Sunday, May 31, 2009

June 1, 2009

"Mixed Bag"
Three rounds for time of:
21 Knees to elbows
1 1/2 pood Kettlebell swing, 21 reps-- Tustin substitute med ball cleans- but good news- Kettlebells are on the way!
21 Push-ups
21 Box jumps
21 Back extensions or Supermans
Walking lunges, 150 ft (at Cherry or Tustin that's one and one-half times around the building-- so start from the back garage door, lunge around the building until you get to the front door, turn around & lunge back to back garage door, then lunge back to front door; Tustin, I would say lunge to the pay phone and back from the back door)
5050: 48-48-48
You never know what life's gonna throw at ya- so this is a little bit of everything.
And I know, today's WOD has nothing to do with running, but I thought this was so funny I had to share. Matt, is this the group you run with in PV?
Guys- this week at Cherry we start 2 different classes-- Crossfit Beginner at 5 pm on Wednesdays and Advanced at 7 pm on Thursdays. The Beginner class is a scaled wod and there will be much more emphasis on technique and form in the lifts. More experienced students may attend; but you can't do your own thing, and you must know that you'll be working scaled and primarily on form. The Advanced class is invitation only-- the Matrix program is a prerequisite, but even that is no guarantee. Do NOT just show up without asking an instructor first. There will be much less supervision on form (unless we're doing Oly Lifts), and it will also be a time for the Affiliate Cup team and Ms. Kim to train on scary Games stuff :)
We had a great time with Crossfit HB, Culver City, Valley Crossfit, Crossfit North Hollywood, and everyone else who showed up on Saturday. If you weren't there, you missed a great team WOD, and an amazing workout put on by the Socal Qualifier Girls. By the way- Sarah also threw down because we were a Girl short- and she did a great job til her shoulder started objecting!


Anonymous said...



Jesse said...

Awesome effort today guys.

Efren 21:34 rxd
Aaron 21:11 rxd

thisoneguy said...

wait, did I neglect to mention that small detail before? Yeah, I had to work late the day they filmed that one, but Super Natural trail running is where it's at... remember people, Tuesday nights at Trump National golf course in PV...

(Of course, if we were truly super natural, we wouldn't be wearing any shoes at all)


Efren said...

48 done for Efren, Adri will have to catch up she's a bit under the weather today.

Andy said...

47 and 48 done

Jesse said...

Well done.

Larry 19:58 20kg
Tyler 21:55 1rnd 50# 2rnds rxd
Sho 19:24 18#
Andrea 26:53 26#
Lisa 22:50 8kg
Jim 16:41 45#
Pat 23:08 18#
Angela 20:27 16kg
Sara 24:37 18#
Margo 23:37 25#
Jason M 28:19 50#
Carlos 26:55 18#
Erik 20:44 rxd
Linda 26:03 4kg
Angie 19:23 20#
Magda 24:07 18#

Angie said...

46 and 47 done

Anonymous said...

47's wendy

Carmen said...


MikeV said...

Good work intro class!!!
Baseline wod
Andrew 5:40/6:55
Rick 7:56/7:36
Sharon 9:10/8:46

Jesse said...

Great work tonight!
Carmen 26:07 18#
Tom 24:26 20kg
Jeff 38:01 26#
Joel 36:03 18#
Cesar 23:48 26#
Mike V 24:31 rxd

Jae 37:15 26#
Luis 18:29 16kg
Jay 19:53 20kg
Lily 27:53 18#
Jahn 32:32 26#
Bill 30:28 16kg
Jaclyn 25:46 18#
David 29:11 26#
Ken 19:12 16kg
Chrisley 34:04 18#
Harry 25:52 26#
Moose 23:24 50#
Guy 23:58 20kg

Mustafa said...

48. Word verif.: elfic. As in, you gotta put out more than just an elfic effort -- you gotta go gigantic.

Anonymous said...



Steven said...

Great Job tonight everyone!


Alec 20:11
Garth 34:35
Jared 25:13
Danny 24:01
Joey 22:13
Kyle 22:12
Carl 30:43
Sir 37:57
KC 32:18
Paul T 25:58
Chris 32:21


Paul D 36:54
Jose 30:57
Steven 40:44
RJ 30:55
Laura Lee 31:08 2rounds

thisoneguy said...

did WOD at home, subbed double-unders for box jumps (I like to torture myself that way)...

no time, as I pushed the wrong button on my timer... smooth.


Alec said...

Good to have internet back. 48 and below done