Wednesday, June 24, 2009

June 25, 2009

For time:
Run 800 m
10 ring dips (or negatives or regular dips)
Run 400 m
20 ring dips
Run 200 m
30 ring dips
5050- 72-72-72
Great energy at Cherry last night, guys- and I heard there was great energy at Tustin too! Isn't working out so much better when you've got people there to cheer you on?
Just want to give Lily a shout-out-- she's doing kipping pullups regularly now, which is awesome. Also, Jason Hanks' thrusters looked flawless yesterday. Great work guys!


Luis said...

Hey Kim! Its running and ring dips, two of your favorites! What a minute, not its not?

Julie C. said...

I had the pleasure of coaching at Tustin last night and it was AWESOME! Just wanted to let everyone know that although a lot of their group may be new, they're going to catch up quickly. :)

I love and hate "Fran"-hate the workout, but always love love love the enthusiasm that comes about when we do that one.

Just wanted to say you guys are great. All of you. :)

Enough with the sappiness-get workin', people!!! ;)

COOP said...

Aw man, I would love this WOD, I like the running ones... However, I cant do this one today (got work, Krav & I am not premitted to go to 7 o'clock Thursday classes yet...

soon though

Steven said...

Matt 11:17 rxd
Kyle 11:20 rxd
Marissa 13:27
Steve 11:27
Sarah 10:28
Lizen 16:15
Pat 16:32
Carlos 10:26
Mary Lou 18:57

Great work on those ring dips!

Andy said...


Steven said...



storm 9:06 rxd
steven e 10:28
Paul d 11:45
Paul t 15:40
mike 16:00
Jared 13:35 rxd
eamon 21:10

MikeV said...

Good work tonight!!

Luis 10:35 25lb vest
Kevin 10:39 bar dips
John 11:15 negatives
AnneMarie 11:35 negatives
Jeff 17:38 negatives on bar
Julie 13:08

Advanced class
"Nasty Girls"
Matt 10:38
Jim 11:05
Aaron 9:49
Ken 12:24
Sarah 7:34
Deeanna 8:01

Kim Ball said...

I couldn't make it in today, Luis! But, believe it or not, I'm liking running on flat ground more and more (especially after the damn uphill sand running I did today - yuck!). And I'm gonna work on those ring dips tomorrow! They will not beat me!!

thisoneguy said...

word verification: "butdoc"

sorry, couldn't let that one pass up... i have nothing else to say...


Anonymous said...



Jeff said...

72s done.