For time:
Run 800 m
10 ring dips (or negatives or regular dips)
Run 400 m
20 ring dips
Run 200 m
30 ring dips
5050- 72-72-72
Great energy at Cherry last night, guys- and I heard there was great energy at Tustin too! Isn't working out so much better when you've got people there to cheer you on?
Just want to give Lily a shout-out-- she's doing kipping pullups regularly now, which is awesome. Also, Jason Hanks' thrusters looked flawless yesterday. Great work guys!
Hey Kim! Its running and ring dips, two of your favorites! What a minute, not its not?
I had the pleasure of coaching at Tustin last night and it was AWESOME! Just wanted to let everyone know that although a lot of their group may be new, they're going to catch up quickly. :)
I love and hate "Fran"-hate the workout, but always love love love the enthusiasm that comes about when we do that one.
Just wanted to say you guys are great. All of you. :)
Enough with the sappiness-get workin', people!!! ;)
Aw man, I would love this WOD, I like the running ones... However, I cant do this one today (got work, Krav & I am not premitted to go to 7 o'clock Thursday classes yet...
soon though
Matt 11:17 rxd
Kyle 11:20 rxd
Marissa 13:27
Steve 11:27
Sarah 10:28
Lizen 16:15
Pat 16:32
Carlos 10:26
Mary Lou 18:57
Great work on those ring dips!
storm 9:06 rxd
steven e 10:28
Paul d 11:45
Paul t 15:40
mike 16:00
Jared 13:35 rxd
eamon 21:10
Good work tonight!!
Luis 10:35 25lb vest
Kevin 10:39 bar dips
John 11:15 negatives
AnneMarie 11:35 negatives
Jeff 17:38 negatives on bar
Julie 13:08
Advanced class
"Nasty Girls"
Matt 10:38
Jim 11:05
Aaron 9:49
Ken 12:24
Sarah 7:34
Deeanna 8:01
I couldn't make it in today, Luis! But, believe it or not, I'm liking running on flat ground more and more (especially after the damn uphill sand running I did today - yuck!). And I'm gonna work on those ring dips tomorrow! They will not beat me!!
word verification: "butdoc"
sorry, couldn't let that one pass up... i have nothing else to say...
72s done.
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