's video. But i think that was cross fit San Francisco and all they doing was there WOD... ELTON JOHN 5 Rounds for time. Hip thruster's, calf lifts, and reach arounds. No crime just comedy.

R O R Moose

MikeV said...

Good work Saturday class!!


Alec 15:40
Adrianna 17:36
Ruth 19:34
Wendy 18:20
AnneMarie 17:17
Juan 20:00

Thrusters double unders
Ken 15:25

Hang cleans
Ben 95/125/145/145/165/165/175/185/175/175
Jahn 95/105/105/115/115/115/120/120/120
Efren 95/105/115/125/135/145/155/165/175/125

Time trials:
push ups
pat 6:45
pat 3:43
jay 1:54
adrianna 4:01
ben 3:19
pat 6:45
Efren 8:25
pat 6:45m

Jeff said...

60s,61s, 62s, 64s made up.
63s, 65s split between home and CF, just forgot to post.
66s and 67s DONE.
WOO HOOOO..CAUGHT UP!!!! Lots of LOUD music and the thought of lounging all day tomorrow helped.

Anonymous said...

Wow, what a creative bunch- I love all the inappropriate ones. Here are some less risque choices:
"Pain is weakness leaving the body"
"Thank you, may I have another"
"Crossfit is crack"
"Suck it Up"

I suggest gathering over some adult beverages to help encourage our tag line creativity...

jay said...

I love the one "pain is weakness leaving the body". I wish I could comment on Mustaffa's video but I learned a long time ago not to follow his links ;-). I also like TIME! and No, it doesn't get easier.

Efren said...

wo... wo... wo... Mike my last rep was 185 not 125. Ask Dave he's my witness.

Efren said...

59,60 were done yesterday 6/19
61,62 were done today 6/20.


Jeff said...

How bout,,,
Mens shirts-
Womens shirts-
CrossFit: Where a "Girls WOD" can break a man.
Unisex shirts-
CrossFit: When you hit the wall, KEEP GOING!!,,,, or
Total exhaustion is just the beginning.

Anonymous said...

67's done, wendy

Luis said...

61's, 62's, 63's, 64's, and 65's are done.

Anonymous said...

I can vouch for Efran - his last set was at 185# - great job Efran. Dave

Mustafa said...

Don't try to put that one off on me, Hanks! Just like when you tried to convince me I could develop more explosive calves with this little exercize.

Something just didn't seem right with that one ...


Jason Hanks said...

moose moose moose....Why do you find these videos!! OK this one was not as gay as the last one but jj seemed to like it when he got on the other dudes back. Maybe that could be a saying "Everything is Terrible". Terrible cause jj look harder then the Rubik cube.

Hey Jim look, at the link that moose put up can you out gay that?

Luis said...

Wow, if you guys keep on trying to out gay each other, eventually this site will have to have a disclaimer.

Mustafa said...

Wait a tick: we are a welcoming group of people, and I want to be careful not to create the impression that anyone is subject to a less welcome environment because of any actual, perceived or apparent lifestyle choices ... other than wearing Dolphin shorts of an unrecommended tightness, or unnecessary leg warmers and 80s Jane Fonda do's. For my part, the issue is not assumed lifestyle choices: it is apparent style choices in given contexts and the irony it evokes.

We're all just joshin' (Josh? how'd he get into this conversation?), but I want to be careful to stay on the kind side of the street.

So ... back to slogans. Here's one: "Fit or fat: the bowel makes them different."

Jason Hanks said...

Yeah just joshing (funny how he always comes up in gay talk) everybody is allowed here it don't matter how gay there facial hair is or how they workout.

Sayings, "Crossfit Will F@#% you up"
F@#% The Weak, Screw the Lazy"
"My WOD Hurts More Than your WOD"

Anonymous said...


I'll refrain from the gaiety chat. Wait, that's another blog.


Anonymous said...



Andy said...

68 done...

Crossfit "Don't ask, Don't tell"

People don't understand anyway.

MikeV said...

Happy fathers day to all of the dads out there!!!

Carmen said...

Happy Father's Day, Daddy-O!!

Man, I've got some 5050 action to make up after I finish this tasty english cheddar with caramelized onion. At least I'm caught up with the Cheese Club! :-)

Chrisley :] said...

um... dang, We lost count so Chris 75 & Harry 100 (oops)

Luis said...

66's are done.